@ellsworth004 Risk of Rain 2 is good! really good. i thought making it 3D environment would be weird but ita so much fun and challenging, but a good challenge.
get a few friends together and you will get lost in it.
last point, the game is easy to pick uo and out down since its all about making your character as legendary as possible, it keeps that format from the first game.
"It’s talked about how its SSD will enhance game design; it’s talked up its 3D audio processor. But it hasn’t shown sh*t, and we’re still clueless about what next-gen will look like. Why should we be excited for these new consoles? The wait is getting tiresome now, but still it rumbles on."
Pretty spot on with the review. i hope they add a party system to play with friends online. shareplay does the trick but is also limited to 2 players maximum.
Delays are great because a logical gamer knows what they mean so I agree 100% with the article. GTA 5 was rushed, driveclub was rushed, black ops II was rushed titles, heck in minecraft was rushed.
Games I listed had major bugs at launch, game crash worth bugs. I would have gladly waited a few months for polished games at launch.
Tbh they've been doing good lately. for the 1st time in a while I have very little complaints from sony (because e-801.... error) that i fixed myself.
I'm happy w/ the PS+ games finally and hope they drop some big bombs in decembers and hope they start giving more than just games. avatars, themes, etc.
I'm currently playing this on my Sony 4K TV and the difference is not much. 2nd not complaining since it's a free update but just thought I would put it out there this Pro update doesn't come close to a game like Horizon.
@get2sammyb tbh there are a handful of features that were actual big features like the suspend mode and game streaming.
So i acknowledge they are improving things but the big number updates should all be big features and that hasn't been the case. as fast as what those updates should be, I can't say but the playstation community has been very vocal about what they want and what doesn't work well.
also how about an article about this thing going on "E-801809A8" lot's of users cannot update to 5.0 (myself included) I cannot play online or any of my games -_-
even with those features this should have been a 4.8. Sony really needs a reality check. so many of the features they've been releasing would be small updates on any other platform (android, iOS, windows, etc.)
I really wanted to play it actually but gives me more reason to try PC gaming. and fortnite will be almost as good as PUBG with a few updates and that should be fine.
@Lumine the same reason they made this weak update a 5.0 update.
random... anyone else get that annoying error code and unable to update the their ps4. I cant play online with my OG ps4 cuz it won't install the update.
@Ralizah exactly what i thought, but no mad though. They did amazing with this, and considering all the kids are playing online games it'll be hard to financially support this game for long.
@get2sammyb It does, they have owned and touted that crown no doubt. But does that legally entitle them to bar others of usage? would be interesting to find out.
A lot of people here bashing PUBG, but the key thing is this
"we have also noticed that Epic Games references PUBG in the promotion of Fortnite to their community and in communications with the press"
this is the entirety of the issue. OBVIOUSLY you can't stop a game mode but absolutely no reason for them to be name dropping PUBG in a press release about their new game mode.
Glad to see they're pacing themselves with this. see lot's of comments about them rushing but patience is a lost art with developers.
considering rockstar, legend of zelda, horzion zero dawn, and The Last of Us 1. The formula seems simple, games that bake in the oven long enough leave the best after taste
Also, how have they not addressed the extensive system menu lag while playing certain titles? did n't they dedicated a number of CPU cores to the UI? WTH..... rant done
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Lol! seriously. I have a PS4 Pro and when playing certain games, COD & Horizon Zero Dawn it's near impoosible to navigate through home screen while the game is loaded.
Who ever made the CPU selection should be fired. it's mind numbing how slow the system can get..
Comments 661
Re: Apex Legends Goes Beyond Battle Royale in New Arena Mode
Apex had so much potential. i think they just took too long out the gate to make meaningful/fun updates.
Once the streamers they paid to play stopped the hype dropped like a bowling ball out the sky.
and this update isn't much different from rogue company tbh, looks like theyre just borrowing from that game
Re: PS5's April Firmware Update to Feature Many Unlisted Tweaks and Improvements
Hope the fix how bad the dualsense controller mic is. everyone i know with a PS5 sounds tinny and breaks up
Re: Why GTA 5 on PS5 Will Be More Than Just a 'Simple Port'
Good because the PS4 port was piece of hot garbage! was obvious that they didn't put much work into it and were just trying to get it working.
They better do good with this..
Re: Play Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies Mode for Free This Week
@pukana exactly, anyone know why???
Re: Play Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies Mode for Free This Week
anyone know why I can't see the PS5 version of the zombies free access?? it's only showing the ps4 version...
Re: Marvel's Avengers Gets Free PS5 Upgrade, Offers 60FPS Dynamic 4K Mode
"...targets 60 frame-per-second action at a dynamic 4K resolution."
Sounds like it can't run at 4k :/ let's hope we don't start seeing this upscaled stuff again....
Re: PS5 Backwards Compatibility Testing Still Underway for 'Over 4000' PS4 Games
@OscarHTX I don't think they're guaranteeing backwards compatibilty at launch.
To be completely honest, it sound like it'll be flaky like the software Emulated PS3's were. won't be holding my breath
Re: Australia Fines PlayStation $3.5 Million for Refusing Refunds on Digital Purchases
@gollumb82 I like the 2 week option. Game developers just need to release stable games! there's no black and white.
and if they don't as a consumer we need to be able to obtain a refund.
Re: Devs Still Raving Over PS5, Some Say It Has 'Better Architecture Than Any Console in History'
@Mega-Gazz Now what does that mean exactly for gamers?
Re: PS5 Fans Are Panicking Over Backwards Compatibility
@johnny30 This, sony is trying so hard to push PSnow so this lack of backwards compatibility makes sense from a business standpoint.
Either way if they need to come out and say if they support it or not. I do accept some titles/majority of titles. They need to compete with sony.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 324
@ellsworth004 Risk of Rain 2 is good! really good. i thought making it 3D environment would be weird but ita so much fun and challenging, but a good challenge.
get a few friends together and you will get lost in it.
last point, the game is easy to pick uo and out down since its all about making your character as legendary as possible, it keeps that format from the first game.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 324
Risk of Rain 2 and picking the huntress!
Re: Reaction: Sony Needs to Show Us a True, Next-Gen PS5 Exclusive After Lukewarm Inside Xbox
this hit hard, my exact thoughts!
"It’s talked about how its SSD will enhance game design; it’s talked up its 3D audio processor. But it hasn’t shown sh*t, and we’re still clueless about what next-gen will look like. Why should we be excited for these new consoles? The wait is getting tiresome now, but still it rumbles on."
Re: PS4 Firmware Update 6.00 Released, Available to Download Now
how about release an actual big feature, 1080p60fps recording maybe? or usable UI during gameplay?
Re: PS4 Firmware 5.50 Incoming as Sony Opens Beta Test Sign-Ups
@Johnnycide yup lol and sometimes even getting into the ps4 menu had a super long delay also. I hope performance improves one day
Re: Review: Gang Beasts (PS4)
Pretty spot on with the review. i hope they add a party system to play with friends online. shareplay does the trick but is also limited to 2 players maximum.
Re: Soapbox: Video Game Delays Are Important
Delays are great because a logical gamer knows what they mean so I agree 100% with the article. GTA 5 was rushed, driveclub was rushed, black ops II was rushed titles, heck in minecraft was rushed.
Games I listed had major bugs at launch, game crash worth bugs. I would have gladly waited a few months for polished games at launch.
Re: PS4 Officially Drops to $199 for Black Friday Week
@get2sammyb seriously & I'm ready to spend!
anyone looking for COD, rumor has it it'll be $40 on sale.
Re: Talking Point: What Free November 2017 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
Tbh they've been doing good lately. for the 1st time in a while I have very little complaints from sony (because e-801.... error) that i fixed myself.
I'm happy w/ the PS+ games finally and hope they drop some big bombs in decembers and hope they start giving more than just games. avatars, themes, etc.
Re: Feature: The Best PS2 Classics That Must Come to PS4
backwards compatibilty. I own a ton of ps2 games and shouldn't have to pay twice for a game.
to be clear i don't need a remaster.
Re: Feast Your Eyes on the Frozen Wilds in Horizon: Zero Dawn's DLC
@NintendoFan4Lyf it is confirmed, it continues.
Re: Gran Turismo Sport's Attract Mode Is a Thing of Beauty
can't wait to try it on my Pro and see how the 4K at 60 holds up!
Re: Gran Turismo Sport's Demo Will Break Your Bandwidth Cap
@ShogunRok yup, confirming the same. it's a time trial not demo so much better
Re: The Witcher 3 PS4 Pro Patch Provides Resolution Boost, but Hurts Framerate in Places
I'm currently playing this on my Sony 4K TV and the difference is not much. 2nd not complaining since it's a free update but just thought I would put it out there this Pro update doesn't come close to a game like Horizon.
Re: Feature: 5 PS4 Firmware Update 5.00 Features You May Not Have Noticed
@get2sammyb tbh there are a handful of features that were actual big features like the suspend mode and game streaming.
So i acknowledge they are improving things but the big number updates should all be big features and that hasn't been the case. as fast as what those updates should be, I can't say but the playstation community has been very vocal about what they want and what doesn't work well.
Re: Feature: 5 PS4 Firmware Update 5.00 Features You May Not Have Noticed
also how about an article about this thing going on "E-801809A8" lot's of users cannot update to 5.0 (myself included) I cannot play online or any of my games -_-
Re: Feature: 5 PS4 Firmware Update 5.00 Features You May Not Have Noticed
even with those features this should have been a 4.8. Sony really needs a reality check. so many of the features they've been releasing would be small updates on any other platform (android, iOS, windows, etc.)
Re: The Witcher 3 PS4 Pro Patch Promises 4K Support and Better Performance, Out Now
@magiphone that's mostly a preference tbh. lot's of people a argue 60 fps online but the truth is not everyone likes it.
I know some who think 60fps looks unnatural.
Re: The Witcher 3 PS4 Pro Patch Promises 4K Support and Better Performance, Out Now
"Now we wait for the inevitable Digital Foundry investigation..."
Yup lol they do such a amazing job of it.
Re: No, PSN Isn't Down, You May Need to Accept Terms and Conditions Manually
@KingPen17 You have to go to PlayStation.com and you will be prompted to agree to new terms -_-
Was how I had to accept it. i did it on a PC fyi
Re: No, PSN Isn't Down, You May Need to Accept Terms and Conditions Manually
@agapetorch The heads up should have come from Sony though :/ why are they some irresponsible and reckless when it comes to communication?
Re: Microsoft Is Trying to Keep PUBG Off PS4 for Longer
I really wanted to play it actually but gives me more reason to try PC gaming. and fortnite will be almost as good as PUBG with a few updates and that should be fine.
Re: PlayStation's Mobile Apps Updated Alongside PS4 Firmware Update 5.00
@Lumine the same reason they made this weak update a 5.0 update.
random... anyone else get that annoying error code and unable to update the their ps4. I cant play online with my OG ps4 cuz it won't install the update.
Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Seems to Be Getting a Game of the Year Edition
@Ralizah exactly what i thought, but no mad though. They did amazing with this, and considering all the kids are playing online games it'll be hard to financially support this game for long.
Re: Guide: How Do You Play Fortnite: Battle Royale on PS4?
@teknium_ "once you’re done downloading, you’ll be free to play Fortnite: Battle Royale."
Gotta read finish those articles lol
Re: Guide: How Do You Play Fortnite: Battle Royale on PS4?
@zimbogamer same here, PC is relevant as of 2014 and not paying for early access aka beta game.
So thank you fortnite.
Re: PUBG Dev Isn't Too Happy About Fortnite's Battle Royale Mode
@get2sammyb It does, they have owned and touted that crown no doubt. But does that legally entitle them to bar others of usage? would be interesting to find out.
Re: PUBG Dev Isn't Too Happy About Fortnite's Battle Royale Mode
A lot of people here bashing PUBG, but the key thing is this
"we have also noticed that Epic Games references PUBG in the promotion of Fortnite to their community and in communications with the press"
this is the entirety of the issue. OBVIOUSLY you can't stop a game mode but absolutely no reason for them to be name dropping PUBG in a press release about their new game mode.
Re: A Wild PS4 Firmware Update 4.74 Appears
They need to address the UI lag during gameplay!! the menus are useable while play most games.
Re: Hands On: Suiting Up in the Gundam Versus PS4 Beta
oh no i forgot about it
Re: September PlayStation Plus Games Announced
@ShogunRok shots fired..
Re: Rumour: September's PlayStation Plus Lineup May Be Amazing Again
@VotesForCows seriously, I loved the demo and have been thinking about getting the game alot!
Re: Naughty Dog Is Hiring, Like, Everyone for The Last of Us: Part II
Glad to see they're pacing themselves with this. see lot's of comments about them rushing but patience is a lost art with developers.
considering rockstar, legend of zelda, horzion zero dawn, and The Last of Us 1. The formula seems simple, games that bake in the oven long enough leave the best after taste
Re: PS4 Firmware Update 5.00 Full List of Features Revealed
Also, how have they not addressed the extensive system menu lag while playing certain titles? did n't they dedicated a number of CPU cores to the UI? WTH..... rant done
Re: PS4 Firmware Update 5.00 Full List of Features Revealed
@BAMozzy seriously agree... tbh they have been skimping so hard on these updates.
Re: Review: Cities: Skylines - PlayStation 4 Edition (PS4)
@Anchorsam_9 is this game about building city's? so you just plop buildings and structures down?
Re: For Honor Offers Up a Free Trial on PS4 This Weekend
I you don't like hand to sword combat you won't enjoy this.
also there are no dedicated servers so be ready for net issues
Re: Soapbox: Sony Will Bring a Tsunami of PS4 Software to E3 2017
@Flaming_Kaiser relax with the pettyness troll... saw release date on a few sites... that is all. so that's what I shared.
Re: PSN Name Changing, PSone Classics, Wishlists? We Don't Buy These PS4 Firmware 5.0 Rumours
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Lol! seriously. I have a PS4 Pro and when playing certain games, COD & Horizon Zero Dawn it's near impoosible to navigate through home screen while the game is loaded.
Who ever made the CPU selection should be fired. it's mind numbing how slow the system can get..
Re: PSN Name Changing, PSone Classics, Wishlists? We Don't Buy These PS4 Firmware 5.0 Rumours
@kyleforrester87 That can be said with so many other features they just don't have and it would all be valid.