

Lover of video games, tech & my GF!

Comments 661

Re: Apex Legends Goes Beyond Battle Royale in New Arena Mode


Apex had so much potential. i think they just took too long out the gate to make meaningful/fun updates.

Once the streamers they paid to play stopped the hype dropped like a bowling ball out the sky.

and this update isn't much different from rogue company tbh, looks like theyre just borrowing from that game

Re: PS5 Fans Are Panicking Over Backwards Compatibility


@johnny30 This, sony is trying so hard to push PSnow so this lack of backwards compatibility makes sense from a business standpoint.

Either way if they need to come out and say if they support it or not. I do accept some titles/majority of titles. They need to compete with sony.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 324


@ellsworth004 Risk of Rain 2 is good! really good. i thought making it 3D environment would be weird but ita so much fun and challenging, but a good challenge.

get a few friends together and you will get lost in it.

last point, the game is easy to pick uo and out down since its all about making your character as legendary as possible, it keeps that format from the first game.

Re: Soapbox: Video Game Delays Are Important


Delays are great because a logical gamer knows what they mean so I agree 100% with the article. GTA 5 was rushed, driveclub was rushed, black ops II was rushed titles, heck in minecraft was rushed.

Games I listed had major bugs at launch, game crash worth bugs. I would have gladly waited a few months for polished games at launch.

Re: Feature: 5 PS4 Firmware Update 5.00 Features You May Not Have Noticed


@get2sammyb tbh there are a handful of features that were actual big features like the suspend mode and game streaming.

So i acknowledge they are improving things but the big number updates should all be big features and that hasn't been the case. as fast as what those updates should be, I can't say but the playstation community has been very vocal about what they want and what doesn't work well.

Re: PUBG Dev Isn't Too Happy About Fortnite's Battle Royale Mode


A lot of people here bashing PUBG, but the key thing is this

"we have also noticed that Epic Games references PUBG in the promotion of Fortnite to their community and in communications with the press"

this is the entirety of the issue. OBVIOUSLY you can't stop a game mode but absolutely no reason for them to be name dropping PUBG in a press release about their new game mode.