Comments 308

Re: PS5, PS4 Expansion Dawntrail Takes Final Fantasy 14 on Vacation Next Year


It won't be gamepass. FFXIV is reliant on getting more subscriptions. Plus there's a free trial which with 2 expansions you can easily get 100 hours alone out of that. I played the game for a year gone through all expansions.

I don't see them topping Heavensward or Shadowbringers for me.

Reason it's happening since there's cross-platform now and MS got rid of Xbox putting free to play games behind a pay wall. Spencer getting the checkbook out.

Re: Final Fantasy 14's Free PS5, PS4 Trial Expands to Include Stormblood


@Porco Nintendo usually goes with a publisher that's close to their DNA. There's lots of laws blocking foreign publishers such as threats like Tencent. Regards with Square and Sony despite what people thought. They always had a mixed relationship Sony put shares to help Square afloat. Then Square backstabbed them. Console Business is very cutthroat.Even more so now.

Yeah with things going the way they're going if it gets way worse I'll go back to retro consoles. Especially with that ESRB ***** with face recognition.

Re: Final Fantasy 14's Free PS5, PS4 Trial Expands to Include Stormblood


@Porco Yeah Sony had the upper game in the last 2 gens on that with JP publisher's. Other than early 360 years. Now as more games get big more likely MS will swallow them then the small fry with it.

Sony made the right move going into the Chinese market quick and looking into other markets.

The thing is Sony made small things big then MS will swallow it up. Yakuza for example they helped made it possible for it to come back to Western markets after 1 &2 then after all that it comes to Xbox long term. Well as From Software and Atlus.

Which Sony made a mistake not grabbing them earlier Atlus or From Software at the time.

Most JP developers won't sell to MS and tough rules too when it comes to foreign companies.

Sony didn't expect the market conditions the way they have become.
I can't blame Sony for not wanting do much on dev support besides Square and Capcom as well as going into GAAS with MS big buying spree.

Sony can't be complacent though. The thing with Sony it has an identity crisis it's more western company than japanese company.

Even more so with them moving their gaming HQ to California. Team Asobo director he's French.

They got Cygames ,NIS and Falcom left that haven't gone Xbox yet. So it's a matter of time.

The situation here shows its MS cash and Dev support that made the release possible. If Xbox players don't support it Square won't bother with a Xbox release.

Re: Final Fantasy 14's Free PS5, PS4 Trial Expands to Include Stormblood


@Porco In an interview a couple of months back Yoshi P talked about bringing FFXIV to more platforms.

So I expected an Xbox release to happen. Yeah Sony can't get complacent with having an edge having more JP games on PS systems than Xbox.

Sony should get Mihoyo or Cygames would be a good place to invest. Cygames wants to go into console games and had lots of success on mobile with Granblue.

Mihoyo has made more money with Star Rail this year than Sony has alone.

Re: Final Fantasy 14's Free PS5, PS4 Trial Expands to Include Stormblood


I played the game for about a year been off for 2 months need to collect my gear from my apartment that due to be smashed well as spending Moogle tombstones from the last lot.

More interested on what's going to come for the 6.5 patch than the expansion at the moment.

Well it's got lots of content for those who haven't had the chance to play it enjoy it.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Trails into Reverie?


Yeah, the amount of content is really good. Especially for JRPGs these days. I put 70-80 hours into my save in the Japanese version. Finally play as most of the cast. I definitely like the playable character selection a lot better than Cold Steel 4.

Cold Steel 4 felt like the Avengers of the Kiseki series for me. Which I liked the other entries more. Hajimari/ Reverie is a good entry overall and Kuro 1 is fantastic which I hope that the English release doesn't take too long for that.

Re: Square Enix Happy with Final Fantasy 16 Sales, Considers Them 'Extremely Strong'


Yeah I see Sony third parties people being in credits with FFVII Remake and FF16. Yeah they said with Sony's help with engineers they said it would take off 2 years of development time. Plus the engine development with FF13 & FF15 had lots of issues. Yup a PC version is coming. Plus from the sounds of what Naoki Yoshida said they might be doing DLC. So in the long term I think its done fine.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Final Fantasy 16 Sales Way Down, Out of the Top 10


@DennisReynolds It has a lot of elements from previous games. Some things gameplay wise like elements work similar with FFXIV.

The lore is like FFT,FFXII and FFXIV. The only thing that separates it a lot from is the lack of minigames,controlled party, proper Superbosses,different battle system. Tales of Arise had similar problems but the story in FFXVI was good.

Despite of that I still liked it more than FF13 & FF15.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Final Fantasy 16 Sales Way Down, Out of the Top 10


@ErrantRob Exactly this the side quests may be dull at the start but the payoff from them is great it serves a great purpose of understanding the people and the world of Valisthea.

Despite the gameplay being different and only one main playable character everything about it is FF, I think. The setting is closer to the likes of FFT, FF12 and FF14 to me. The mainstream would compare it to Game of Thrones.

Re: FTC Fails to Delay Microsoft's $69 Billion Buyout of Activision Blizzard


@UltimateOtaku91 Despite Sony exclusives costs being high they do pay off. AAA+ games all have this problem. Yup I agree with you on Nintendo. I do appreciate with Sony managing to diversify with their projects each generation but I think it's changing. God knows how much Horizon games.

Especially Sony becoming far more western orientated than JP. Yeah I think
Sony should buy Mihoyo and Square. To increase their small title output.Mihoyo this year has made more money than Sony alone.

I think a Jak 2 remake would be great. Crash & Spyro hasn't been what it has been for years other than bringing back the originals as remasters. Naughty Dog and Insomniac made it what it is. It's a franchise in name only now.

Other than Level 5 doing Yokai Watch and Inazuma Eleven. Decapolice looks very promising has the character of their PS2 games. I think Sony should partner up with them too. I think if Sony needs to change things around they can if they can get From Software to make Bloodborne 2 or a new Souls like IP which will sell like hotcakes.

I think their exclusive output is increasing its just going to take a year or 2 especially with the console chip shortages.

Re: FTC Fails to Delay Microsoft's $69 Billion Buyout of Activision Blizzard


@UltimateOtaku91 Yeah personally I'm tired of some of the milked IPs from PS such as Horizon,Last of Us,Uncharted etc. They make the bucks so that's why. Mostly because they're ones that are sold with the bundles. However I personally prefer Nintendo games over those especially Xenoblade/Fire Emblem. The games I'm more interested in are Stellar Blade,Rise Of Ronin and Lost Soul Aside. Well as PS/PC exclusives such as Granblue and still got tons of games in my backlog to keep me going.

Re: FTC Fails to Delay Microsoft's $69 Billion Buyout of Activision Blizzard


Well MS management can't be much worse than Activision's. Giving MS history they'll run most of those IPs to the ground.
It's going to hard for the long term game for Sony. For a while they'll be fine. Despite all the whining just keep on focusing on making good games. Sony will have to up their game which they have done before and Nintendo done that before too.

Re: Reaction: What Happens to PlayStation if Microsoft Buys Activision Blizzard?


@T-Bone09 I hope they can bring back Socom/Warhawk too or do another MAG like game. Even Resistance.

Absolutely MS never cared about innovation at all. They are a souless corporation. Spend more time opening their mouths.

Personally for me I don't buy much from Activision so it doesn't worry me but I see the long term effects of the deal are troubling . Spyro ,Tony Hawk and Crash I only cared getting the remasters with the memories from PS1 but other than that meh.Silly thing the COD that makes the dollars is Warzone. I can see why Sony is going into GAAS heavily which is concerning but understandable.

MS like America hardly wins the wars. If Sony keeps the consumers trust of keep making good products then they'll be fine. It will make them try harder like in PS3. Nintendo went down they got back on their own feet with Switch. PS3 got back up on their own feet. Xbox stayed down for the past 10-12 years.

Re: SEGA Survey Suggests Persona 3 Reload to Retail for $69.99


@NomNom Yeah I wish they could of stayed independent too but yeah the circumstances it was impossible. Besides some games from Atlus I don't care much of what Sega makes. Sega has always had management issues.

Yeah besides AI series and Danganronpa creator game what does Spike Chunsoft make these days. Danganronpa 1 is a classic but didn't like the others as much.

Re: SEGA Survey Suggests Persona 3 Reload to Retail for $69.99


@NomNom I think it has too. Soul Hackers 2 I played 5-10 hours of it was ok. SMTV had not much story at all only thing was the graphics and field encounters. I'd take Nocturne over it SMTV anyday.

Things are changing with Sega trying to play the good guy image.

I remember years ago I would of dreaded if Square took control of Atlus. Sony should of got them when Index went bankrupt it might of been better off.

Sega left things alone for a while but now they're wanting to take control. I think there's lots of changes in management for both Sega and Atlus recently. Atlus greed has gotten worse I think.

Only JRPG company I know that does decent DLC is Monoliftsoft.

Re: SEGA Survey Suggests Persona 3 Reload to Retail for $69.99


@UltimateOtaku91 Yup they seem to be getting greedier, I think. They used to be my favorite devs too they helped deal with the void when Square went downhill specially near the end of the PS2 and during the PS3 era. Most of that was Yoichi Wada.

Persona delivered on lots of gametime for RPGs which lots of JPRGs didn't in the modern age. Persona 5 did the impossible at the time. But after Persona 5 Royal I got it in the bargain bin.

I used to buy everything I'd get from Atlus it's been changing but after looking back the spinoffs were nothing special. Rather than making things interesting. They used the belief that they were going to bring back the P3 MC from the dead in the Arena games but that was just a way to milk the games.

I think Trails is just as good if not way better gameplay and story wise. The fast forward options on those games are a godsend. Persona 3 Reload I'm waiting to see on what details they will reveal. I'll probably get it if it drops in price.