

That one foxy girl who makes stuff!

Comments 1,114

Re: Naughty Dog's Four Jak & Daxter Titles Are Coming to PS4


@get2sammyb I'm hoping Sony will give us a couple more PSP Remasters, seeing as how a couple of those games have already seen a remaster, ala God of War.
Also, I'm quite shocked that Combat Racing is making the cut, but not Lost Frontier. I'm right there with you on that.
Why not include all 5? :'D

Re: Video: Does Yooka-Laylee Delight on the PS4?


@TheGZeus Dude, not trying to start a war here or anything. I'm saying what he said was based on things he read. You know you can't take everything you read as fact, ESPECIALLY on the Internet. Plus, we all make mistakes and I'm sure we all have opinions that other people think are bad as well. Heck, my opinion seems to be bad to you, but it doesn't make me a bad person.
And yeah, JonTron's voice cut into jibberish would be kind of hilarious. I'm sad that I won't experience that.

Re: Video: Does Yooka-Laylee Delight on the PS4?


@TheGZeus @Shuebacca I didn't say I agreed with him, and some things he brought up were based on studies, but it just makes me sad. A single purchase isn't going to effect Playtonics very much, and of course they have the freedom to do what they want as well. It can make me sad that he was removed. It's just as simple as that.

Re: Video: Does Yooka-Laylee Delight on the PS4?


I've been so excited for so long, but when they dumped JonTron, it's making me re-evaluate how much I need this.
Just because someone has a different opinion then you, it doesn't mean you should demonize them. We should be able to all be adult enough to accept we are all different, and our opinions won't always align with one another.

Re: Review: 2Dark (PS4)


@k_andersen I understand, but something that's cheap and disappointing is a lot better then something expensive and disappointing.

Re: Review: 2Dark (PS4)


The review made it seem more middle-ground then bad, but when I just saw the price point, I instantly see where you're coming from. It's a cheap experience in a not-so-cheap package. Would it have been more palatable as a $5 experience?

Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War Meets New Nemeses in First Gameplay


I wish I didn't hate the original. It had lots of good concepts but it was an obnoxious drudge through never-ending battles (and I mean that literally) seeing as how every time you defeat a band of orcs, two more seemingly appear right on top of you. Maybe this one has more balancing with enemy spawns.

Re: Stolen PS4 Story At Least Has a Happy Ending


@starhops I never really take the media into consideration, just my own observations of humanity (sometimes I wonder if I could even call it that without sounding sarcastic.).
I know great people are out there, but they're seemingly far and few between the unpleasant-folks.

Re: Review: Knee Deep (PS4)


@get2sammyb Don't get me wrong, the top bar looks great now, and seeing categories is cool, but it's all the odd-shaped boxes all over the place that is really messing with me. A list mode would be perfect for derps like myself. Thanks for acknowledging, though!

Re: GameStop May Be Lying to You About New Games


So what you're saying is "Gamestop carries on as usual".

My local one is pretty good to me because it's a small location, but I've been to some nasty locations that'll lie through their teeth if it means they can sell you $500 in games you didn't really want in the first place.

Re: Review: Knee Deep (PS4)


@es_lion @get2sammyb The Cluster-Format strikes again!

I'd love an option to toggle the older style back on, or at least list them in lines like before. Made navigation (for me, anyways) a lot easier. I'M TOO ADHD FOR ALL THESE BIG BOXES ALL OVER THE PLACE! @_@

Re: Review: Tales of Berseria (PS4)


@get2sammyb Huh, I guess I hadn't noticed. I mean, I knew Resident Evil 7 was going to be good (I would like it, anyways) and Tales games are always pretty good, but you're right there's just a sublime number of good games. Doesn't help that I lost my job, otherwise I'd probably have bought plenty of them.

Re: Street Fighter Surprises Planned for 30th Anniversary at E3, Comic-Con



No. I am sorry, but absolutely not! You can get the EXACT SAME GAME minus palette swap characters for $9.99 ANY DAY OF THE WEEK, or $1.99 on Playstation Network right now.

You guys have got to be joking, I would never expect it to go above $20, let alone double that price.

Man, I sure love how everyone releasing games on the Switch want it to fail miserably with those god-forsaken prices.

Re: Soapbox: Street Fighter V Is the Best Worst PS4 Game of 2016


That pretty much sums up my thoughts on the game too. I do like they're expanding the roster, and have attempted to flesh out single player content, but something as simple (and enjoyable) as a ladder... You would think it'd be incredibly easy to program and it'd shut most of us whiners up! XD