Comments 22

Re: Rumour: PS6 Could Span a Console and Handheld Device


They should’ve been exploring this since PS4Pro. One of the many problems, is that the gaming majority don’t all want to play games on high-end systems. Especially console gamers.

Sony/MS should have a hybrid system as the alternative to the main console, not a digital-only one. If games are going to be scaling between PS5/PS5Pro specs anyway…then just have them scale down to a system that’s affordable.

Tons of gamers don’t care about HDR, surround sound, high resolution, or a high rate of frames per second. Turns out they just want to play the game. So make a system for them that’s normal, not one that has to be digital-only.

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


Get ready to play The Last of Us: Re-Re-Re-Mastered HHD-3D on PS6!!

They’re trying to sell a very expensive Pro model of their current system that has no new PC-level games…not a good look to have chip deals go public on their next console.

The PS5Pro is Sony selling to the market they helped establish, the scalper’s market, so they can make money, call it a success, and maybe buy more developers.

Re: Sony Execs Seem to Think the Company Doesn't Have Enough Original IP


It’s true folks, they don’t have enough IP to move across media like we’re seeing other companies do.

Most original PlayStation mascots, are from other devs. When it came time to foster what they did have, Sony kept cutting those IPs off short. Jak, Daxter, SackBoy…anything seen as original IP power was replaced by some white dude character or grimdark universe.

We’ve come full circle, now the original looking stuff is cool again, so AstroBot is the hot toy.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


I think now more than ever, is when they should re-enter the portable space and rebuild some trust with both their fanbase and developers.

Make a stand-alone portable, hire devs to make smaller games that don’t rely on PS5 or whatever the newest terafloppy thing is that also eats up resources and therefore raises costs.

Re: French Turn-Based RPG Expedition 33 Announced for PS5 in Promising Debut Trailer


This show was awesome. Got me amped for gaming first and foremost. Wouldn’t matter if every game was multi-platform, the show was exciting in what was being shown out of devs.

Several different genres with fun experimental gamestyles, storylines, or both. It wasnt all China-based devs obviously cribbing the same Unreal5 assets.

This game kiiinda looks like what I’ve wanted out of SquareEnix for a long while now. Super amped a turn-based RPG is taking a shot, we should be celebrating this.

Re: Poll: Was Summer Game Fest 2024 Great or a Letdown?


Besides indies and ports, it just seemed like they threw money at every Chinese dev to copy other games…

Nothing is wrong with tempering expectations, but that doesn’t mean you should expect nothing. It wasn’t festive and didn’t amp me up to celebrate games.

It’s wild how G4 just sent some random intern to a gaming convention and it was more worthwhile than this.

Re: Summer Game Fest Will Focus on Existing Games, Not Massive Announcements


Then there’s nothing even to be hyped about…it’s just a commercial for known games, across 4-5 platforms.

The BigTwo really divided up this industry and made every dev work on re-customized souls-likes and live service games.

E3 turned into a gamer’s met gala, which was a dumb decadent idea that got that whole thing killed. Gaming needs a trade show guys. Horror masks, toys, rollercoasters, film productions…they all have trade shows. We NEED one badly, so that these idiots could understand what gamers want from their systems.

Until then, we’ll have these tone-deaf award shows, gacha F2P games, souls-likes that all look the same, and consoles with nothing good to play on them.

Re: PS5 Is Sony's Most Profitable Console Generation to Date


@themightyant This. They’re burning all the coal to keep that small profit. Hell, they had to throw a few developers off the train too.

Personally, seeing MTs/subs make a lot of those gains is concerning, especially when they say their software isn’t selling…but the other article is talking about boosting accessories to non-PS owners.

Super curious to see what this State of Play shows us. Gonna guess there’ll be a few live-service pitches after this news. Buy that new skin!

Re: Mad Max Dev Fires Back Following Furioso Director George Miller's Kojima Comments


@PuppetMaster Snatcher went overbudget and never got a sequel/true ending…instead of pushing to finish it, he made Policenauts. Which in turn was super weird because of the options provided in that game, options which had to be patched out of the other versions (ie, spend more money). Like the option to jiggle the breasts of any female character in-game…

Not good examples lol

Re: Random: Hideo Kojima Finds His Ideal Live-Action Solid Snake


It doesn’t take much to resemble Snake, Burke has been acting for a while now, I could tell he’d be a fun Solid Snake since Musketeers.

Personally, I’d prefer an actor who’s not entering their later years and does most of their own stunts. But he’d be a great Old Snake.

Any movie that’s backed by Kojima, likely won’t be greenlit. This is a dude who went overbudget on an LA mo-cap studio and it had to be sold off within the year since he used it for nothing.

An MGS movie would be over budget, too long, and have loads of Monster energy drink cans littered everywhere. Oh and Keighley would have a role with a few lines for some reason.

Re: Rejoice! Vanillaware Is Recruiting for a New Fantasy RPG


Cool that they’re still kicking around new games. For me, Muramasa was their best one, then it felt like every game after relied on simplified mechanics.

The art style in-game seems to have changed more into paper cut-outs after Dragon’s Crown, but maybe that’s just me.

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


I haven’t found a reason to upgrade. The PC-like graphics boost don’t make the games better, because they’re all being developed kind of shoddy anyway. God of War Ragnarok and Spiderman are the best things that’s happened in that ecosystem for me, don’t care or want GaaS and everyone is riding that coat tail.

It’s only now, 5 years in, that I would kind of want one for the next AC. But why spend $570 for one game when I could do hundreds of other things with that amount of money.

The big two need to right the ship, which is why we’ve been hearing of closures and abandoned development. Gaming shouldn’t have to go big on every production, because right now “going big” means GaaS and souls-likes, which in-turn makes the whole look kinda well…not worth $570.