Comments 416

Re: Poll: Are You in Tune with the PlayStation TV?


the PS4 stream seems decent, but thats about it, playing Vita games ? meh... im not that interested

Chromecase cost about a third of its price... and does SO MUCH MORE (im loving it), and i wont be surprise if developers actually port the Z3 PS4-stream app, they already did for every android device...

It feels like a device that could be awesome, but it lacks a lot of things.

Re: Despite PS4's Success, Sony Expects to Lose a Lot of Money Again


@BigDaddyT0101 The problem is not only that, but i REALLY doubt the difference is worth $800 dollars

i know about a thing or 2 about technology, and i would not pay it, i rather save those $800 dollars and get a (not-so) worse TV, than going big for it, especially when we are in such a big recession.

Re: Despite PS4's Success, Sony Expects to Lose a Lot of Money Again


Their high-end smartphones are pretty good (albeit slitghly overpriced), they did played quite a big catch up at some point (after the fiasco that were the SE Xperia line up, the old one, not the new), in fact, the Xperia S was the "high-end" (With the amazing Xperia U being the low end) smartphone that wasnt up to date when it came to specs at the time (Dual-Core vs Quad-Core).

Nowdays they have the big guns, but a bazillion of terrible phones with almost 0 chance of getting an update, no wonder they end up not selling... Samsung gets away with it (and i bet the Moto G/E hit them hard anyway)

Re: Despite PS4's Success, Sony Expects to Lose a Lot of Money Again


@eLarkos I got the Moto G as i was still studying so i could not get the Moto X but my brother did i fell in love with it (just like i did with my Moto G, pure android > everything, it actually shows you how much those custom ROMs created by Samsung, LG, etc... can affect your phone, the Moto X is much more smoother than the S4 for example) and i sworn myself i would get the next Moto X, and now that im working i can (and a PS4 too hahaha)

Re: Despite PS4's Success, Sony Expects to Lose a Lot of Money Again


@get2sammyb wow yes ! i forgot that, but i get you see the point, Sony has been bleeding money for quite some time, PCs, TVs and Mobiles are to be blame

I guess years of overpricing your products just because it says "Sony" doesnt help either (wonder if it will ever happen to Apple lol), the PS4 its pricing accordingly and its doing amazing

At this point i think Sony just need to get rid of TVs and Mobiles too.. they did with Vaio already, well Mobiles "can" be saved, Motorola made such a 180 turn (they were pretty much dead at some point) by just focusing on releasing 2-3 phones with a clear distinction (i actually sold my Xperia S for 300 dollars and bought a Moto G for 200, which left me 100 bucks on my wallet)

Re: Despite PS4's Success, Sony Expects to Lose a Lot of Money Again


in terms of income, Playstation its pretty much at the bottom of the list for Sony, Audio, Blu Ray and camerass are the biggest (much, MUCH bigger), so even if the PS brand is doing good now, its not really a turning point for Sony. does it helps ? of courseit does !, but i dont know how much when you look at the bigger picture

Back on the smartphone thing, besides Motorola (cant wait for the Moto X 2014 !!!), Sony is my second favorite company, they made some great phones (loved my Xperia S back in the day), but yes... releasing a big phone every 5 months or so, just adds to an already HORRIBLE marketing move when it comes to names, i mean, IF you dont know NOTHING about smartphones what the hell is better ? a T2 Ultra, Z2 Compact, E1 Dual, etc... ?

Re: Review: Destiny (PlayStation 4)


Im liking the game, but the story its... theres a story there ? and i feel that its a game bites WAAAY more than it can chew, its like a mixed bag of different games and the result isnt the best by any means (the loot sucks too lol, but thats another point)

This game would have benefit from having a direction.

Like i said, m having fun with the game, worth it, but not even close what Bungie was saying this game would be (a revolution)

Re: Minecraft Will Continue to Exist on PlayStation Platforms Despite Big Microsoft Buyout


I cant believe some people cant understand this deal, Minecraft its HUGE and its getting even bigger, you could even say its the "new" lego, the game is just the tip of the iceberg, its the name "MINECRAFT" what matter heres

Microsoft bought its way into the children with this

Was it worth it ? was 2.5b too much ? Only time will tell, but owning minecraft should not be a bad thing, its like owning Mario for the new kids