Comments 416

Re: Rumour: Fallout 4 May Usher the Apocalypse in 2015


@ShogunRok To be fair Bethesda games are pretty big on the PC community, especially since Mods have been skyrocketing with every release, while CoD, Assasins Creed arent exactly (althou they do sell a lot) and im not sure what to expect about Battlefront 3.

In fact, its already Number 2 on Steam.

Re: Japanese Game Sales Hit a Whole New Low Last Week


@Frank90 Doubt it would ANY soon.

Smartphones are getting better and better everyday, thry have tools to become new kind of "consoles", the Tegra X1 chip already gets more than 1 teraflop of power (PS4 1.84 or something), in 2 or so years IM SURE a mobile chip will be able to achieve those numbers.

Im not saying consoles will die, but we all have to agree that unless a BIG transform happens to the console market, things arent looking good.

Re: Rumour: Dishonored: Definitive Edition Sneaks Up on PS4


The problem arent the remaster, but the freaking price

How do you justify charging 50-60$ dollars for a remaster ? People should not pay more than $30, and thays pushing it, remaster should be $20.

I mean, its bad enough that these remaster have been subpar, they barely match PC max graphics setting (but with 30fps, because some console gamers told me thar the human eye cant see more than 30fps... ROFL) but you could find most of those with DLC for $15

And that "if it helps fund a sequel" its the laziest excuse ive read, its Bethesda that poor ? No, they arent...

Re: MediEvil Fan Puts a Nail in the Coffin of PS4 Comeback


@kamifox1 One, if thode gsme have sold better im sure Sony would have made them (like Nintendo) and two, PS All Stars was a failure a complete failure, theres a reason why superbot was hit by a big layoff

Like everyone said, i want medievil as much as you, but facts are facts, medievil wanst a big franchise to begin with

Re: Review: Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (PlayStation 4)


They will never fix it, they didnt fix it for the original PC release, and they didnt fix it in the rerelease of the game

At this point im thinking they said "Meh, lets just keep it there and make it a feature" even though its a bug

The difference between 20% or 70% weight its pretty much 0, as long as you have the fast roll its all fine, they give you 3 spots for a reason and repair powder are pretty common,so are titatinites

Re: Soapbox: Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid to Play Bloodborne on PS4


@SteveButler2210 the story its practically nonexistant unless you want to

Just like soul games, there are pretty much non cutscenes, but theres also pretty much non "real" story, its all about creating your own story by the bits of lore you can find trought the game... even thou, and just like Soul games, its pretty lackluster IMO

Re: Soapbox: Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid to Play Bloodborne on PS4


Scholar of the first sin its pretty awesome ! the problem is the same that we PC players had when the original DkS2 was released, durability its tied to the FPS of the game, in short, 60fps breaks the weapons 2 times faster than 30fps

In fact, hitting ragdolls (dead enemies, rocks, stuff that dosnt die) destroys your durability for 4x the normal rate (which was on the 30fps version too, but at 60fps its stupidly high), especially terrible when fighting mobs of enemies

On the original DkS2 we got a fix for that (a mod) and the guy is working on it again for FOTFS, but i believe PS4/XB1 players will have to live with it

I feel SOTFS feels better than DkS2, there are now Heide Knights in Heides tower FFS

And yes, Bloodborne its super easy compared to SOTFS, especially since theres none penalty for dying