Comments 416

Re: Ready at Dawn: Concerns About PS4 Exclusive The Order: 1886 Are Natural


@sub12 That i can agree, people seems to be willing only to pay a couple of dollars for a game because iOS and Android butchered price of regular games

Which actually creates an interesting question... Could games be cheaper (and not in the obvious "DUH OF COURSE") ? I would love to know how much do developers/publisher cut from the $60 tag

Re: Ready at Dawn: Concerns About PS4 Exclusive The Order: 1886 Are Natural


@sub12 You are overreacting at people not bitching about price back in the day, because they did... You read a lot more because the internet its much more developed nowadays

People did it back in day, people will do it now and they will in the future, because A) People likes to bitch and (more importsntly) B) $60 its quite a bit of money anyway you slice it

Re: Ready at Dawn: Concerns About PS4 Exclusive The Order: 1886 Are Natural


@thedevilsjester As long as the games are good, they will be replayable, there are a lot of short ones that i still play even to this day

Sunset Riders, Captain Comando or Wild Guns to name a few (which are considered highlights of the SNES in some departments)

Sadly, and just from what i saw, i dont think Order 1886 will replicate that

Re: Here's a Reminder That the PlayStation Vita Exists


@Sevenifity jokes aside, i like my Vita, but... i just dont have a reason to play on it besides the occasional "weird" game.

Im kinda mad that i spent that much money and Sony decide to forgot its existence almost right away, especailly here in the west... indie games are cool and everything but they are in almost every gaming machine possible

I need a BIG reason to play my Vita, Mercenaries was cool but end up being what i feared about it, that FPS games on a handheld are a novelty IMO :/ dont get me wrong, there are good games but they are few and far between and not enough

it bafles me mostly because the WiiU is in the same place but at least Nintendo is doing something about it and releasing games with a decent frequency that even they know they wont work

[/sub]please watch the language -Tasuki-[/sub]

Re: Here's a Reminder That the PlayStation Vita Exists


When 3 indies and 1 unknow game (for most people) is considered a strong line up you are in deep, deep troubles.

Cool and good games no doubt (i certainly know ill enjoy Hotline 2 and already did with Shovel Knight on my WiiU), but i cant believe thats their focus.

Re: You Can Spend Over $60 on Evolve's Day One DLC


On a side note, can you obtain those items by any other way? like TF2 were you could buy hats/weapons but simply by playing the game or crafting you can get your hands on those items too, so it never feels cheap

Not to mention mose of the items are only cosmetical and the new weapons arent neither better or worse than the original ones

If thats so, im kinda ok with it, if not... then this sucks

Re: You've Just Given Capcom a Reason to Make More Remasters


Nintendo never had a hold on Zero, it wasnt like Bayonetta 2 were all the assests & stuff were funded by Nintendo.

This was a exclusive game because nintendo paid for it, once the deal was off Capcom could port those games... Except that i guess since neither of those games sold well enough (more than 1 millions) to warrant a port they didnt bother... Untill now thats its been 13 years and theres obviously a demand for these kind of games

Re: EA Hints at Huge Positive of Bringing Titanfall 2 to PS4


It was a great game, the action was fast paced, the parkour was super cool and the gunplay felt right... Oh and the titans were amazing.

Its only problem is that it "died" somewhat fast, the population was very good for the first 3-4 months then it slowly began to die

Great that its coming to the ps4, its an amazing game

Re: How Does The Order: 1886 Look So Darn Good on the PS4?


@AFCC Im still waiting for my PS4 to play Divitiny Original Sin or Wastelands 2 or Starcraft 2 or Vanishing of Ethan Carter or Dragon Commander or the Next Unreal Tournament (PC Exclusive ) or homeland 2 HD or Arma 3 or Civilization 5/BE or Endless Legends

or the GOTY 2014 "This War of mine"

Re: Feature: Should You Buy Dying Light on the PS4?


took it from a friend

its a cool game, but it bites A LOT MORE than it can chew, would have liked it a lot more if the studio focused on fewer things i guess, like they said "jack of all trades, master of none"

will wait for a price drop (hoping for a 50% steam sale in a month or 2 ), and i do have a lot to play lately (and even less time now that i changed job and have a normal day (9 to 5) :/

Re: Would You Resist a New Resistance Game on PS4?


They were lackluster, gameplay was fine (and decent on the 3rd one) and the weapons were cool, but there was so much untapped potential, i mean the story could have been great, but between the uninteresting characters and the cliche plot it was MEH....

I would get a new one, but i still feel they need to get a decent story writer, the world and the setting are interesting enough (A lot better than the boring KZ one, which i dont know why people praise so much :/)

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 53


Besides that i have ton of work to do, im trying to finish Shadow of Mordor, BUT mostly playing old school fps, already finished Doom 1&2 and Quake... Now going for Quake 2... Love the good old ID games, masterpieces

Man i really dont agree the typical phrase "old times were better", but lately i feel like a lot of games lack a " heart", too much graphics and not enough soul, there are some exceptions of course

Re: Sit Back and Watch The Elder Scrolls Online's Entire 23 Minute Cinematic Trailer in All of Its Glory


I wonder if Bethesda/Zenimax dropped the Subscription model for consoles too

Got it quite cheap some time ago and played it for about 2 months.

Its not a bad game at all, but it doesnt do anything to stand out from other MMOs (which is its bigger crime) and it only makes you wish you were playeing TES 6 or something like that, and it does feel like Bethesda havent played an MMO since 2003 or something because some of their desing choices are really old school (and not exactly in the good part of the spectrum)

Maybe now that it has a One time fee (on PC at least, just owning the game like GW2 did) and no subscription i will give it another go (thered been a few pstches since)

Re: Review: Fat Princess: Piece of Cake (PlayStation Vita)


(While this doesnt really apply here...) I wonder why there arent more companies going Valve's route... The game is COMPLETELY free, you only pay for cosmetic stuff that do not affect the gameplay in any single way (and you can also get by drops)

Im pretty sure if Valve makes a F2P puzzle they would find a way to make it right

Re: Sony Extends PlayStation Plus Subs Due to Xmas PSN Outage


@professorhat Gods among us was like $4 dollsrs on steam, same with Secret Ponchos which was $7 dollars a month ago, last steam sale i got much better games (mostly because i choose which ones to get) for the same money i spend on PS+ for a year...

Not to mention that in PC, online its free and its miles (infinite) miles better than PS4

If im paying $400 + $50 a year, why am i supposed to be cool with the fact that i cant use the damn thing even if its for a single day, and even if im not using it id like to know that i have the choice too, Sorry but no.

Re: Game of the Year: Platinum Trophy - Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor


Its a great game, love it (and i dont like open world games that much) ! But it does shows a lack of games in the PS4 IMO, in any other year i dont know if this game would be a top 3 contender

Between This War of Mine (PC), Talos Principle (PC), Grimrock 2 (PC) or Smash 4 (WiiU) is my GOTY, i would say This War of Mine slightly ahead

Re: Soapbox: Poor Communication Continues to Be PSN's Biggest Problem


Agree, it sucks to be left in the dark, its been 2-3 days and while almost everyone knows what is going on with this, a little statement could mean a lot. Im pretty sure they dont want to accept they been hacked (attacked) by DDoS, but still

I do want to add that PSN biggest problem is Sony's arrogance :/

Re: Review: Tetris Ultimate (PlayStation 4)


@Tasuki Tetris DS is godlike, best tetris game ever created

My problem is that i dont see the appeal of playing Tetris on a console, game is completely designed for handhelds, much more convenient IMO

Re: Feature: Did PlayStation Plus Represent Value for Money in 2014?


Its hard to complain, its a great deal for sure, the quality of the games could be a bit better but again its hard to complain.

I havent use much of the "free" games, because the PS4 ones has been freaking terrible so far (except this few months), but again... Its hard to complain.

Steam sales are better, but in the console market theres nothing like it

On a side note, shouldnt you add the price of the consoles to the sum ??? , i mean... Dont you need to have (pay) for the consoles to use the full benefit of ps+ ?? thats about $700-800 if you dont own any of them