Comments 416

Re: Review: Fallout 4 (PS4)


@VanillaLake DF has one, image quality its pretty much the same across the board, same resolution for both (1080p), performance its slightly better on PS4 (it holds 30fps more often) but its still pretty dissapointed

I dont think people should tolerate that kind of performance even if "you dont feel it", im not saying the game is bad or anything else, but that bethesda gets away with releasing unfinishing products for so many years its mind blowing.

And they are unfinishing products, TES/Fallout games were terrible on PS3, and they werent exactly "the greatest" on 360, now a full generation ahead and the same engine and the problem persists (albeit better overall) ? :/

Re: Rumour: No Man's Sky Development Is Troubled on PS4


Well, it was always a problem when some sites realized the CPU used in the XB1 and PS4 are:

1° Not gaming CPUs
2° They are custom made CPU that were used in mobile products, Jaguar SoC its a low power CPU used in cheap laptops and even some tablets, this is an 8-core version of the cpu (low power as in low use of system power and watts to avoid overheating and add more battery life to the products)

Not to mention, AMD CPUs have been laging behind in technology for some time, they have Zen down the line, but its still not there.

The GPU has no problem whatsoever and while still somewhat underpowered its more than capable of 1080p gaming with good graphics

Re: Rumour: No Man's Sky Development Is Troubled on PS4


Well, its kinda obvious, this game should need a pretty hefty CPU for the world creation, expansive universe, AI, etc...

the PS4/XB1 CPU are... not very good when it comes to gaming (to say the least), they will need to adapt and adjust tons of things to keep the game running smoothly on consoles.

At this point they should suck it up, release it on PC to create a a flow of cash and give them time to develop the PS4 version

Re: Review: Tales of Zestiria (PS4)


@Scollurio Why you would want something like FE when theres FE ?

Whatever, Back on topic, in get it on Steam to get Tales of Symphonia free, i havent heard the best things about the game itself but its not that expensive

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 88


Splatoon and MGO

But actually im watching a lot of Netflix JUST finished Luther and... OH MY GOD WHAT A DAMN SHOW, ONE OF THE BEST (IF NOT THE) CRIME SHOWS EVER, BBC has some of the best shows around and i like the UK way of 1hour long episodes with 4-6 spisodes per season more so than the US

IDRIS ELBA needs to be the next bond, he has it all

Re: Opinion: Sony's Not Solely to Blame for PS Vita's Demise


Theres a big difference between AAA games and popular games, the Vita has the former, but it lacks the later

The poor thing never had a single game that would push it to sell, and the AC/CoD games it had not only were... of questionable quality but were sandwiched between their bigger much more interesting big brothers.

In that regard Nintendo did a better job, handheld and consoles have 3D mario, Zelda, etc... but not in the same time.

I also dont think Sony has a game of their own that could sell consoles, maybe Uncharted. The WiiU stayed semi alive thanks to the many IPs nintendo have that push sales on their own. Sony was banking on the 3rd party developers to fload the Vita but it sadly never happened...

Re: TGS 2015: Persona 5's PS4, PS3 Gameplay Trailer Is Downright Incredible


Looks downright fantastic ! great ! Hopefully thia is the game that breaks my problem with the persona games.

For some reason ive never ever manage to get into the persona series like i do with the SMT series, the whole dating stuff and super fluffy stuff just isnt my style :/ the more dark, gritty and philosophical ambient of SMT and party customization, etc... its more challenging also.

Ill be getting it anyway because the lack of propper jrpg games in the ps4 its worrisome and we kinda need to show support

Re: The Kids Aren't Alright in This War of Mine PS4


@get2sammyb it looks super grim, and for a game like this feels great.

It feels it might be hard to "balance", especially considering how hard it was at the start of each game, but this is a pretty good developer...

Hopefully it works because it might add another layer of complex to this game

Re: The Kids Aren't Alright in This War of Mine PS4


Its the best game you will play once, think about what you have done and never EVER playing it again, because you feel so bad about it that you cant do it.

Its so unsettling, i love it but it makes me hate myself for the things i did, its NOT a fun game, its a game that tries to tell a history about war (the real one, the one about survivors) and it deliberately tries to make you feel bad about playing the game, and it succeeds, a 100%.

Game of the year 2014 for me, the more people can play this masterpiece the better.

It tells a better story than most games without even having a story

Re: First Impressions: Call of Duty: Black Ops III Embraces the Past As It Focuses on the Future


I just cant play cod anymore, this whole "i dont know what im doing so im running around like crazy people" kind of game just doesnt click me anymore.

After so much counter strike i just cant go back to "run and gun", i need muh tactics and financial skills... And the maps feel so random, its just like they "made" them and thats it, not much thought process went into the maps

I did have SOME fun with the beta tho, but i can already tell i will stop playing it quite fast, juat like i did with AW

Re: Review: Zombi (PS4)


Its a really good game but its so rough around the edges than anything more than $25 feels like too much.

I really really like it, but its not worth $50-$60

Re: The Witcher 3's PC Mods Could Come to PS4


@ShogunRok i actually expect console mods to be paid, i dont see the "real deal" mods coming to consoles also, a lot of them create their own textures/stuff and that will not go nicely with the fixed enviroment of the consoles (let alone the graphics enhancement mods), considering sometimes you just need to "power through" the problems of bad optimization (and a LOT of mods have terrible optimization)

Re: Grand Theft Auto V Has Made More Bank Than You Can Imagine


@Cyber-BLP-- You do have to consider that every GTA game its being sold on 3 different systems each time (XB, PS and PC) while nintendo games are exclusive to that

i would not be surprised if those Super Mario sales would be 2 or 3 times more than that if it was a multiplatform game.

Actually GTA5 has a 11m games sold in average considering its avalaible in 5 different consoles (360, PS3. PS4, XB1 and PC). Pretty much the same as Super mario 3D Land did on 3DS

ACTUALLY, the GTA series has been released on more consoles than Super mario has ever been, making the average lower than super mario games...

Its an impressive number dont get me wrong, but your comparisson its pretty bad when you dont use a statistical weighting