Comments 416

Re: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection's Looking Pretty Darn Smooth on PS4


60 fps over graphics and resolution any day of the week, i wish more console developers would have that as a mantra :/

The smoothness of 60fps (and if you have the luxury of 120fps, which looks... incredible) makes games looks much much much better, sure screenshots might be worse but in reality a game at 60fps iwill ALWAYS look better and not only that, it plays million times better.

Re: Reaction: Sony Delivers the Greatest E3 Press Conference of All Time


@Quorthon Kickstarter its a double edged sword, especially since i dont like that i dont know how the money is being spent, developers should say why the hell do they need that much money, a breakdown of it, salaries, tech fees, etc...

Kickstarter should add a public notary and regulation to their stuff, i have real problems backing because i really dont know how much money is being spent on the actual game and how much is going to developers pocket.

I mean, its Kickstarter, theres 0 chance this will end up being a PS4 exclusive, its also coming to PC and i would not be surprised if i see XB1 or even WiiU added to the goals

Re: Reaction: Sony Delivers the Greatest E3 Press Conference of All Time


This is an argument that will never have an end, the greatest of something its based on an opinion, a belief. And that will never change.

Good luck everyone of you, ill see you in infinite time when we finally decided if the attack to the towers was an inside job, if the crusaders were good or bad, and if Sony had the best conference ever created of all time for all the universes that ever existed.

Re: Reaction: Sony Delivers the Greatest E3 Press Conference of All Time


@arnoldlayne83 You cant really blame Nintendo for sticking to their guns, in fact, even a lot of their guns dont sell as well as people make it out to be. People may ask for new IPs all the time and new games of old franchises, but if they dont end up buying it, why doing it ?

Theres a lot of hypocresy on Nintendo fans

Re: Reaction: Sony Delivers the Greatest E3 Press Conference of All Time


@ShogunRok you really cant ask people to be calm down when the tittle and the article are complely hyperbolic that will cause people to react.

The moment i saw the tittle i said "oh boy, here comes the internet", for every action, theres a reaction...

Dont get me wrong, i know its an opinion but the tittle... IGN still gets sh** for their old " 3DS is doomed" article (people still post in that one hahaha)

Re: Talking Point: Did Bethesda's E3 2015 Press Conference Blow You Away?


Besides Fallout 4, Bethesda show was pretty decent, but nothing too shocking. Doom looked great on its MP, the SP looked somewhat meh (i can tell you assasinations will get boring... fast), Battlecry was... yeah just leave it at that, TESO its pretty dead to me so whatever and Dishonored 2, cool but we didnt see anything.

Re: May 2015 NPD: PS4 Enters E3 2015 As USA's Best Selling System


@rockman29 I feel you are underestimating how much does PC gaming sales

GTAV has more than 3 million sales on PC (bout 2.5m on Steam and a decent estimation (since the Steam version is different to the R* one) of 500k-1m of another)

Witcher 3 sold about 600k on Steam alone and thats not counting Uplay, Origin or the highly succesful GoG (CDPR own market, which, by the way, i assume they take FULL from every sale), 1.5m its not that far from real numbers (of a 4m total)

And people could go on, This gen and last gen consoles has been somewhat of a blessing (and a curse) for PC gaming in general, for once, the lack of power (because yes, they lack power) meant that a lot more PCs has managed to achieve what the PS4 and the XB1 can do (some sites even do matched priced equipment doing about as much as PS4 and XB1 in performance), meaning that developers has a much bigger demand on PC now.

Hell, way more indie games are releasing on PC than on consoles each and every month.

Of course, MOBA and some MMOs are the huge factors of the revenues, but that doesnt take that gaming in general is indeed selling on PC, even after all the piracy stuf which people like to use as an excuse.

Some games are even going PC exclusives (at least for some time) like Divinity Original Sin or XCOM 2, more and more developers put their games on PC.

Re: May 2015 NPD: PS4 Enters E3 2015 As USA's Best Selling System


@rockman29 PC gaming global revenues were higher than consoles COMBINED (Thats 3 v 1, not even a fair fight)last year, and im pretty sure this year will be the same, especially considering no new gaming consoles were released this year.

And im not sure about that "consoles are dead", wasnt the other way arround ? console (etilist) were calling doom on PC ?

Re: Shadow Warrior 2 Will Sate Your Will for Wang


YES !!

The first one was amazing, easily the best "old-school-next-gen-remake" game go flying wild hog, somebody shouls give these guys Duke Nukem, they clearly know how to revive a series !

If you have a PC go check Hard Reset, thats another excelent game.

Re: Review: Arcania: The Complete Tale (PlayStation 4)


Where did this come from lol

Arcania is a very bad gamr itself :/ so sad because the Gothic series was one of the best "underground" RPG of the PC era, 1 and 2 especially, 3 wasnt as a good but still was great.

Then came Arcania and everything fell apart, played on PC years ago and the score is just rigth.

Re: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Ditches 3D Support


"We didn't want to fracture the current player pool and community"

What the hell ? I mean, not that i care too much but this is one of the worst excuses ever, how are you going to fracture the community IF THOSE 2 ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE START

I mean, you cant fracture the community because one will be on PS4 and the other on PS3.

Im getting it anyway but that was one terrible excuse.