Comments 416

Re: Talking Point: What Did You Think of Sony's PlayStation Experience Keynote?


Man miyamoto and aonuma having a 5 seconds talk of Star Fox was more hype than this

i mean, it was bad, but it was underwhelming, Vita still treated like bastard child and while we got some decent things, the mosy hyed one got leaked yesterday. Uncharted 4 was awesome thou, that deff was a high point, but still... 2 hours and this ? :/ like i said, underwhelming

Re: Review: Dragon Age: Inquisition (PlayStation 4)


@arx7 i got DAI a few days ago, great game, really liking it ! (althou a 9 seems a little too high, a decent 7 or 8 would be better, i am harsh with the scores to be fair)

but Xenoblade is on a whole other level, they are not even comparable...

Re: Review: Far Cry 4 (PlayStation 4)


Im not sure if ill get it any time soon, with Dragon Age and Smash coming... but the real reason is that its way too similar to FC3, a game that i enjoy a lot but at some point it was so reptitive i had to force myself

will see how cheap will be on Christmass steam sale to see if ill buy it

Re: Round Up: Grand Theft Auto V PS4 Reviews Extort Super High Scores


@ZeD Oh, didnt read it that its correct, imo is still a worthy console and, imo, the best one so far, the PS4/XB1 year has been nothing but dissapointing... Got my PS4 for its exclusives, and if it wasnt for Diablo 3 (a game ive already own on PC ) it might aswell stay in the box... At least its "getting" better, but im forcing my self to get games for it that would still be better on PC (one that isnt that much more expensive to begin with...), bloodborne cant come soon enough

Re: PS4 Exclusive Bloodborne Contained Until March


@Gamer83 Exactly, this is the complete opposite of the last generation, Sony was getting crushed and they were forced to do something, exclusives, price drops, ps+, etc...

now its the other way around and Microsoft its the one doing all the stuff, Sony its just... there

Re: PlayStation Vue Is Sony's Very Own TV, TV, TV Service


@SteveButler2210 the PS3 did extremely well at the end, but in the begging it cost Sony SO MUCH MONEY i doubt the earnings where that impressive considering how it did start

Yes, Xperia phones are great, but they just dont sell that well too... their low/mid range are terribly overpriced and it doesnt help that Sony release like 8139481374 every 3 months, they are becoming Samsung in that regard (they did said they willforget low/mid range in hope for better sales)

in fact, Sony lose a lot of money in their last forecast, a net loss of 2b ( mostly because of poor phone sales

Re: PlayStation Vue Is Sony's Very Own TV, TV, TV Service


i really wonder what is "fair and competitive" for Sony lol, they dont have the best history about competitive prices

And when is Sony going to learn, im not syaing this is a bad idea (it can be a very good one), but they arent exactly on their best moments, the whole VAIO/Xperia/PS3/Vita fiasco has cost A LOT of money (especially the first 2 ones, PS as a brand as huge as it sounds, it doesnt make them much money)

I hope they thought this through...

Re: Round Up: Assassin's Creed Unity PS4 Reviews Plot a Revolution


@BoltedArc Exactly that, when i fired up Mario 3D World (game i got with the console) i was blown away by it, even if we have been playing with HD graphics since 2006 (even before for PC gamers), its the novelty in it, i had never played Mario in HD on a 40' TV, its gorgeous. Im pretty sure the same will hapen when Metroid/Zelda/Xenoblade release, we all be shocked because its "new", novelty for games like that is still big

Yet, ihavent been blown away by any PS4 games even though they look remarkably better than a WiiU game (Technological point of view, form an artistic point its much more debatable... Mario Kart 8 and 3D World looks miles better than a lot of 1080p PS4 games), because ive been playing ALL these games for about 10 years now... the novelty is just dead at this point

Re: Round Up: Assassin's Creed Unity PS4 Reviews Plot a Revolution


@BLPs The problem is that we are getting into the "dimishing returns" territory, from PS2 --> PS3 graphics changed a lot (especially since they supported 720p/1080p) so there were games that could simply not bo done on last generation, the scope of the game, the AI, the worlds, some gameplay stuff, etc... it was new, so even if games felt like the same every year, we werent "bored" of it

Next gen consoles, the jump is much smaller, they support the same resolution (1080p and in somce consoles less than that lol) and the graphics while obviously sharper and better isnt the revolution we hoped it would be, some games looks remarkably sharper on PS4 but some could say "hey, it doesnt look THAT different".

So at the end we are just playing (so far) glorified games of a era we are starting to look with much more criticism and less open arms

Re: Gawp at Final Fantasy XV's Gorgeous PS4 Powered Open World


@Subie98 what im saying is that it look lifeless, thats what im talking about when i say "wasted space"

The world can be as huge as they want them to be, but if its filled with boring uninteresting stuff its just wasted space

thats why Skyrim, Fallout NV, etc... are so great, huge worlds but filled with stuff to do

Still a year untill release so im giving the benefit of the doubt

Re: Round Up: Shadow Warrior PS4 Reviews Go for the Throat


@Bad-MuthaAdebis Cant believe they said this game is "repetitive", yes you kill millions of enemies, but the ammount of weapons, upgrades, sword skills, even the combos you can do... Its as repetitive aa you want it to do

Theres even a "grade system" that gives you more points depending on how varied was the way you killed enemies (which gives yiu an incentive to do even greater combos)

Re: Round Up: Shadow Warrior PS4 Reviews Go for the Throat


Godlike game, one of the best FPS ive played in quite some time, the sword mechanichs are beatiful, and the gunplay its just as satisfying, cool weapons, cool sword with cool looking skills you can get by using points (Karma wasnt ?)

Get it (ive played at least 3 times on PC got it in release) and love it. Its flying wild hog, you knoe you are getting an amazing game (if you can get Hard Reset on PC)

Re: Pachter: PS4's American Winning Streak Ended in September


@Gamer83 Sony was WAAAAY too arrogant with the PS3/PSV, they thought that the ps2 madness and the great ssles of the PSP would let them get away with charging 600 dollars for a PS3 (which cost them A LOT OF MONEY...) and with the Vita (which is practically dead, especislly against the 3DS) with those stupidly expensive propietary cards that cost more than 3-4 times the price of a SD.

In fact the launch of the PS4 was clearly s reality check for Sony, they choose the right path and things are going well so far !

Well to be fair, arrogancy has been a trademark of Sony as a whole, and its really coming back to bite them in the ass

Re: Review: The Evil Within (PlayStation 4)


Great review, i really wsnt to olsy this but Ill wait some time before i buy it need to get Bayonetta 2 for the WiiU and i still need to finish Styx Master of Shadows on the PS4

It doesnt look like a proper PS4 game, textures look half finished & very low resolution, you can clearly see that this game was nmde in a rush for PS4/XB1

Re: Pachter: PS4's American Winning Streak Ended in September


1) Is a fair posibility, FH2 and Halo Master Chief will no doubt give the XB1 a good push, in that regard Sony really need to step it up in the exclusives department, the only exclusive worth mention its BloodBorne and that one doesnt come untill February

2) Who cares, i dont have stocks on neither company so i dont gain anything

3) Cant believe this clown is still around, you could pay a kid 1/100 of what he makes and get the same predictions

Re: Ubisoft: Why Would We Ever Hold Assassin's Creed Unity Back?


I read a AC developer saying that the problem is not the GPU or anything else, but the CPU (which is the same on each console) while i dont believe it 100%, i do think is going to hold this consoles back quite a bit...

CPU are really important for the frames since they need to "prepare" the next one (its quite complicated to explain), and the PS4/XB1are using much better CPUs than the old generation, but its still a Jaguar AMD, a CPU know for being used in tablets and low powered notebooks, who arent created with gsming in mind (Sure, GPGPU and thats its an 8-core version of a 4-core CPU should help, but the performance of each core lacks). Like i said its a MASSIVE improvement and will give us some next-gen performance in time (once they manage to use 6-8 cores at a much better rate), but its still not "optimum" for gaming... Well this is where im going to

IF THATS THE REAL REASON, why not saying it ?, because i can belive that MUCH more than "trying to avoid problems between XB1/PS4 users"... Thats just stupid

Re: Ubisoft Locks Assassin's Creed Unity's PS4 Resolution to Avoid Debates


Finally someone feels what us PC players have been feeling since the 360/PS3

it sucks

Jokes aside, this is stupid... why would i have to set with an inferior product even if i can do more than this ? PC gaming lets you adapt everything to suit you, you want 1440p but 30 ? do it, 1080/60 ? You can too... and no one ever complained

if the PS4 can do more, let it do more, people knew this from the start, if some bought the XB1 they must have been awared of the CONS/PROS, just like we did with the PS4.

Re: PS4 Racer Project Cars Plans to Pelt Down the Tarmac at 60FPS in 1080p


I still cant believe that after 7 years, developers needs to "AIM" for 1080p/60fps on next-gen consoles, which pretty much means, "we need to lower everything to get the game at 1080p/60fps". 1080p should not be a "perk" of games nowdays, it should be the norm... 60fps its more debatible i guess, but still

Even my phone can do 1080p (and my brother's phone can do 1440p lol)

Re: Loot Will Be More Likeable in Destiny's 1.02 Patch on PS4


Some people comparing this awful loot system to Contra or out of this world ?

Diablo 3 loot system its much more rewarding and you still have to work your ass off to get those legendary items you been waiting.

This game has one of the worst loot system arounds, boring, uninteresting and worse of all, hard to get, and im not saying "let the legendary items rain from the skys", no, im saying, get a better system and let me feel that im progressing towards a greater goal.

So far the only thing that let me feel that way is sitting a whole day looking at a cave to get ONE better piece of loot, doing raids, while fun, its just not worth it... not to mention the idea that every single game gives you the same experience and loot chance independetly from their level its bad game desing at its finest

By the way, i grow up with Contra and Mega Man, but that doesnt mean i have to accept a bad desing when i see it

Oh ! and on a side note, i enjoy the game, its quite decent, except the loading times (i hate having to go to the tower...) and the AWFUL chat system, wasnt the Wii the one with the non-existant chat system ? well Destiny seems like a world made of mimes