Comments 416

Re: FromSoftware Boss Puts Elden Ring Difficulty Discourse to Bed, Once and For All


The DLC is just plain mid, just finished by the way.

It's a huge world with absolutely no reason and nothing to do besides run across with your horse. It doubles down on the issues of late game Elden Ring. The bosses ARE NOT GOOD, that's besides the fact that the camera works against you and makes bosses harder than it has any reason to be. Exploration is just bad, loot is certainly not good and nothing you find is rewarding at all.

I feel the DLC has issues of pacing in terms of "how to play it", but the problem is that From Software is kinda forcing you in a way mostly because rune level is (kinda) irrelevant, since your build should already be done by the time you hit the DLC, but also because the progression in the DLC is tied to an item that, unless you are the god of Elden Ring, you WILL need. But that also means that they are obviously scattered all over the world and if you find a few in X area, would you try to finish the boss of that area or go to another to find more of those?.

I feel FS forces you into the second option, and it means I'm running around in a mostly empty world searching for an item that i don't know exactly how to find to make the game difficulty tolerable, because, again, power creeping is a big issue in Elden Ring. Also, unlike BOTW, you can't see the items from anywhere, like shrines.

The game just creeps in terms of numbers so you need to combo even more, and SOTE just double downs on it and it feels wrong. It's like if FS spend the entire budget in creating the world and forgot to do anything with it.

Did i had fun? I guess i did? At some point it just felt like i was going through the motions and wanted it to end.

Re: New World, Amazon's Big-Money MMORPG from 2021, Is Seemingly Adventuring to PS5


One of the most fun combat wise MMOs out there, but it's also incredibly directionless and it's just "there".

At least it doesn't have a subscription model and it's decently cheap but yeah, go cautiously.

Still the combat and the leveling experience is really fun since the combat is great, but the story, the end game content and the raids aren't that great.

Id say it's kinda a mid to good game overall

Re: Nobody Wants to Die Looks Too Good to Be True on PS5


What exactly looks to good to be true? it's a CGI trailer, we don't even know what the game is about.

I mean "first-person, single player, story-driven experience with a “neo-noir atmosphere”." could be anything from a shooter, to even a walking simulator.

And well, regarding the trailer, i guess the gameplay is also a secret too.

Re: PS Plus Essential, Extra, Premium Price Increases Announced by Sony


Gaming is a s*** show nowadays, between Sony and Microsoft going this route about price increase (funny how Nintendo actually reduced the price in some places) and PC gaming price entry being such a disaster with insane prices for GPUs and CPUs (and with new gens having barely more power but more expensive too, thanks Nvidia).

This is sad, i get gaming is a luxury in the end but it shouldn't be Bvlgari kind of luxury.

Insane situation for people just wanting to have a bit of fun lol

Re: Reaction: Nintendo NX's 2017 Date Frees Disposable Income for PlayStation VR and PS4K


Sold my WiiU and about to sold my PS4, unless my brother buys one or something i wont be coming back to console gaming.

games are expensive, paid multiplayer, consoles get the shaft every 3 years... might as well go fully PC, upgrade it and, oh, keep playing older games as if never ever changed. Consoles are not even worth it anymore in the price/performance ratio, you can get a PC for roughly the same price that would outperform it, and would do everything that a pc can do too

and the convenience of a console ? plug and play ? sorry but 5gb day 1 patch kills it, what its the point anymore ?

Free multiplayer, much cheaper games (because theres actual competition = Steam, GoG, Uplay, GMG, etc... and its not a monopoly like in console gaming), play the way you want and no the way the developers want you to play (graphics/resolution), etc... (and no, you dont need to upgrade every year or pay like a $1000 dollar for a Pc to play games)

Consoles are kinda dead to me and Sony/Nintendo would need to show something remarkably for me to be excited again, this generation has been terrible all around IMO and it killed it for me, i had a good time, but its time to embrace the light.

Re: PS4K Is Codenamed Neo, Has Upgraded Specs, Will Not Supplant Existing PS4 Systems


@dryrain Have a feeling that developers will force the upgrade on you, sure it will run on the PS4 but at what cost ? "Plays better with PS4.5", i can see it happening any time now.

Imagine all games optimized for 1080p/30-60fps for the NEO, what about the Normal PS4 ? It will run, but nobody knows how, and guess what, reviewers will use the new tech so they wont know how it runs in the old hardware.

It will be like the 3DS vs N3DS situation, the difference is that time was a much easier price to swallow ($199) instead of this ($399-$449)

Re: Soapbox: Why I Don't Think PS4K Is Okay


@jmbenetti This will be a N3DS situation all over again. The N3DS has sold remsrkably well yet bar 1-2 games, you dont see developers bring exclusive games to the system, at least not any time soon.

The thing is, just like the 3DS, it feels Sony has unfinished business with the console, they will put more power on the PS4k but i dont really think developers would use that.

Its like.. "Hmmm do i want to develop a game that 50m+ (ps4 + xb1 owners) people might buy or just 1-2m" ? Not to mention, adding a new options for ps4k owners takes money, time and potentially reduced benefits as the player base its 0 right now and nobody knows how it will really be.

I kinda like the idea, i have a 4k tv and want 4k content (i dont really play on my ps4, pc + steam link beats the idea of having a console for me), but depends on the price and if theres an actual incentive to do an upgrade, then3ds had one, the user experience of the console its million times better (loading times, smoothnes of the UI, etc...) but will the ps4k bring something like that ?

And by the way, i remember when console players said that you needed to upgrade every year to play games (by the way, thats wrong) how is it going now huh ?

Re: Evidence for Supercharged PS4.5 Console Mounts


@BUDSclass201 Problem is that most games have Frames hard coded into the game, with vsync and other stuff i dont really get, so more power would only being wasted, unless they are specifically optimized for the new hardware. (Look at the New 3DS, when it recognize its running a game made for the normal 3DS, it scales back the CPU power to its original value)

And im not sure companies would put extra money just to optimize the same game twice.

Re: Dinosaur Hunter Turok May Roar to PlayStation 4


@Bad-MuthaAdebisi the only thing that those games share is the setting... and thats about it.

Thats like saying i wont be playing SC2 because Alien Isolation exist, and both have humans, xenomorphs and futuristic weapons.

Re: Evidence for Supercharged PS4.5 Console Mounts


@rjejr Are you really telling me that $500 isnt expensive ? especially when 4k content its pretty much non existant ?

Good 4k TVs are expensive, there are base models which are pretty "bad", color reproduction, etc... being "not so good". Are you trying to make people buy bad TVs ? most of those TVs are pretty basic and not worth it, you could get much much better 1080p TV for the same price, resolution isnt everything, theres the type of panel, the color of the screen, the extra HDMI/DP slots, etc...

PS4k, 4k TV, etc... its A LOT of money.

Re: Evidence for Supercharged PS4.5 Console Mounts


Pretty sure it will be a PS4 that can render blu rays at 4k, and ill gladly buy that, as much as my ps4 doesnt get enough attention, having 4k content for my TV would be a godsend

And yeah, i doubt it would be able to run 4k resolutions, even at the lowest settings you need something like a 980ti to run a game like The Division at 35 fps in medium settings.

Re: Sony: PlayStation VR Sales Estimates Were Too Small


@WARDIE Pre-orders are not a good way to look at sales, especially hardware, most of the time companies create a low amount of units so it can sell out pretty fast creating the illusion of something selling much higher than it actually is, creating "hype".

not saying this is the situation but its a PRETTY common practice.

Re: Dinosaur Hunter Turok May Roar to PlayStation 4


is that the same version as the one released on PC about 4 months ago ?

yeah, im not sure i would call it a remaster, they added extra resolutions, clean up the textures and the fog, thats about it.

Its still a great game though.

Re: Valkyria Chronicles Is Looking Anything But Sketchy on PS4


Its been on steam for over a year now, it sold ridicously well and i actually think the steam version success was the reason Sega actually approved the sequels

So i see no reason for this to come to the west (althou i hope they dont put a stupid price tag because its on console, the pc version released at 15 for some time, then 20 for nomal and right now its 7 dollars on steam)