Comments 416

Re: Soapbox: We Need More New Game Plus


Do it, just not like Bloodborne, at least add something new

I would gladly give 2 options: NG+ with items but level 1 or NG+ with everything, that way you can experience DAI all over but choosing a side, do you want a challenge again ? or you want to destroy everything ?

sometimes they miss that part, i would love to play X RPG again on a NG+, but seems im so overpowered it goes the complete other way around it ends up boring because you just breeze through it

Re: Did Dying Light Scare Dead Island 2 Away?


@loch006 While i want to agree with you, the problem is that cheesy doesnt have to mean bad, far cry 3 = cheesy, interesting story, one could say bad but it has its own charm and it knows what it wants to be and what it is, Dying Light = bad, it tries to be something its not and by that standards it fails

thats my problem, i like my cheesy bad story, but when it knows what it is and what it wants, not when it goes the entire round ending being bad because it tried to be something its not

Re: Did Dying Light Scare Dead Island 2 Away?


Totally uninspiring zombie game riddle with terrible story, open world gameplay and bugs (with pretty cool gameplay) its affecting a totally uninspiring zombie game riddle with terrible story, open world gameplay and bugs (with pretty cool gameplay).

Re: Sony Picks Up 140 Patents from Cloud Rival OnLive's Carcass


Most of the times these patents arent exactly for the benefit of one's service but to stop another party yo get them.

Maybe we will see improvements, but i thinks this is just like when Google bought Motorola or Facebook buying Instagram (To prevent twitter from doing so) ... Just for the sake of no one else could use then

Re: Feature: How Is PS4 Exclusive Bloodborne Treating Our Beginners?


Its an amazing game, but it has 3 problems IMO

1. The lack of weapons does hurts
2. The loading times are stupidly long
3. The soft cap of STR/SKL/ARC its so low that going for quality builds seems much more obvious than other games, i feel like im playing the game like they told me to, not the way i want to.

But im loving it, i do fear that the aforementioned 3 problems will hurt the replay value of the game besides PvP, i dont see how can you create as many builds as you did in DS1/2 here in Bloodborne

but maybe im wrong

Re: DriveClub Developer Waylaid by Layoffs


@Tasuki You are right ! we should support companies that develop and release not only unfinished games but that downright doesnt work ! I mean, unfinished games is one thing, but that they dont work ? and for months ? (because reports said the game was fully playable on december, yet the game was released in October)

to add a little insult to the injury, this is a Sony developer, i DOUBT they lack the money for a proper test and stuff (because they sure had for all the publicity and PR)

Why should i support a company that rightfully so earned its bad reputation ? That they had the nerves to release the game in the state it was, was just the nail in the coffin.

OOOH THANK YOU Evolution for patching YOUR BROKEN GAME !

Is this the standard nowadays ? We should be thankfull for them to patch a game that WE ALREADY PAY FOR (not in my case, but it is for many) ? Thats what i dont get about fanboys either, they say "be patient" oh sure, because X company was surely patient when they took my money

Re: February 2015 NPD: PS4 Is Best Selling Console as The Order: 1886 Charts


Wow at Majora Mask wrecking everything in sight, Nintendo made such a great decision releasing it near the N3DS... Even if it not exclusive to the later.

The order... Im not sure those are good numbers at the end (you could say its a single platform, but it sold slightly more than a 3DS game about hunters and dinosaurs when your game its all about being macho and guns), that game could not be cheap, especially in thw marketing department

Re: Round Up: Hotline Miami 2 Reviews Dial the Right Number


Im not sure what it is (im thinking that the "novelty" factor) but im not as in love with this one asi was with the original

playing it on Steam, theres something... i dont know what it is, i havent play the original in quite some time (maybe theres something there), but i FEEL they focus on what wasnt exactly stellar in the first game

Its a good game, still

Re: Final Fantasy XV's Combat Is like Nothing the Series Has Seen Before


Looks cool, but ive yet to see footage that makes me go crazy :/ saving stuff its good, not showing ANYTHING... sucks

And i would get Type 0 to try this, but i think that $60 dollars for a game that its good but looks like it was directly converted from the PSP to the PS4 while just upping the resolution to 1080p seems stupidly lazy and not worth it, especially at that price

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 59


WiiU - Smash/MK8, you cant get enough out of it

PS4 - As much as i have a Love/Hate relationship with Shadow of Mordor, i finished every sidequest and found every collective, need to finish 3-4 missions and im dont with it

and on my PC, if i dont go out and have some drinks with friends, ill play toxikk, what a damn awesome old-school FPS game , bring back those UT / Quake 3 times, had high hopes for it, and it has delivered A LOT