Comments 416

Re: PlayStation's Winning the Digital Games Revenue War


I would go full digital but i found the PS4 menu to be awful, i wish they could use that "metro" system but only with the games, and put netflix, psnow, and the other stuff on another place

its so tedious, even the WiiU has a much better system with its grids, steam being the best, obviously

not to mention i dont think paying the same for getting less content (even if its a box) goes well with me

Re: Get Great Deals on 8 Weeks of Upcoming PS4 Games with the PlayStation Store's Newest Promotion


@themcnoisy @Donald_M You guys are comparing markets across system, im saying about the digital market, i know Sony, Nintendo, Steam, etc... are all on competition with each other BUT

On the digital service, theres no competition on the Console ecosystem (ok we can count on digital codes or cards but they are pretty much a non factor), theres only one place you can buy games, on the digital side of PC gaming you have Steam, GOG, Greenmangaming, Amazon, etc... literally dozens of markets

Re: PlayStation's Winning the Digital Games Revenue War


I dont get Digital games on consoles, on PC (besides being possibly the only way) games are cheaper, ACTUALLY CHEAPER, $10 less than any game, on Consoles theres no benefit from going digital, you are actually giving the company MORE money than by buying the Disc because they save on everything thats related to that.

X Company saves money from selling digital yet nothing from that its actually passed onto the consumer, you just get rekt and have to pay the same $60 dollars

Re: Get Great Deals on 8 Weeks of Upcoming PS4 Games with the PlayStation Store's Newest Promotion


@adf86 Isnt the complete oposite ? i mean, theres NO competition on PSN/XBL/eShop, its a complete monopoly where you cant do anything if sony/MS/nintendo dont allow it, theres a monopoly, so they do what they want, on PC you have a lot of retailers that can do sales and stuff meaning that theres actual competition (and in fact that adds to PC games being $10 cheaper, well that and only digital AND having more sales), in fact, there are a lot of places that only sell steam games

A lot of devs praise the more open mind of the PC scene, the whole greeenlit has been pretty terrible, but it was a nice way not to make Steam filled with cheap-terrible game

Re: Review: Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - Episode One: Penal Colony (PlayStation 4)


Great game but...

Did you guys know that the XB1 version of the game runs much much better ? where it falls to 30fps on PS4 it stays well above the 45fps on XB1 (

Im kinda dissapointed, and i seriously hope Sony/Capcom dix this, as theres no reason for this to happen

"To put it simply, the PlayStation 4 version of the game runs noticeably worse than the Xbox One release"

Re: Review: The Order: 1886 (PlayStation 4)


I like my cinematic games from time to time, but more often than not, they try to be much more cinematic than games...

Half Life 1 and 2 are pretty cinematic and had touching stories without even have a single cutscene, you play the story.

Re: Review: The Order: 1886 (PlayStation 4)


One more thing, and this is a general rant (same with Evil Within), remind me why should games have black bars in the era of widescreen TVs ? its not cinematic at all and it was done because TVs used the 4:3 format back in the day, theres not a single reason to have black bars when theres widescreen

Re: Review: The Order: 1886 (PlayStation 4)


"Braindead artificial intelligence is the biggest problem, as most enemies simply stick to one form of cover, waiting to be picked off"

"This frustration is instead reserved for the handful of stealth sections poorly incorporated into the escapade, which see you die the second that you're spotted"

Those seems to be the the biggest offenders

Kinda dissapointing, i mean, i knew it looked bland and somewhat boring but not this :/

Re: Here's Your First Look At Toukiden: Kiwami's Oni Slaying Action on PS4


@Boerewors You are missing the point of what makes the 3DS a much better system overall... Games.

The WiiU is still doing bad, but its doing much better than a year ago, Why ? Games

The 3DS turned itself around, Why ? Games

And whatever the Vita is better than the 3DS, is just debatable, i cant trust my Vita to be a portable console, i just cant, its not built to be portable like the 3DS is, the clamshell desing is vastly superior to any other design when it comes to portability. I cant throw my Vita into my back pack and go to work, because the screen might scratch or something will hit one of the Analogs. Instead the 3DS you just throw it and forget about it, because the design means its safe and sound from everything, the Analogs are part of the design, im pretty sure Nintendo would have put some normal analogs if they found how to do it without sacrificing the handheld design

Re: People Are Looking for a Reason to Hate PS4's The Order: 1886, Says Ready at Dawn


I dont get developers, they want us to make up our own minds (which means buy the game) but they dont give us anything to make up our minds from. So whats the point ? If they are getting my money right away, why would they care what my mind says after that?

I mean if you are this desperate, then maybe a little more work and less talk ? Ready at dawn could have release a demo because the hate train against this game its been long coming, and it wasnt only because the game was short, but because it looked so boring. The lenght of the game was the straw that broke the camel back...

Instead of this desperate attempt at defending your game, a demo would have been much been much better... Or maybe they dont feel secure about their game ?