Comments 963

Re: Microsoft, Activision Cut 1,900 Jobs in More Video Game Layoffs


I understand your pain, @Sanquine. My wife (now deceased) lost a baby at 15 weeks, and then lost the twin at 19 weeks (having to give birth to the second young girl). I was a Police Officer at the time, and I was permitted a week off to look after my wife. I then took a weeks sick leave afterwards because it affected me too, only for a senior Officer to make it his mission to get me sacked. He failed, but made a damn good go of making my life a misery. It was at that point I knew for sure that most bosses care only about themselves and their next promotion, and that it matters not who they step on during their ascent...

Re: Microsoft, Activision Cut 1,900 Jobs in More Video Game Layoffs


Sony have already announced cuts at the very end of last year, @PsBoxSwitchOwner, and Sony do not have the excuse of not having just acquired a bunch of people that are doing the same jobs as those they already had. There were always going to be layoffs once the dust of the merger had settled. It was absolutely inevitable. There will always be people that do the same jobs in both companies, and then those numbers will be slimmed down. It's not nice, but it always happens without fail.

Ultimately, ABK was not in good shape when acquired by Microsoft. There was a reason that they were looking to be bought out (Microsoft were not the only ones that Activision approached). Who knows how many jobs would have gone had they not been bought? It could, indeed, have been far worse...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Secures Game of the Year from New York Video Game Critics Circle


Baldur's Gate 3 is the, for me, the best game ever made, and I have played literally hundreds of games. It is a game that will be played, and spoken of fondly, for decades to come. Not in the least bit surprised that it wins so many awards.

I know some people are disappointed (and even salty!) about Spiderman 2 not winning GotY, but I think that a lot of those that have played SM2, and who feel this way, have probably not also played BG3, and so are wondering why BG3 winning. The only thing I could suggest is to give BG3 a run, and then I'm sure that things will be put into perspective, and you will then understand, and appreciate why BG3 keeps (deservedly) winning GotY...

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 Director Says Travel Isn't Boring, Your Game Is


I don't entirely agree. Some games fast travel is the only thing that keeps things sane! I recently played Lies of P, for example, and would use fast travel all the time. Sure, you could trek back to level up at the Hotel, or speak with someone there, but then you ran the very real risk of dying, particuarly if there were some painful enemies between you and the Hotel, for example.

I love to explore games fully; go everywhere and experience everything, but sometimes you just want to get somewhere quickly. So often games seem to deliberately put the quest on the far side of the map, and trekking back and forth can quickly lose its appeal.

As an example, traversal in Spiderman 2 is cool to start with, but after a while you just want to get to where you need to quickly, and I found myself longing to unlock fast travel to make the game more interesting. Spending 5 minutes to get across the map, to do a mission that takes 3 minutes, soon becomes uninteresting...

Re: GDC Report Finds One-Third of Developers Hit by Layoffs in Past Year


You are completely wrong, @nomither6! It is well known among the PlayStation community that Phil Spencer is the Devil incarnate and that Microsoft/Xbox is the Hell that he inhabits. 😉

When it comes to Live Service, I'm only looking at all the reports we've had recently regarding layoffs. All of the reports have come from studios that are, or were, involved in the development of Live Service games. That's not me passing judgement on the games, or the concept, that's me just repeating what is being reported.

As for the length of time it takes to develop games these days, it is the size and complexity of the games, together with switching to the new Unreal Engine 5 (in most cases) that are causing these extended development times. Games are now taking up to 7 years to develop as a consequence. I think we, as gamers, have certain expectations of what can be achieved these days, and as a consequence, games simply take longer to make in order to meet those expectations...

Re: GDC Report Finds One-Third of Developers Hit by Layoffs in Past Year


I agree with you regarding the loss of jobs following the surge in Live Service games, @UltimateOtaku91, but for many smaller developers the subscription services are often seen as a lifeline/safety-net. Many such companies see the guaranteed payment that they get for entering a subscription service as exceptionally helpful when entering an uncertain market where sales are open to many variables. Also, many developers have cited the exposure subscription services give their companies, and past games, as very helpful. And it is not uncommon to see small studios (and even big ones) return to a subscription service more than once.

Many, many games go overlooked when they release to the wider market, and the Developers flounder as a consequence. That is nothing new, and will continue ad infinitum. Just as many independent developers will flourish without subscription services. Independent developers know what is best for them, and will decide accordingly whether to enter a subscription service.

Lastly, if you look at all the layoffs in 2023, the vast, vast majority were from Studios that had either released a Live Service game, or were in the process of developing one. Independent studios open and close all the time, and have done since the start of gaming, long before the introduction of subscription services. It's the pursuit of the mythical cash-cow that is the Live Service game that has seen the industry suffer more than anything...

Re: New Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Trailer Is a One-Minute Thrill Ride


I've not played any of FF7 yet. Is it something that I am best waiting for the final part of the trilogy to release?

I know it's completely different, but when I watched the first season of Game of Thrones, I decided not to watch any other season until the final series was out. I then watched it every night for a couple of months, and never regretted doing so. The wait between seasons was unbearable and I usually forget what has happened in the previous season by the time the next comes out (as happened every single season with The Walking Dead).

So, because I'm terrible at waiting between games and have a very spotty memory, is FF7 something I am best playing once the inevitable 'Complete Edition' is released?

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 the Most-Nominated Game at This Year's DICE Awards


Really hoping that BG3 sweeps the board. I have nothing against Spiderman 2, but there really is no comparison. Spiderman 2 is basically more of the same with one way to complete the game. That's not to say it isn't a great game, but it really didn't evolve at all from its predecessor, and once you've gone through it for the first time, there really is no great need to do so again. However, BG3 is a masterpiece. Plain and simple. Massive replayability, a technical marvel; the way it changes all the way through dependant on your choices is simply astounding. You would really struggle to replicate a playthrough even once!

I also thought Alan Wake 2 to be a better game than Spiderman 2, but maybe that was just me...

Re: Sounds Like Sony's Next State of Play Livestream Isn't Far Away


This is the list of Xbox releases this year that was circulating the other day, @KillerBoy;


Indiana Jones
Senua's Sage: Hellblade 2
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 DLC
Call of Duty; Black Ops Gulf War
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2
ARA History Untold
Starfield: Shattered Space DLC
Ark 2


South of Midnight
Forza Horizon 6
Halo: Battle Royale
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Remaster
Age of Mythology

I've not heard that Indiana Jones is being released this year, however, Bethedsa have said they will be at next weeks Xbox Showcase with extended gameplay, so it's not beyond the realms of possibilities that it will release late this year.

If 50% of those titles release this year, it will probably be a good year for Xbox, truth be told...

Re: Spyro the Dragon Tweet Ignites Hopes for a Sequel


I would agree with you that development would have started before the ABK acquisition went through if the game is releasing in 2024, @AK4tywill. Having said that, there is no indication that the game is coming this year (or indeed that the game actually exists).

What I would say, is that as with all the CoD games being fixed on the Xbox a fair few months prior to the deal going through, it is entirely possible that Microsoft have 'encouraged' or even paid for development of some games with the expectation of the deal being subsequently approved. After all, the deal was never really in doubt, and that was evident from the outset once the FTC had stated the grounds on which they were going to oppose the deal.

The only other thing I would say, is that on a game such as this, development time would likely be anything from 18 months to 3 years. The 5 to 7 years we are seeing are for big AAA games, not small AA games the likes of Spyro. So if the game does indeed come out next year, it is entirely possible that it was pretty much started under Microsoft ownership. However, as you say, that may not be the case if it comes out this year...

Re: Spyro the Dragon Tweet Ignites Hopes for a Sequel


So, I understand the dislike of Microsoft and the ABK acquisition, but it could well be the case that there would never have been another Spyro had it not been for that acquisition. Therefore, is it better that some will get to play a new game, or better that it was never made? Surely it's better that a new game is made, and will be playable on the Game Pass, than it did not exist at all?

I think that Spyro is also the perfect game for Microsoft to release on the PlayStation too. It isn't a system seller. People will not buy an Xbox simply to play the game, and I doubt that many will subscribe (even for a short time) to the Game Pass in order to play it. It therefore makes perfect sense to release it on all platforms...

Re: Game of the Year: Push Square Readers' Top 10 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


No of course a game does not have to define a genre, @naruball, and that wasn't what I was suggesting. I play games to enjoy them to the fullest. Life is too short to play games that do not entertain. My point was that BG3 is a game that defines genres. That does not make Spiderman 2 any less enjoyable, nor for that matter does BG3 lack in enjoyment, though one is a quick, adrenaline filled burst, and the other is one to be savoured over potentially 100s of hours. They are two entirely different games, and for the most part will be enjoyed by two sets of entirely different gamers...

Re: Game of the Year: Push Square Readers' Top 10 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


To your last point, @Kiryu-Chan, no, it does not matter in the slightest.

I know, and have said elsewhere, that the two games are likely to appeal to two completely different sets of gamers, and that the crossover between the two will be relatively small. My point was, regardless of that fact, I would be particularly interested in a the results of a poll in which only people that had played both games were able to pass a view, and just how many would then switch their votes from Spiderman 2 to BG3. It isn't possible, and thus won't happen. I would be interested nonetheless.

I did say that only a few would have voted for Spiderman 2 without having played it. I know that the vast majority will have played it and thoroughly enjoyed it. My point was that there are some in the PlayStation community that are such ardent fans of their ugly plastic box that they will vote for a PlayStation made game regardless of having played it. In all honesty, I imagine that the number would be very few in this poll, but would have been bigger on something like the Golden Joysticks Awards, for example, where the PS community is often exceptionally keen to get the validation that the PlayStation is the the best console (and that isn't to say it isn't, just making the point that some people verge on fanaticism when it comes to the console and its games).

Sour grapes? No. Not in the slightest. I have an opinion, yes, but that is all it is. Ultimately I think the wrong game won the poll. If others think otherwise, that is up to them, but in reality I don't give a toss. Unless, of course, I'm not allowed to dare to suggest that a game any game could possibly be better than one that is a first-party game...? 😉

Re: Game of the Year: Push Square Readers' Top 10 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


The poll is nothing more than a talking point, @themightyant. It is, as you said, a popularity poll rather than anything scientific. It is, therefore, large irrelevant. Insomniac don't get any reward for the result of this poll (and indeed, even they, for the most part, would probably agree that they were not the best game in 2023).

Also, I wasn't looking for validation in expressing my opinion. If we have to have a reason for passing a comment beyond saying what you are thinking, then these pages would largely be bereft of comments. People, including myself, are just giving an opinion, which some will agree with, and others won't. That is all there is too it. Just because I post something, it doesn't make it right, it is simply me passing comment...

Re: Game of the Year: Push Square Readers' Top 10 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


The Mona Lisa is regarded as a masterpiece, @CharlieChooChoo. Whereas I look at it and think it's a good painting of a miserable woman! The point I make there is that nothing is ever flawless, just close to it. To my mind BG3 is a masterpiece, even though it does have some technical issues. It is a game that pushes boundaries is many directions, and is one that many future games will aspire to be like. That Larian were able to construct such a game is a technical marvel in and of itself.

In 20 years time, people will not be playing Spiderman 2. They will not remember the story, or much about it at all. They will only know that Spiderman 2 exists because by then we'll be on Spiderman 10! However, people will still be playing BG3 (as people are to this day playing BG1 and 2), and people will have have memories of playing it now. That is testament to it's quality...

Re: Game of the Year: Push Square Readers' Top 10 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


I made the same point yesterday, @themightyant. The only reason that Spiderman won out is because more people will have played it (and some will have voted for the game without having played it just to show support for a first party game. Probably not many, but doubtless some will have).

As you say, the poll is basically irrelevant. I stand by my comment in saying that BG3 is the best game ever made, and that were we to be able to hold a poll where only people that had played both games were able to vote, I have little doubt that BG3 would win hands down. If it were not for the sheer quantity of people that had played Spiderman, as opposed to BG3, then the title would not have won. Indeed, if you were to go by this sites reviewers lists, then Spiderman would have struggled to make the top 3. BG3 would have taken the top spot, and Alan Wake 2 the second.

Regardless, it is what it is, and it was a popularity contest, rather than a true determination of which game was the best one out in 2023...

Re: Game of the Year: Push Square Readers' Top 10 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


You and I agree entirely, @GuttyYZ. What I would love to know, is, in say 12 months, just how many people who voted for Spiderman 2 without having first played Baldur's Gate 3, who then go on to play BG3, would they now vote differently in the poll?

As good as Spiderman 2 is, it is not a game to define a genre or a generation, and is not spoken of in terms of being a masterpiece. Enjoyable? Yes! Masterpiece? No.

To my mind, BG3 is the best game ever made. Hands down. For the most part, only those that have not played BG3, would have voted for anything else. It is a game that will quite literally be spoken of for decades to come...

Re: Game of the Year: #2 - Baldur's Gate 3


Thank you for the clarification, @LiamCroft. I don't suppose any system would be perfect.

What would be interesting is if in a year after the release of BG3 (thus giving everyone a chance to play through what is an enormous game), a poll was held wherein the question posed was which is the better game, Spiderman 2, Alan Wake 2 or Baldur's Gate 3, with a gateway question being whether you have played each of them. It wouldn't be possible, I imagine, to run such a poll, however personally, I have little doubt as to the outcome though...

Re: Game of the Year: #2 - Baldur's Gate 3


It's simply a matter of timing, @UltimateOtaku91. As of today, people have had 100 days to play, and complete, Starfield, whereas BG3 has had just 24 days. Both has obviously fewer days on at the time of the polls. Both are huge games, and whereas most will have had time to finish Starfield in the time between its release and the poll, very few will have finished BG3 in that time. Also, Starfield was available on the Game Pass. Baldur's Gate 3 was not. That means many, many more people will have played Starfield as opposed to BG3. Each of these factors played against BG3, and played into the hands of Starfield.

Give it 12 months from the release of BG3, and the poll results will be vastly different, with far more people having played either (or both) BG3 and Starfield.

There is very little doubt that BG3 is a better game than Starfield and Spiderman 2. However, when it comes to Spiderman, if you look at the reviewers lists of their top 5, of the 5 that have played BG3 4 put it as their number one game (with Jaimie being the one person that didn't having put BG3 in the top spot placing it in 5th with Spiderman 2 in 4th). Of the 5 reviewers that played Spiderman not one of them put it as their number one choice. Indeed, Alan Wake 2 was placed in the top spot by 3 of them! So, of the 9 reviewers lists, 4 opted for BG3 and 2 for AW2, and none opted for Spiderman 2.

The problem with comparing BG3 to Spiderman 2 is that they are vastly differing games. Spiderman can be completed to completion, with everything having been experienced, in around 20 hours. You could spend 2000 hours playing Baldur's Gate 3, and still come away without having experienced everything. The two games do not likely appeal to the same set of gamers (though obviously, some will have played both), and even though Baldur's Gate 3 released in September on the PlayStation, it is entirely possible that many that bought it are still yet to finish it (let alone complete it!). Lastly, Spiderman 2 probably easily outsold BG3 on the PlayStation, meaning that many more people will have voted for it.

Upshot? The polls do not mean that the best game won, only that they received the most votes based on being the game that the most people played them...

Re: Game of the Year: Aaron's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


Fair enough, @AaronBayne. I'm glad you got to enjoy the first game now. The remake was something special indeed. My recommendation would be to go back through 2 and 3 again now that you are up to date with the story.

Don't know whether you read my other comment, but great list too... 👍😉👍

Re: Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick Is Stepping Down on 29th December, 2023


You do know that Phil is head of Xbox, not Microsoft, don't you, @TheCollector316? Phil will not have been undertaking the terms of Bobbies departure, that will have been done by the lawyers working for both parties, and signed off by Satya Nadella (the head of Microsoft).

It's not Xbox that owns Activision. It is Microsoft. Activision now come under the umbrella, and leadership, of Xbox. There is a difference. Phil will have been involved in the acquisition of Activision, but is highly unlikely to have had any control whatsoever over the payment to Bobbie. Phil will have been responsible for sorting his replacement though.

Regardless, it is good to see the end of Bobbie's reign...

Re: Game of the Year: Aaron's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


It is good to see someone standing on their own two feet, @Uromastryx. Just because you report for a PlayStation website, it doesn't mean that you have to have played every PlayStation exclusive, and even if you have, it doesn't mean that their games have to be inserted into any list you might then produce. Good on him...

Re: Devs Weigh in on 'Disgraceful' Insomniac Games Data Breach


I'm no tech expert, but my takeaway from this is that companies need more than one system. Systems that do not talk to each other so that if you are hacked, you will lose only some of the data, so in this case, the game would be on one closed system, employee details on another, and then details regarding future games etc., on which actual development has not begun, on another. I do not know how practical that is, or how difficult it would be to have multiple different systems that do not speak to one another, but at the very least, there does seem the need for multi-layered encryption that would prevent access to absolutely everything once a hacker is in.

All that said, I really feel for Insomniac, and in particular the individual employees concerned. It really is an unforgivable intrusion, and I truly hope that the perpetrators are caught and imprisoned...

Re: Game of the Year: Ken's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the best list so far. It's a list that I think actually reflects those games that deserve to be in anyone's top 5. Ultimately, I think the only reason why anyone would fail to put Baldur's Gate 3 in the number one position would be because they have not played it...

Re: 'Florida Joker' Dyes Hair Purple, Raises GTA 6 Ask to $3 Million


So, he's upset in that he believes Rockstar have copied his likeness, so what does he do? He makes his appearance even more like the character that Rockstar created. What a moron! If he does indeed have lawyers, I bet they would not have advised him to do that. And again, if he does have a lawyer, who is paying for it? I highly doubt that he has the funds, and I would struggle to believe that any lawyer really fancies their chances when up against the lawyers that Rockstar does have.

In all honesty, I hope this guy doesn't make a dime from this. He clearly does not deserve a penny...

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Fans Miffed After Apparent Snubbing at The Game Awards


Spiderman not winning an award this year was not snobbery, @ItsBritneyB_tch. It was simply not as good as the other games it was up against. There is no shame in that. Sometimes there will be better games. In other years, it may have fared better.

Not personally knowing anyone that has played the likes of BG3 does not mean that it is not a better game. Many, many films have won Oscars without me ever having seen them. That does not mean they are not worthy winners, or indeed, not better than the other films I have seen that year.

Spiderman may have been the best game you played this year, but that does not mean it was actually the best game to release this year. After all, if the only game you played this year was Lord of the Rings: Gollum, would that mean it was the best game to come out...? 😜

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Honour Mode Is Already Beginning to Break Players


I started with zero understanding, @Kidfunkadelic83, and am now pretty confident in the game having completed a 350 hour solo run.

My suggestion would be, decide what sort of character you want to play (caster, melee, ranger etc.) then find a character build on YouTube that fulfils what you wish to play as. That is precisely what I did. Find a build that literally explains what how to level up at each level, and maybe even what gear to use, etc. You do not necessarily have to stick to it rigidly, but having an idea of what your build is going to look like come the end is really useful. To a great extent, playing as a basic melee character can be very helpful, as all you really need to understand for that character is how to hit your enemies. You can then learn about classes with the other Origin characters that you take with you on your adventures.

Lastly, you want to locate Withers at the earliest opportunity, and have him go to you camp. Then, on speaking to him, you will have the opportunity to respec your character as often as you like, meaning that you can basically change everything other than you race.

It will click, mate. It can just take a while.

Re: All The Game Awards 2023 Winners


Very, very happy to see BG3 take the GotY Award. I was saying prior to it's full release that it would win, (I pre-ordered the Early Access version of the game on the PC, so have been playing the game for years) and it is good to be proven correct. The game is a masterpiece. Truly something special, and I am absolutely chuffed that Larian took home the title.

Now, as I stayed up to watch the entire show and it has just gone 4 a.m, it's time for bed...!ðŸĪŠ

Re: Random: Larian CEO Swen Vincke May or May Not Crash The Game Awards in Suit of Plate


I love Swen! I've been watching his videos for years, since the days of having kick-started Divinity Original Sin 2. He is a fun, charismatic, and infectious individual. Invariably things go wrong in his livestreams, and he just rolls with it, laughs it off, and continues to entertain. The man is passionate about the games he makes, and I mean totally passionate. Not someone that needs to say he is, it just emanates from his videos and the way he talks about his projects.

Swen and Larian Studios deserve all the kudos they are getting, and hopefully they will win every award they are nominated for.

*Eclectic, @Khayl? Not quite sure I understand the use of the word... 😂ðŸĪ”