Comments 963

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


I know, @Northern_munkey. I know, I know, I know...! πŸ˜‚

I just cannot help myself because it is really strange to watch people strain every sinew to defy truth, reason, deduction and logic to blindly defend their little plastic box, when all the time that little plastic box, to which they have pledged their undying allegiance, has no regard for them whatsoever... πŸ€ͺ

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


And so you can see that I have not stated once that I believe a secret exclusivity deal has been struck, @Intr1n5ic. That's not the same as Sony being fully aware that by aiding in the development on the PlayStation version will get it out the door quicker, and that will have a knock on effect to the Xbox version.

However, let's put some facts in here, just so you can clearly understand something that is extremely simple:

1. Sony have stated they aided the developer with the PlayStation version of the game. Fact!

2. Game Science stated they were prioritising the PlayStation version. Fact!

When Sony and the Developers began working on the PlayStation version, the Developer stopped (at that time) working on the Xbox version, or at the very least they prioritised the PlayStation version, which means they did the opposite to the Xbox version. Now, for the love of God, you cannot tell me there was no deal between Sony and the Developer that enabled Sony to assist in development, can you? That deal does not need to be about exclusivity, it just needs to enable Sony to assist. Nothing more. When that work then happens, it enables the game to come to the PlayStation first. It is as simple as that. That is Sony doing good by their community. If Microsoft had been on the ball, they would have helped out too, though once Sony began, that may not have been possible for Microsoft.

Regardless, once Sony get their version of the game released first, by virtue of having worked with the developers, that effectively caused a timed-exclusive by default, and even the most ardent Sony defender surely cannot say that Sony were not aware that this would be the affect, and that the Xbox community would tear itself apart over the issue in the process.

I really don't see anything controversial there because it all stands to reason. I don't know how many times I need to explain the same thing before it is easy for you to understand. If a bunch of people work on Project A, and no one works on Project B, then Project A will be finished first, and those waiting for Project B will be upset. It really is that simple.

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


Where have I cast shade, @Intr1n5ic?

Where have I said Sony have done anything wrong?

Where have I said that the Developer has done anything wrong?

What I have done is give a genuinely possible reason why the PS5 version of the game came out before the Xbox version. That is not the fault of Sony. They are looking after their demographic. The Developers are not at fault, they are looking to their best interests, and that was aligning more with Sony and the far larger install-base. Absolutely nothing wrong with that either.

I simply do not understand your statement. All I was getting at is that if 100 people build one house, and another is built by just one person, it stands to reason that the house built by 100 people will be ready first. I cannot think of a simpler analogy! It simply means that the PS5 version was ready first. There's no shade there, just a simple statement...

My God, there really is no hope for some... πŸ€ͺ

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


I'm not making anything up, @Flaming_Kaiser. And I never said it was true, I said it was therefore a possibility because it had not been disproven one way or another. However, my point is that my opinion is being dismissed out of hand because what..? It doesn't conform with someone else's? It's what? Inconvenient? You* don't like it? To be clear, I'm not saying they're wrong, because they know as much as I do. However, it makes no sense whatsoever to believe that Sony aided the Developer on the PS5 version, and that the Developer was concentrating on the Xbox version instead. Clearly they either solely concentrated on the PlayStation version, or had a team working on both, which would have meant there were more working on the PlayStation version, enabling it to be out the door first. That is all I'm suggesting. I'm not saying there was an exclusivity deal, or anything like that, just that Sony enabled the game to come to the PS5 first because they aided the Developer.

I'm not suggesting that anything is possible, just that certain things that are currently unproven could be true. When it comes to aliens, there is enough sightings and rumours to suggest that we have indeed encountered them, but that is not what I base my beliefs on. Not at all. My belief is based on the fact that the Universe is so vast, with so much of it thus far unseen that it simply seems illogical to assume that we, here on Earth, are the only lifeform to exist. Couple that with the fact that the Universe is continually expanding (what it is expanding into is beyond me though) and thus as we are never likely to reach the outer edges of the Universe, so how can we simply dismiss the possibility of there being life on another planet that we don't even know exists yet.

*Not you personally! πŸ˜‚

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


So let me get this straight, @Intr1n5ic; I'm wrong simply because nothing has been confirmed. Right?

So, if I say I believe that aliens exist, out there somewhere. I'm wrong because we haven't found them? That makes no sense whatsoever. Until something is completely disproven, it remains a possibility.

As an example, in 1964 Peter Higgs proposed the existence of the God particle. It was never heard of before, no one knew of its existence, many ridiculed him. 50 years later, the existence of the 'God particle' was proven. It is now known as the Higgs particle. Those scientists that ridiculed him and his hypothesis were totally wrong. My point being, until something has been completely disproven, it remains a possibility.

I'm not, and have not stated that I know what has happened. I know as much about what has occurred as you do. Personally, I do not believe that an exclusivity deal exists. What I do believe though, because both Sony and the Developer have said as much, is that Sony aided the Developer and that this accelerated the PS5 version that we have now. What this then meant was that the Xbox version was not worked on at the same rate (if at all) whilst work was progressing on the PS5 version. None of that is controversial. Indeed the Developer themselves said at one point they were no longer working on the Xbox version, saying 'no one needs that'.

Regardless, whilst you have made up your mind with regards to my view, I have no idea of your logic whatsoever. You seem to be happy to dismiss the views of others, even if those views are completely logical, and do so without offering a shred of evidence as to why I am wrong.

Enjoy living in blissful ignorance my friend. Good day to you...

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


There has been no suggestion that Microsoft have helped, @Intr1n5ic. Indeed, we have not heard that they haven't either. However, when much the same situation occurred with Baldur's Gate 3, both Larian and Microsoft were at pains to point out that Microsoft was helping, so that would probably indicate that Microsoft are not helping in this instance, but I do not know that to be the case, it simply stands to reason...

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


Wait! What, @Intr1n5ic? Where did I say there was an exclusivity deal? The comment from Grubb does suggest a deal, by inference because without some sort of agreement, Sony could not have helped in the development.

What I said was there has to be a deal of some sort for Sony to work with another company. They simply cannot barge into a Developers office and take over without some form of agreement (a deal!).

So, if the deal is that Sony aid the Developer to work on optimising it for the PS5, then it completely stands to reason that with the emphasis being on the PlayStation, that the emphasis is not on the Xbox, because only one platform is getting help.

To put it simply, if the Developer has 100 employees, with 50 working on the PS5 version, and 50 working on the Xbox version, and then Sony stroll in with another 50 to help on the PlayStation version, then even if the Developer is still working on both equally, the PS5 version will be ready sooner. That is it at its most basic arithmetic. Now, the chances are, because the Developer themselves said they were prioritising the PS5 version, that it was not a 50/50 split. Indeed, it may have been a 100/0 split, and that will entirely result in the Xbox version being released after the PS5 version, because you can bet your life savings that Sony won't have offered to help with optimising the game only for the Developer to then not release it until the Xbox version was ready too.

It may not have been a paid for exclusivity deal, but the net result is the same. The PS5 version was ready first, and thus released first. I don't see what is so difficult to understand about any of that...

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


Microsoft had previously suggested there is some form of deal in place, @get2sammyb, and now the most recent claim by Jeff Grubb is suggesting that that deal may have been for the Developer to prioritise the PS5, which will have been at the detriment of the Xbox (i.e: they only work on the PS5 version, and not on the Xbox version, thus causing its delay on the Xbox), and which also sort of confirms what Microsoft were saying. Whilst not strictly a period of exclusivity, it does that have precisely that effect, does it not...?

So, what we end up with is not strictly a set period of exclusivity, but having the Developer temporarily cease work on the Xbox version, does that have precisely that effect, yes...?

Re: Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Console Exclusivity Agreement with Black Myth: Wukong


I would take issue with part of your article, @get2sammyb.

PlayStation has extremely open about the nature of its timed exclusives, with Final Fantasy 16 and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth being prime recent examples.

So when does this 'timed exclusivity' period end? We have no idea. Hardly extremely open, is it?

And as for Deathloop, I'm certain that part of the reason we saw Sony advertise this so much was precisely because it was actually a Microsoft game that was not allowed on the Xbox console. Basically Sony enjoyed the chance to rub salt in the wound...

Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Collector's Edition Is a Medieval Masterpiece


You, my friend, are an absolute star, @Ravix! I've now pre-ordered one for the PC. Funny enough I had just checked to see whether it was available for the PlayStation, and the next thing I did was come to Push and see your message. Absolutely delighted to have got one that I can always cancel if my preferred console option turns up. Thank you so very much! 😊

Re: Management Says Spiders Strike Allegations Are 'False and Even Defamatory'


Agreed with all that you say, @riceNpea, but my point is that as with lawyers when their is an acrimonious divorce, the conditions under which one partner says they were living is generally exaggerated in order to elicit sympathy and a better outcome from the Court. The same is true of a Union; one person experiencing some hardship is not necessarily the same for all, and again, it is often exaggerated in order to elicit a better outcome for all.

Peer pressure is a real thing in the workplace. The more militant workers will often label those that do not support their industrial action as scabs. It was absolutely rife here in the UK in the 70s and 80s, and life for those 'scabs' was made a living hell in the workplace (and sometimes outside it too), to the point where people went along with the industrial action just so as to have a quiet life.

French Unions are very much in the vein of the UK Unions of the 70s and 80s. Indeed, arguably, they are even more militant, to the extent that they would set fire to trailers full of live sheep if that farmer was transporting sheep, and not complying with industrial action.

Again, I'm not saying that there is no truth to what is being alleged. I simply have no idea. My point is that if Pierre is going to have his sandwiches urinated on if he does not sign the letter, then he either eats soggy sandwiches, or he signs the letter! Your life can be made truly awful in the workplace if you are seen as a scab, and it is usually easier to just go along with the industrial action that suffer it. Even if the letter is anonymous, you will still have the Union representative speaking to individuals in order to persuade them to sign the document. It is therefore still possible, within the workplace, to identity those that have, and have not, signed the letter.

Re: Management Says Spiders Strike Allegations Are 'False and Even Defamatory'


Brave for some, maybe, @nessisonett, however, you also have to understand just how radical some unions are, and also the pressure that can be applied to individuals to sign such a document. There may well be truth to all the allegations, I have no idea. However, the usual approach is to allege things to be worse than they are to coerce an employer to pay up in order to shut up. If there is any truth to the allegations, the likelihood is that it has affected a few employees, but that many others have either been pressured by the Union or colleagues to sign the letter, or have seen this as an opportunity to improve their lot by siding with the Union. To put it simply; if signing a letter criticising your employer is going to lead to better working conditions and/or a pay rise, then many will take that opportunity, even if they don't recognise the allegations in the letter. Finally, peer pressure is a real problem in strident Unions, and you do not want to be seen to be the one to be going against their wishes. Indeed, it is probably braver of those that have not signed the letter, than those that have...

Re: Japan Hit with Yet Another PS5 Price Increase


Whilst I agree that Sony will likely increase the price of Plus sometime soon, @PsBoxSwitchOwner, Microsoft actually followed Sony in increasing the price of their consoles, and their games, and the price of the subscription services. Sony did it first on each occasion. I think the difference is that Sony can 'afford' to do it, whereas it is more of a risk for Microsoft. Microsoft will always come in for more criticism, warranted or not, even if Sony are doing precisely the same thing...

Re: Lies of P Sequel Jumping Straight to Elden Ring, Neowiz Seeks Open World Experience


I loved Lies of P and really look forward to the sequel. Hopefully it won't take too long in the making because as a man in my 60s my reactions are not what they once were! Definitely a day one buy for me, though open world does not necessarily mean better as I actually really liked the more linear approach of the first game.

For me, had BG3 not released in the same year, LoP would have deservedly won every Game of the Year award going...

Re: Japan Hit with Yet Another PS5 Price Increase


Today's price increase is down to "the recent challenging external environment, including the current fluctuations in the global economic situation, and the impact it will have on our business,"

No. Today's price increase is to ensure that the price of the Pro doesn't look so bad by comparison...

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Was Allegedly Being Talked About Openly at Gamescom


That's my thoughts exactly, @PsBoxSwitchOwner. Were Microsoft to remain in the console business, this approach would be the best for us gamers; you'd have one manufacturer bring out a console one year, then 3 years later the other would, and then the first would do so again, and so on, and each time you would see a real improvement in console. By having both release a console within weeks of one another, they have pretty much continuously brought out much the same console as each other each time, and not always has the improvement been significant.

Unfortunately, I think it is maybe moot now. I'm not 100% certain that we will see another full blown console from Microsoft. A handheld, maybe, but one to rival the next PlayStation? I'm not so sure. I know Bond said there would be one, but with the way things have gone since she said that, I can foresee Microsoft pulling the plug on consoles entirely, so we may not even get a NeXtBox...

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Was Allegedly Being Talked About Openly at Gamescom


The rumours of 2026 for the next Xbox have been pretty consistent until recently, @darylb24, but in the immortalised words of Spencer, "Plans change", and I've not heard that 2026 date be mentioned for a couple of months now, which leads me to question whether plans have indeed changed. After Bond said that the next console was going to see a huge leap in performance, we've heard nothing more, which is fair enough, I guess when it's not due until 2026, but even the rumours seem to have died down...

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Was Allegedly Being Talked About Openly at Gamescom


It would not surprise me one bit it the reason Sony have not confirmed the existence of the Pro, @Ravix, is so that they can do precisely that! As soon as Xbox tell us when the new consoles will be out, Sony will give us the release date for the Pro to coincide so as to do maximum harm to Microsoft. Most of it will be Microsoft's doing, but it'll be down to Sony to drive in the final nail...

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Was Allegedly Being Talked About Openly at Gamescom


Oh, I absolutely agree, @Ravix, they have dropped so many balls this generation (and the last one for that matter) that it's amazing that there are any balls left in the Universe. It's a shame, because we need strong competition between the PlayStation and the Xbox to keep innovation going, and to stop either of them becoming complacent (something that Sony could be accused of).

I think ultimately that Microsoft need to put all Xbox gamers out of their misery and give them a hard and fast definitive answer as to what their plans are. I mean, would you buy an Xbox console next generation based on what we currently know? I know I wouldn't. They may have a huge pipeline of AAA games coming through the system, that will arrive in the next year or 3, but I still don't think that buying an Xbox is something that I will do next generation, as much as anything because I suspect that everything will be coming to the PlayStation too...

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Was Allegedly Being Talked About Openly at Gamescom


The difference is, @Ravix, the Pro is an upgrade to the standard PS5. All the new Xbox's are simply variations. They are just more options, which is no bad thing.

The next actual upgrade to the Xbox Series is rumoured to be coming in 2026, though I still think that there is a possibility that the Series will actually be the last Xbox console, and that by then Xbox will just be Microsoft Studios and be a fully third-party publisher...

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Concord?


If it were a free to play game, I might give it a go, but I'm not going to pay for it. The reviews on Steam are not bad at 82%, but there are only 150 of them, so it's difficult to gauge at the moment. Looking at the highest player count for today on Steam, it sits as the 63rd most played game today on Steam with a peak player count of just under 31K.

However, when you compare that to Wukong that sits at 96% positive with over 250K votes, and a peak player count today of just shy of 2.3 million, I think it speaks for itself as to the potential longevity of Concord, which is why I won't buy it.

You never know, the Developers may turn it around, but I just feel that all the bases are covered by well established games of this type, and so Concord will be fighting an uphill battle to succeed...

Re: Larian Teases Baldur's Gate 3's Cruel New Dark Urge Ending


I currently have a solo Dark Urge run ongoing. I have just started Act 2, so I'll likely be starting Act 3 in a week or twos time. Have to say, I'm playing it as a good run, resisting the Urge, but only because I want some items that are only available as a consequence of being good for the first two acts, which is slightly disappointing. What Larian need to do is introduce some properly decent armour and weapons that can only be obtained through being absolutely ruthless and evil to give people a reason to play dirty...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Lae'zel Combat Stance Literally the Stuff of Ancient Samurai Dreams


Absolutely love the game. It is easily the best game ever made. It deserved all the Game of the Year awards last year, and for me, it deserves them this year too! All these intricate details are what makes the game so special. What really gets me, even as I embark on my fourth playthrough, is that there is so much that changes depending on those decisions you had taken previously; so many interactions that only occur within set parameters that you would otherwise not see. Hats of to Larian, it really is an incredible game...

Re: PS5's Lack of Tentpole Exclusives Isn't Hurting Engagement, Says Sony


Well if all you own is a PS5, what else are you supposed to do? The PS5 has sold ridiculously well, and so it stands to reason that player engagement is at an all time high. The real question is, how much better would player engagement be if Sony were to be releasing games we want at a regular cadence? That, I think would make a real difference...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Reveals Utterly Ridiculous Player Stats for One Year Anniversary


I finished a 320 solo run two months after the games full release, and loved every second of it, and in doing so achieved many of the events highlighted above.

I currently am going through a solo Tactician Dark Urge run, and have a duo Tactician run on the go too. I am also part of a trio run that has been going for about a year now (we are in the final stretch though πŸ˜‚). In my duo run, we managed to recruit Minthara (Minty as I like to call her!) but I think romance is off the cards because she won't talk to me, probably because I knocked her out in Act 1 in order to be able to recruit her in Act 2. Oh well... 🀣

Absolutely love the game. Easily the best game ever made...

Re: Larian Studios' Next Two RPGs Sound Ridiculously Ambitious


So the studio that made the best game ever made is making further games? How could you not be excited? So ready for whatever they do next. I kick-started Divinity 2, bought BG3 Day One in Early Access, and am the proud owner of the PS5 Collector's Edition (unopened, I might add!). I'd have to be dead not to be present on the first day of Larian's next game, and I'm really hoping that won't be the case... πŸ˜‰