Comments 963

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Sales Top a Staggering 25 Million as Phantom Liberty Hits 3 Million in a Week


I played the game upon release on the Series X, but encountered a bug that meant that I was not able to pursue all the Bounties because the game did not recognise that I had finished one, and so would not give me the next in line. Consequently I shelved the game after having played for around 120 hours (I like to do everything, so despite having done so many hours, much of the game was still left to do). I decided at that time that I would wait for the inevitable expansion (which at the time had not been announced) and for the game to effectively be fixed.

Whilst the game was in much better shape on the Xbox, I was hugely disappointed to have to make the decision to stop playing as the game was something that I truly wanted to play.

I watched with sheer disappointment what happened on the PlayStation, but hoped that the backlash that the game, and more importantly, CPDR received would serve as a timely reminder to Developers to not make the same mistake again. Whilst I guess that hope is in reality somewhat forlorn, I do think that when CPDR release their next game, they will not make the same mistake again. It may well have been pressure from their investors that had them push 2077 out of the starting blocks too early, but those same investors made less on their investment than they otherwise would have as consequence of having released it too early, and they must surely know that now. Therefore, I highly doubt that the next Witcher game will suffer the same fate, and I for one, will have no qualms in pre-ordering it...

Re: PlayStation's Push for Live Service Games Hasn't Been Going Smoothly


You are right, @ratmsc, but I was speaking with regards to GaaS as is referred to in the article. However, the point remains, you can play the likes of Call of Duty on both the Xbox and the PlayStation. What attracts people to the PlayStation over the Xbox is the history of big AAA single-player games. There was, after all, very little difference really between CoD on the PlayStation, and CoD on the Xbox. It is everything else that is the deciding factor...

Re: PlayStation's Push for Live Service Games Hasn't Been Going Smoothly


Okay, fair point, @naruball, however, I'd put money on it that if you held a poll on the choice between single-player or Live Service, that single player would win by a landslide. What you are doing is taking the most played game, and comparing it to the most played single-player game, but that's not how gaming works, that is how charts work.

Basically, yes, the most played game at the moment maybe a Live Service game, but if you were to add up all those playing single player games, then those play GaaS would be in the considerable minority. People that play single-player games, finish it and move on to the next game. You simply won't get people sticking with a single-player game, once beaten, in the way you do GaaS games. That is why the figures are skewed.

There are apparently around 140 million people that game on the PlayStation. Just how many of them are playing GaaS compared to those playing everything else?

Re: PlayStation's Push for Live Service Games Hasn't Been Going Smoothly


You are absolutely right, @Kraven, between the likes Fortnight, Destiny 2, Apex Legends, and even Warframe, any Live Service game needs to really stand out from the crowd. Doing that successfully is what is eluding all these developers. It's not just the creation of the game, it's continually adding to the game, keeping it fresh, and the community that plays it invested sufficiently in the game to stick with it.

If it were so easy to successfully make these kind of games, the market would be flooded with them (which would be a problem in and of itself as there are only so many gamers to go around that are interested in playing this type of game). It is absolutely no surprise to see so many of these games being shut down, often without even being released, because developing a game that sticks is ridiculously difficult.

It must be awful to work on developing this kind of game, as it must forever be in the back of your mind that if the game is canned, your job likely goes with it. Feel terrible for the Developers in this position...

Re: Now Naughty Dog Is Reportedly Downsizing, Cutting Multiple Contract Jobs


I think that simply turning the game into the TLoU3, and adding in Ellie would be a terrible idea, @jmac1686. Unless the game is built from start to finish as the second sequel, it will likely release as a horrible mess. I guess it would be possible to use some of the locations for the third game, but anything beyond that needs to be created from scratch.

After the hate that the second game got, Naughty Dog need to play it a little safer this time if they are to keep people invested in the games future. Personally, I enjoyed the sequel, but I know a lot of people didn't, so ND need to come out with something that resonates just as the first game did, and simply building on a failed multiplayer game is unlikely to hit the mark...

Re: New Cuphead Update Skips PS4, Will Be Exclusive to Xbox, PC


As for my optimism, @thefourfoldroot1, I think naivety would actually be the word you are looking for. I accept, I maybe entirely naΓ―ve, but I guess seeing the good in people is a better way to go through life than believing that everyone has an ulterior motive. I mean, if you hold the door open for the person behind you, do you have another reason beyond its the right thing to do? In other words, if someone does you a good deed, isn't it right to be thankful?

You say you are not criticising the move, yet it's difficult your original comment, to which I duly replied, as anything other than a criticism. For ease, here it is:

I other words: MS paid us not to release this documentary type update on PlayStation. Even though it would take no additional work for us to show the same love to our PlayStation fan base, we prefer the money.

As for a first on Xbox clause, yes, I guess that is possible, and if that is part of their contractual agreement in order to secure funding for the game, then where is the problem? And again, how does that fit in with your original comment?

Finally, was I being defensive? That was not my intention. I was simply offering up an alternative opinion in response to your own. But, if nothing else, the back and forth has been interesting...

Re: New Cuphead Update Skips PS4, Will Be Exclusive to Xbox, PC


First off, @thefourfoldroot1, I don't understand your highlighting the word 'people', because if you read what I said, I said 'people do not like Microsoft'. Where does the companies not liking companies fit in with my comment? In fact, how does a company dislike in the first place?

Secondly, this thoroughly inconsequential DLC (which is not playable, by the way) is timed to release with the 6th anniversary of the games release on the Xbox. It only released 3 years ago on the PlayStation, so who knows what will happen at the 6 year point?

If the DLC had been something that truly added to the game, then I can understand there being a possibility that Microsoft might have paid for it. However, with what is being offered, I just cannot see Microsoft wasting money on it. I get that they're a very rich company, but they still have shareholders to whom they are indebted, and who expect their investment to be spent wisely. I just cannot see Microsoft being able to justify paying for this, which is something that probably 95% of Cuphead gamers would simply skip...

Re: New Cuphead Update Skips PS4, Will Be Exclusive to Xbox, PC


Absolutely, @RichterBelmont. It is hypocritical, to say the least. Thing is, those you mention are fairly substantial DLCs paid for by Sony, to keep as an exclusive, and maybe even have had Sony pay to ensure that they do to not appear on the Xbox. This is potentially completely different, because if you take the Developer at the word, this is them giving some very inconsequential material as a thank you to Xbox. In other words, this may not, and if you believe the Developer (and there is no reason not to) has not, even been paid for by Microsoft...

Re: New Cuphead Update Skips PS4, Will Be Exclusive to Xbox, PC


Look, I get that people do not like Microsoft, @thefourfoldroot1, and sometimes, that's with good reason, but all we know about this is what the Developer has said, which is that it is a 'thank you' to Microsoft for all their help with a game that may never have existed without said help. All we can do is to take them at their word until we find out otherwise.

If you look at what you said in your last comment, the cynicism shouts loudly. Effectively, what you have said it that the Developer has only said thank you because they want something in return. That's a really sad statement when you think about it. You cannot go through life thinking that people always want something in return when they show gratitude, and it's entirely possible that all the Developer is doing is showing how grateful they are...

Re: Larian Unveils Baldur's Gate 3's Most Milquetoast Multiclass Builds


My favourite class thus far is Warlock (which gives you very high charisma) to level 2, then 2 levels of Fighter, followed by 8 levels of Sorcerer. I've just hit level 11, and am having great fun with Eldritch Blast! If you don't care about the loot (which is usually only worthwhile on a named enemy) then just blast the enemy off the nearest ledge! With Action surge from the Fighter, at level 11 I can hit them 6 times. That 6 enemies falling to their deaths at the start of a battle. Great fun... πŸ˜‰

Re: New Cuphead Update Skips PS4, Will Be Exclusive to Xbox, PC


I highly doubt that Microsoft paid for any exclusivity for this, @thefourfoldroot1. It's just not worth the money. If anything, Microsoft may have paid for it's production, but I doubt that too. The most likely thing is that the Developers are telling the truth. I know it's shocking to say such a thing, but just maybe they chose to produce this as some sort of thank you. Seems an odd decision, but I just cannot see it being worth Microsoft's money to make something like this as an exclusive. Exclusivity is all about bringing people into your ecosystem, and this just isn't going to do that...

Re: Microsoft Documents Show How PlayStation Now Saved Fallout 76


Fair enough, @tangyzesty. I did not pick up on your comment being tongue in cheek. My bad.

However, there are only two home consoles, as such. PlayStation and Xbox. Nintendo is essentially a handheld console that can be used in big-screen mode. However, the Switch is not really the one that the PlayStation is competing with. The Switch is usually thought of as being a generation behind the other two, in terms of power (so the current Switch is believed to be roughly on par with the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, and when the Switch 2 comes out (probably next year) it is rumoured to be on par, in terms of power, with the PS4 and the Xbox One). So again, the Nintendo, is not the one to push the PlayStation console.

Like 'em or not, we need Xbox to keep Sony competitive and innovative...

Re: Alan Wake 2 Has a Performance Mode on PS5, But It's Been Built as a '30FPS Experience'


I didn't think it possible, @dskatter, but I often see people cite building a PC as the better option.

I have a gaming PC that cost me Β£2600 ($3100) and have little understanding of the ins and outs of computers, but you would not believe the amount of problems I encounter when gaming on it. It's much, much easier to simply turn on my PS5, press play, and, well... play...! πŸ˜‰

Re: Alan Wake 2 Has a Performance Mode on PS5, But It's Been Built as a '30FPS Experience'


Personally, @Geep, I don't get the great drama over 30 or 60fps. I have no idea whether I would actually notice the difference, and to my mind it almost comes across as some form of snobbery, than a game that runs perfectly well at 30fps is somehow no longer good enough to be played. Then again, I'm really old, and my first gaming experience was of the game Pong in the early 70s... πŸ˜‚

Re: Alan Wake 2 Has a Performance Mode on PS5, But It's Been Built as a '30FPS Experience'


There are multiple reasons why Starfield is 30fps, @Mauzuri. There is a great video from Digital Foundry explaining why it is the preferred option. Something to do with item persistence (dropping a potato, for example, at a location and it still being in the same location 200 hours later), and the variety of lighting on each planet, as, from what I understand, each planet rotates around a sun, and so gets differing lighting depending on the time of day, and the distance away from the sun. Apparently, that kind of thing would not work at 60fps...

Re: Microsoft Documents Show How PlayStation Now Saved Fallout 76


I agree with much of what you say, @Kevw2006, and yes, it is speculation on my part, but with some justification in the way that Sony has behaved just this generation. As for MS or Nintendo doing exactly the same, you will find no argument from me there. They absolutely would, given the opportunity. The reality is though, any company that is the sole provider of a product, will sell it at the very highest price they can. It is only competition (particularly strong competition) that forces companies to be more competitive, both in pricing and innovation...

Re: Microsoft Documents Show How PlayStation Now Saved Fallout 76


I don't believe that a new Fallout game has even been started, @Victor_Meldrew. All attention was directed at Starfield over the past several years, and a small team was set up to scope out a story for Elder Scrolls 6, on which, again, I don't believe work has properly begun. It's going to be a decade yet before we see another Fallout game..

Re: Microsoft Documents Show How PlayStation Now Saved Fallout 76


I think the reason that Xbox gamers like Spencer, @Jamesblob, is because of the terrible state that the Xbox was left in by his predecessor. There was a real possibility that the Xbox would have ceased to exist prior to this generation. Spencer persuaded Microsoft to properly invest in Xbox by buying the likes of Bethesda (and indeed ABK), and in doing so, he saved the Xbox brand. I think that is why he is liked by the Xbox community. He is seen, quite literally, as their Saviour, because that is what he did. That's not to say that everyone believes everything that he says. Far from it! However, he is given a hearing because of the way he has turned Xbox around...

Re: Microsoft Documents Show How PlayStation Now Saved Fallout 76


I understand your sentiments, @UltimateOtaku91. Having these emails surface is not a good look for Spencer or Microsoft. However, it would be incredibly naΓ―ve to believe that Ryan has not produced similar emails that would make Sony look just as bad were they to be made public. I imagine all companies express themselves in a similar manner, it's just unfortunate for Spencer that these emails have leaked...

Re: Microsoft Documents Show How PlayStation Now Saved Fallout 76


Unbelivably wrong, @tangyzesty. So what would happen if Sony were the only home console?

Would you be paying $500 for a console? Nope!
Would their first party games be $70? Nope!
Would you have the equivalent of Game Pass? Nope!

Without competition from Microsoft, no matter how poor it maybe in many areas, Sony would run rampant. You have to remember, that Sony does not know any of us. They only have designs on the coin in your pocket. If they could charge us more, they would. The only thing that stops Sony from fleecing us, is the concern of there being competition that we would turn to if they press us too hard.

It is also worth remembering that Sony were the first to increase the prices of consoles. The first ones to up the prices of games. Also only did the equivalent of Game Pass because of the popularity of the Xbox service.

Competition keeps the markets in check, and ensures that companies innovate. Love 'em, or hate 'em (or indeed, really hate 'em) we need Xbox to keep going. There is no alternative to Microsoft. Sony already has a decent stranglehold on the gaming industry by having around three times the numbers of gamers playing on their system than there are on the Xbox. Sony may not be the biggest company in the industry in terms of financial clout, but they are the ones with the largest player-base, and to a great extent, that is what counts...

Re: Statue Manufacturer Accuses Sony of Forcing It to Destroy All PlayStation Products


I get what you are saying, @get2sammyb, but calling the company 'controversial' because some people have made complaints about them, is a somewhat sweeping statement.

I would put money on the fact that probably many more people have complained about Sony on these forums alone than have complained about Gaming Heads in total. Does that mean Sony are a controversial company... πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 495


100 hours into BG3 and I've just officially started Act 3. I said to everyone that would listen, and a few that simply wouldn't, that Baldur's Gate 3 would win EVERY single Game of the Year award for the next 12 months, and I absolutely stand by that opinion.

Everything about the game screams quality; the cutscenes have never been bettered anywhere, the writing, the character arcs, the combat, the exploration, and the ramifications from decisions (which are just so impressive). I could go on, but anyone that has played the game will know what I mean, and anyone on the fence should give it a go as I honestly cannot fathom how you will be disappointed.

Although the next game I shall play will either be Spiderman 2 or Starfield, I am already contemplating a second, third and fourth run of BG3. I want to do an evil run (I'm currently a proper goody-two-shoes), a Dark Urge run, and a wherever the dice rolls fall run (I mean by that, no reloading whatsoever in order to get a more favourable outcome (something that I wonder if I can actually achieve)). BG3 is a game that will be played for years, if not decades, to come. Such a good game, and such a good time to be a gamer...

Re: Xbox Documents Reveal Staggering Cost of Bringing Games to Game Pass, PS Plus


You are absolutely right, @GamingFan4Lyf`, are these emails 'spit-balling' or actually discussing strategy? Everyone is up in arms because the emails have been made public without necessarily being aware of the full context of the conversations. Ultimately, Microsoft are a business, not a charity, and every business (incluing the likes of Sony) is always looking at ways to grow their business and their market share. Microsoft simply have more money, and are a bigger business, so they will always have bigger ambitions and targets.

However, there is always a level of hypocrisy that amuses me when we see things like this, because it doesn't matter what Microsoft were to do, they are simply the evil empire. They can do no right, even if it benefits PlayStation gamers.

Also, if Sony were to suffer similar leaks, just what 'evil' plans would be revealed? Or would it simply be a case of them walking on water no matter what...?

Re: Xbox Documents Reveal Staggering Cost of Bringing Games to Game Pass, PS Plus


Actually, @UltimateOtaku91, it may not be as simple as Sony not being able to afford the fees that Microsoft could, but also the install bases of the two platforms; If you put a game on the Game Pass, they will sell 'X' fewer games, and then if you ask the same question of Sony, because of the larger install base, you will likely sell still fewer copies.

The issue is still further complicated when you consider that Sony has a Tiered system, meaning that it is probably much more difficult to work calculate the maths. Yes, Sony can tell the Developer how many people are on the highest Tier, but what they cannot necessarily say is how many more will upgrade to the highest Tier in order to play said game. It is a lot easier to do the maths on the Game Pass, plus they know that because of the much smaller install-base on the Xbox sales would always be lower there. Truthfully, it is possible that Sony would actually be charged more to put a AAA game day and date on their service than Microsoft would because of the risk of losing a much higher number of sales...

Re: Unity Promises Changes to Controversial New Policy After Causing 'Confusion and Angst'


You're absolutely right about the 2010' era, @belmont, though the changes to the Police pensions happened in around 2000. The Police do not have the right to industrial action in the UK, and so are an easy target for this kind of thing. It is a very scummy thing to do.

On topic though, I cannot see much of the Unity changes going through as the mere threat of losing vast amounts of future developments, which would likely see a massive hit to their profits, should be enough to scare off these plans. That said, trust has been broken, and it takes a long time for it to be regained. The Developers (unlike the Police) are able to take some remedial action, and I hope they do. This kind of thing should never be allowed to stand...