Comments 963

Re: Unity Promises Changes to Controversial New Policy After Causing 'Confusion and Angst'


I just cannot understand how a contract can be rewritten like this and then applied retrospectively. It seems like a pretty scummy practice to me.

I would say this kind of this is unheard of, but the UK Government did something very similar when they changed the pension scheme for Police Officers, and applied it to everyone with less than 10 years service. Imagine signing a contract of employment at the commencement of your employment, and then, after just under 10 years service, being told that you would get a smaller pension, and that you would have to serve and extra 5 years to get it? That's precisely what happened, so I guess this kind of thing has some legal standing, but it is absolutely morally bankrupt.

How could you trust any organisation that even contemplates something like this?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 494


Still on my first playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3, which is definitely Game of the Year, so every other game may as well stand down now and accept that they have been bested.

Also, still itching to play my unopened copy of Starfield, but as I'll be squeezing every drop out of BG3, it'll probably stay sealed for another month yet...

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Is a PS5 Exclusive for 'At Least' Three Months


That is a bit of a leap, @DennisReynolds. It's like with Final Fantasy 7, are Sony paying SE for exclusivity, or are they paying to keep the game off of Xbox? Obviously I guess it could be both, but were you to ask an Xbox gamer, they would probably say that Sony are paying to keep it off the Xbox, whereas in here, they would be saying that Sony have simply bought it as an exclusive. My point is, that we all have biases (perceived or otherwise) however, an embargo is one thing, but it does not mean that Microsoft have taken the next step and completely prevented the 4K upgrade from being released on the PlayStation. That seems a bit of a stretch to me.

I'm just curious if there is any actual evidence by way of statements from either SE or Sony, as I cannot find any. As I say, the only thing I can conceive of in this circumstance is that Microsoft either paid to develop the 4K upgrade, or provided developers to implement it. I guess there is always the possibility that Microsoft have paid for this upgrade as a console exclusive too, though they are hardly likely to tell us, as is their way.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Is a PS5 Exclusive for 'At Least' Three Months


Is there any proof that Microsoft prevented the native 4K, @DennisReynolds? I've seen speculation from gamers, but nothing definitive. I'd quite like to read what Square Enix or Sony have said about it as if Microsoft have done this, then it would indeed be scummy. The only way I can see this being remotely acceptable is if Microsoft worked on, and paid for, the native 4k themselves...

Re: Borderlands Studio Gearbox May Be Sold by Embracer Group, It's Claimed


Okay, @UltimateOtaku91, so you have sold your Xbox and so your allegiance is with Sony, pure and simple, I get that now. However, your comment referred to Microsoft 'gobbling them up'. So what you did was take a swipe at Microsoft without any evidence whatsoever that they were in any way involved in any potential acquisition of Gearbox. You just cannot help yourself, can you?

I personally think it is a franchise that is better in the hands of a developer that will keep it multi-platform. However, I would take it in the exclusive hands of either PlayStation or Xbox, rather than disappearing completely. The Studio's survival is more important than anything. Whether you like Microsoft or not, them keeping the franchise alive is better than us never seeing another Borderlands game at all...

Re: Borderlands Studio Gearbox May Be Sold by Embracer Group, It's Claimed


So what you are saying is that you would rather these games never see any further instalments, and these Studios shut down, @UltimateOtaku91, than Microsoft buy them, yes? If Microsoft were to buy the company, they would at least be on the Xbox and the PC.

My understanding is that you have an Xbox, so, as much as you love to come on here and trash-talk Microsoft and the Xbox, you would still be able to play Borderlands, or anything else the Studio might make under Microsoft's management.

Or are you simply saying that it's only okay if Sony buys the games and keeps them on the PlayStation?

Re: Borderlands Studio Gearbox May Be Sold by Embracer Group, It's Claimed


Clearly a case of Embracer attempting to expand way too quickly by buying up many more studios and IPs than Microsoft ever have. The difference ultimately being the outlay value.

Personally I'm glad to see Embracer having to tighten their belt. If it means that they will stop hoarding beloved IPs and doing nothing with them, then I'm all for it. Better that the likes of Sony or Microsoft buy them. At least that way we know that the Studios will likely be looked after, and the IPs will see the light of day at some point. Even if it is Microsoft, we do at least know that under their current management they will do something positive with the IP. Even an Xbox console and PC exclusive is better than not seeing these titles ever again...

Re: UK Sales Charts: Starfield Soars While Mortal Kombat Hype Brings Back 11


That 6 million figure is from the Thursday, @MinotauroBJJ. I would strong expect the figure to be much higher for the weekend. Time will tell.

I would say that 3 million sales for a game that is ALSO available to be played 'free' on the Game Pass is a pretty decent number of sales. Apparently, the game sold 2 million copies at £100 a pop, for the early access version, which is a whopping 200 million in sales before the game even released on the Thursday.

I've also seen people commenting on this site that they have bought an Xbox in order to play the game, so likely as not Microsoft will have seen an uptick in Xbox sales, and new Game Pass subscriptions.

I'd say that Microsoft are probably very satisfied with the way things panned out. Worst possible outcome would have been for everyone to just play it on Game Pass, and thus generating barely any revenue.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 493


Still haven't opened by Collector's Edition of Starfield (and may not end up doing so), as I am still playing, and loving, Baldur's Gate 3 on my PC. Once I eventually finish BG3, Starfield is next, maybe on the Game Pass, still haven't decided yet. I also have the Collector's Edition of BG3 on the PlayStation on order (I've received the code, but not the CE) so I might fire that up at some point too... 😊

Re: EA Sports UFC 5 Is the First M-Rated Release in the Series


I've never played one of these games, so this may appear a dumb question, but is it like games such as Mortal Kombat, where you need to learn combos? I can never remember combos. I usually just press random buttons rather than a proper combo. I even struggle with the timing, so where you need to press a button three times, then pause, before hitting a fourth, I just cannot get that pause right. So, if it requires combos, then I won't be buying this unfortunately...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Is Now PS5's Highest Rated Game Ever


My apologies, @Impossibilium. No offence was intended.

You are absolutely right about there being a marked improvement in the game mechanics from BG1&2 and 3, and to play the first
two after the third would indeed be more... difficult! Indeed, BG1&2 have, for me, aged so badly, that I could not even contemplate playing them, although I have looked at them multiple times whilst they have been on sale.

As for Divinity, those games use a completely different set of rules. No dice involved (or at least, none seen)! They will remain fantastic games in their own right regardless of BG3. DoS2 was my all time favourite game until BG3. Truthfully, playing any game after BG3 will feel like a retrograde step. It is simply magnificent...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Is Now PS5's Highest Rated Game Ever


Likewise, @General_Disarray, there are so many great moments that I have really enjoyed. The quality of the cutscenes is something to behold. Absolutely top-tier.

I won't deny having reloaded one scene a couple of times just to watch the sheepish grin on one NPC when caught in the act of enjoying a spot of carnal knowledge... 😂

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Is Now PS5's Highest Rated Game Ever


I have played through both Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2, @Impossibilium. Indeed, until Baldur's Gate 3, I always cited DoS2 as my favourite game of all time. I have not played through BG1 or 2 at all. In terms of story, now that I am playing through BG3, I really do not feel that I am missing anything. It is a self-contained story with just the occasional reference to events in the earlier games that those that have played them may remember, but they are really unimportant when playing BG3.

As for DoS1&2, whilst I do absolutely recommend them, as I am sure you are aware, they have no connection to BG3 whatsoever (other than being made by Larian), and so are definitely not essential to have played first.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Is Now PS5's Highest Rated Game Ever


I didn't really understand the mechanics of the game, @Amusei, but after a few hours I understood them much better, and feel pretty confident now that I have completed Act 1.

What I did do what watch some videos so that I chose the class that I wanted as it is a long game, and getting that bit right is crucial. There are also a lot of guides out there explaining how to build your chosen class, and they are well worth watching. I have not watched any videos that contain spoilers, but have watched a few of the 'things to know before you start' videos, and I highly recommend doing that.

The game is fantastic. A game unequalled. You will get the hang of it pretty quickly... 👍

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 (PS5) - One of the Greatest RPGs of Our Time


Fair enough, @Intr1n5ic. As I say, I haven't played it yet, so I cannot truly judge, but I have seen much more criticism of Starfield (though still not a lot) than I have BG3. As for TotK, I have only played BotW, and whilst I do own Totk, I haven't got round to playing it. Again though, I have seen that game criticised too, mostly for not being a particularly big evolution from it's prequel. I guess it's a mute point though, as I think BG3 is likely to beat allcomers, unless it's only Nintendo games in the running, or only huge space operas allowed..! 🤣

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 (PS5) - One of the Greatest RPGs of Our Time


Anyone that has read that which I have written regarding this game in the past month or so will know my feeling on the game. It is quite simply a masterpiece. Personally, until now, my favourite game of all time was Divinity Original Sin 2. Baldur's Gate 3 has now taken that crown. It takes everything that was magnificent about Dos2 and turns it up to 12.

For me, Larian is the very best Developer out there. Hands down they are the best studio. I love them to bits. They really get involved with the community, and are passionate about the games they make. They absolutely deserve all the praise they are getting, and thoroughly deserve every single Game of the Year award that they will undoubtedly win for the next 12 months.

This is not a partisan thing at all, as I am looking forward to playing it, but I actually feel sorry for Bethesda and Starfield because were it not for BG3, Starfield would likely win a good percentage of the GotY awards in the forthcoming year. However, I don't think in a head to head race to the award between Starfield and BG3, that Starfield stands a chance. I have yet to play the game (even though I own the Collector's Edition with the watch) as I am still working my way through BG3, but I just cannot see it beating BG3 at all.

BG3 is a true masterpiece, setting a standard that few games will ever match. And Larian are the kind of Developer that we could only wish the majority to be...

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 Update Clarified as CDPR Lists Patch vs. Phantom Liberty Changes


I played 2077 when it first came out and put in around 140 hours before hitting a bug that meant that I was unable to continue a particular mission, and which then prevented me from undertaking any further bounties (because I hadn't completed the most recent one). So, whilst I could have continued playing the game, it would have cut off a significant portion of it, losing me credits, XP, and other rewards. Thus, I took the difficult decision to set the game to one side with the view to starting from scratch once the DLC had dropped.

Now that the DLC is due, and I have it pre-ordered, I find myself with two massive games to complete first; namely Baldur's Gate 3 on my PC, and then Starfield on my Xbox. I mean, it's a great time to be a gamer, but boy, there just isn't enough time in the day... 😂

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 492


Still playing Baldur's Gate 3 on my PC. Finally about to commence Act 2. Whilst I have no desire to rush BG3, my Collector's Edition of Starfield (the one with the watch) is sat unopened on the settee, and I'm absolutely desperate to dive into that too. Seeing people describe it as Fallout in space is precisely the type of game I was hoping for.

So many great games in such a short period of time. 2023 is a classic for games. A year like no other. 😊

Re: PS5 Trophies for the Highest Rated Game of the Year Hit Sony's Servers


I got the Steam Achievement for reading 100 books in the first act, @get2sammyb. There are thousands that you can read, but most are unimportant books of which there are many, many copies. You only need to actually read the letters and scrolls, for the most part, and simply pressing read and immediately closing it back again will suffice for the Trophy. 'Reading' copies of the same book also counts towards the 100 total. In all honesty, it won't take long at all...

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for September 2023 Announced


I shall do what I usually do; I shall add these titles to my library, but not play them!

What I don't usually do though is let my subscription lapse, which I will be doing this time. I don't really use it, and with the price hikes they have become even less value to me. If something of worth actually appears in the monthly games, I might consider resubscribing, but more likely, were that to happen, I'd just buy the game itself instead...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 DLC Is on the Cards at Larian Studios


Yes, @ShadowofSparta, I know, but they can still add in new Origin characters, and even side quests without needing to increase the level cap. Still lots of good stuff they can add in, weapons, armour, etc.

I played Divinity Original Sin when it first came out on the PC. At that point, the game had no voice acting. When they did the Enhanced Edition of that game, it came fully voiced, which was a simply amazing addition...

Re: PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Spending Has Completely Plateaued in USA


My bad, @Marquez, I was thinking about the date they increased the prices of their subscriptions. That said, it still makes no odds; people wanting to play Starfield will be unlikely to be capable of properly completing the game in a month, let alone 14 days.

To be fair to Microsoft, people would have been unhappy whenever they made these changes as it hits them in the pocket, no matter whether they are long time subscribers or new subs.

In some ways, getting rid of the monthly subs is actually fairer on those that are long time subscribers. Those that have extended subscriptions are paying full price for the content, and are the ones that are keeping the service running, and so it could be viewed as a little galling to see people accessing that same content for just £1/$1 and then leaving the service straight after.

Can the change be seen as a little cynical? Absolutely, by those that wish to see it that way, anyway. However, as I said, making a game like Starfield will have cost a small fortune, and Microsoft is a business, not a charity, and so they need to recoup as much of that money as possible. There was never going to be a good time, from the consumer perspective, to make these changes, but from a business perspective, the timing was pretty much spot on...

Re: PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Spending Has Completely Plateaued in USA


In fairness to Microsoft, @Marquez, removal of the £1/$1 Game Pass entry point right before the release of Starfield is a sensible one. It means that they can maximise their income from people that will literally buy one or two months worth of GP just to play Starfield.

Starfield will have likely have cost multiple 100s of millions to develop. If one million people signed up at £1/$1 for a single month to play it, that's just an extra one million in revenue. Even if 50% of people that would have paid the £1/$1 fee, now decide not to do so, and so give Starfield a miss, that stills leaves the other 50% paying around £10/$10 instead, which will bring in five million in revenue. I'm obviously using simple numbers, but likely as not, removing the £1/$1 offer will benefit Microsoft, not harm them. If these people were only going to stick around for a month or two, it's better to get ten times the amount from them now that you otherwise would...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Accidental PS5 Console Exclusivity Truncated as Xbox Backtracks


I think you are entirely correct, @General_Disarray, and I have been saying the same for months. The way that Sony did it this generation is likely the better way forward, though I can also see the benefits of having a low cost entry for the purposes of Game Pass. Without Microsoft swallowing big, maybe even 50%, losses , I cannot see them managing to bringing out a discless console as cheap as the S, whilst keeping the the inner guts the same as the X. When Spencer says they have learned lessons this generation, I believe him. What he does about it this, and next generation, is another matter entirely...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Accidental PS5 Console Exclusivity Truncated as Xbox Backtracks


Why would the Series S hold back any games releasing on the PlayStation, @UltimateOtaku91? Can you actually name one instance where this has happened? Baldur's Gate 3 releasing on the PlayStation BEFORE the Xbox demonstrates the polar opposite of what you are saying.

I know how you love to come on here and bash the Xbox, but if you are going to do so, at least come up with something that stands up to some scrutiny...

Re: Random: Gamescom Opening Night Live Interrupted By Stage-Invading GTA 6 Fan


You only have to look at what happened to Salman Rushdie, who lost an eye after being stabbed whilst on stage, to understand that there are some very unstable people out there, and many who believe that their acts will lead to fame (or at least infamy) and fortune.

I get that this guy is probably just a muppet, but when streaming events to a worldwide audience of potentially millions, it makes sense to have beefed up security so as to prevent any real harm being committed...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Publishing Rights Snagged by Spike Chunsoft in Japan


There is a Collector's Edition already, @Sequel. I have both a PlayStation and a PC Collector's Edition on order/pre-order. Unfortunately both come with a digital version of the game. Indeed, I already had BG3 from Early Access on the PC, so I've ended up with a second PC code as a consequence of buying the Collector's Edition.

The game itself is absolutely fantastic, and I'm absolutely chuffed to see Larian getting the love that they are. It is very much deserved...

Re: Amid Ongoing ActiBlizz Acquisition Saga, Modern Warfare 3 Will Be Playable First on PS5, PS4


I entirely agree with what you say, @LtSarge. Xbox needs the content now, and is not in a position to await a games development as it takes way too long these days to create a quality AAA game from scratch. However, I do believe that the acquisition of ABK is a response to Sony gaining more and more timed and fully exclusive third-party games, because the more Sony do it, the more people see Sony as the console to own. And when they see Xbox, with their inability to match Sony for both third-party exclusivity deals, and indeed first party exclusives, they're just not going to choose Xbox. Microsoft had to do something else they ran the risk of being pushed out of the gaming market. Truthfully, that risk still exists even with the ABK acquisition because unless Spencer can turn around Xboxes future, Microsoft could easily decide to pull the plug. The ABK buyout works for Microsoft with or without Xbox as CoD is a juggernaut that they can continue to sell even if Xbox were to cease to exist. Likewise, the King aspect of the buyout affords Microsoft a way into the mobile market, something that can persist with or without Xbox...

Re: Amid Ongoing ActiBlizz Acquisition Saga, Modern Warfare 3 Will Be Playable First on PS5, PS4


Thing is, these small extras enjoyed by the Sony player-base, as well as all the other timed and fully exclusive games is basically Sony throwing their weight about. Obviously Sony do not have the financial heft enjoyed by Microsoft, but they do use their much larger install-base to get benefits for their gamers to the detriment of those that game on the Xbox. Conversely, Microsoft could not use their much smaller user-base to garner these type of deals, but they do have the financial backing to buy Developers and Publishers. Buying the likes of ABK is a direct response to the punitive practices employed by Sony.

Most, if not all, buying up of Studios, and third-party exclusivity is much less than ideal for the majority of gamers in the long-run, however, so long as the practice continues (on both sides) then both Sony and Microsoft will feel obliged to continue to do so.

Maybe in years to come we will know all the inside details, but I would not be at all surprised if Microsoft told Spencer that he had this generation to turn around the fortunes of Xbox, and that failure to do so would not see the next generation at all. To ensure that, Spencer has managed to persuade Microsoft to stump up the money to buy the likes of ABK, as even if Xbox ceases to exist, that acquisition alone will continue to bring in the big bucks.