Comments 963

Re: Dragon Age: The Veilguard Sounds More and More Ambitious as BioWare Reveals Colossal Script Size


I don't understand what you are saying, @Ravix, as it makes no sense! The developers talking about their game does not mean that they are trying to convince themselves that the game is good. Developers talk about their games in order to convince us that it is a product worth buying. It's called promotion, and is something that pretty much every developer does about every game. Even Gollum had the developers promoting the game. It's a necessary part of game development process, it is not a sign that the developers have no confidence in their product...

Re: Shadows of the Damned Remaster Out This Halloween, Only £20 / $25


One of my absolute favourite games of the PS360 era. I played it on the 360 and got every achievement (as I recall, the difficulty achievements did not stack, so you had to play the game through multiple times to get each difficulty achievement), and after I had done that, I played it through once more on the hardest difficulty (which did not have an achievement attached) just for fun. The game is that good. Will be pre-ordering the game today...

Re: 'Unpolished' Star Wars Outlaws Gameplay Gets Blasted, But Ubisoft Insists on August Release Date


It's a Ubisoft game best left for a few months for patches and discounts.

You missed off the other element, @themightyant; leave it a few months for a substantial discount too...!

I normally pre-order every game that I am interested in, and also the best version too, but on seeing the frankly obscene price of £120 for the Ultimate edition, I opted to forgo pre-ordering this game, and instead will be one of those that waits those few months for precisely those reasons that you highlight (and mine too) as we all know that Ubisoft are very quick to offer decisive price cuts...

Re: Hey Jude! England and Real Madrid's Bellingham Fronts EA Sports FC 25


Thankfully it isn't Donkey Kane, as he was truly awful during the Euros, and, in my opinion should never have gone, and the fact that someone more capable was not in his position instead probably cost England the title. As for Bellingham, yes, it was a spectacular last minute goal that saved England an early exit, but that was pretty much all he did all tournament...

Re: Massive Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 7 Detailed, Dev Confirms More Updates Are Planned


I completed a 300+ hour first playthrough starting the day the full game released. On completion, I realised that I had just played the best game ever made!

Currently, I have a trio playthrough ongoing, which also started the day the game came out, but due to work commitments for one of my mates, we sometimes only get to play once a week, however we are at the backend of the game with little to do now in reality but defeat the last of the three boss enemies, and then the final battle.

I also have a duo run ongoing on Tactician mode, which we started yesterday, and then lastly, I have my own solo run on Tactician mode too, which I started just last week. So I've got a lot going on in what is easily the very best of games...

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 537


As I said, it was soft, @Specky. However, even Neville contradicted himself because he said it would have been a foul (and a freekick) outside the box. It cannot possibly be a foul in one part of the pitch, but not the other.

The way I look at it is would the English have felt aggrieved if this had been awarded against them? Absolutely they would. However, would the Dutch have felt it was a penalty had it happened to them in our penalty box? Yes, they would! It was one of those decisions that was going to divide fans along Country lines. Yes, it was soft, and I'm glad I was not the one making the decision. In all honesty, I thought it was harsh because the Dutch player raised his leg to block the shot, and Kane kicked his studs. So I didn't think it was a foul. However, my friend (who was a professional referee) explained why it was a penalty, and I have to accept his interpretation of the rules as he is an expert, whereas I am but a numpty...

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 537


Thing is, @Specky, I agree it was a soft penalty, but both the pundits, and a professional referee friend of mine, have said that it would have been a classed as a foul, and thus a free-kick, anywhere else on the pitch, and therefore it follows that it would be a penalty if it occurred in the box.

Soft, yes, but still a penalty in todays game...

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 537


On my Xbox I'm playing Aliens Fireteam with a mate, and when I get a chance, I'm playing Baldur's Gate 3 doing a Dark Urge run on Tactician difficulty (though truthfully, I'm struggling to do anything evil. It's just not in my nature! 😂).

On my PC, I'm playing Baldur's Gate 3 with a mate in a duo run, and also have a trio run ongoing with yet another mate. So in all, I have three different games of BG3 on the go.

Both my PS5 and Switch are sat idle at the moment.

Baldur's Gate 3 is pretty much still taking up all my game time, and I love it...

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


That is not what Microsoft have said though, @get2sammyb. This is what they have said:

Some games available with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on day one will not be immediately available with Xbox Game Pass Standard and may be added to the library at a future date.

Obviously, the key word there is some. Now, I agree that the likelihood is that BO6 will only be available on Ultimate to start with, but the article definitively says that it will, which, at this moment is not the case, and so is slightly misleading.

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to be awkward, just accurate...

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


Forgive me if I am wrong, @get2sammyb, but where is it that Microsoft have said that Black Ops 6 will be on the Ultimate tier? Thus far, to my knowledge, all they have said is that some Day One games will be only available on Ultimate. I think it reasonable to assume that it will be on Ultimate only, but I cannot see anywhere where they said that this new policy would apply to BO6 specifically. Now, you may well be right that that is what happens, but have they outright said it just now?

Re: Netflix's Horizon Zero Dawn TV Show Reportedly on Ice


Agree that this guy should be removed from the project, but would still like the show to be made.

The article also got me thinking about the prequel aspect of the show; now that would be a really interesting game to play. The fall of humankind as we know it at the hands of AI. How prognostic could that be...? 😉

Re: Silly Speculation Alleges Sony May Have Signed Secret PS5 Exclusivity for Black Myth: Wukong


I've not personally seen Xbox guys moan about it, @DragonSlayer1759, though I have no doubt that some are. Most are simply blaming the S...!

What is telling though is that neither the Developers or Sony have come out and denied the existence of an agreement. After all, it is entirely possible for both statements to be true; an agreement could be in place, thus making the game a timed exclusive, and the Developers will use that period of exclusivity to work on the Series version (perhaps having put it on the back-burner once the deal was struck).

The point being, that what the Developers said could be true as they did not say that they were encountering problems with the Xbox version, just that they were optimising it. Neither party just outright denying the existence of an exclusivity deal is kind of suspicious, as simply saying one does not exist is very easy to say. I never understand the silence in these sort of situations as saying nothing simply allows these rumours to swirl round, getting worse and worse, when a statement, either confirming or denying, puts the matter to bed pretty quickly...

Re: Silly Speculation Alleges Sony May Have Signed Secret PS5 Exclusivity for Black Myth: Wukong


So sad xbots. When will they accept that the series s is not up to mark. They jump at any excuse to defend it.

You are completely mistaken, @DragonSlayer1759. People that own an S understand its limitations, and for the most part accept it. People that own a Series X, are often seen to be bitterly complaining about the mistake they believe the S to be. It is rare to see people that own a Series actually defending the S, they either accept its limitations, or complain about its existence...

Re: Sony Game LEGO Horizon Adventures Reveals Footage in Nintendo Direct


True, @theSpectre. My bad! However, the point is still valid; Xbox gamers would not expect Spiderman 2 to go on to the Game Pass, but would simply be delighted to be getting the game. Game Pass is not the be all and end all on the Xbox. The only games that their gamers expect to go on the service are First Party titles. If that were not to happen, then they would be understandably upset. Any other game entering the service is a bonus. Games that don't go on the service are just like games on here; there to be bought...

Re: Sony Game LEGO Horizon Adventures Reveals Footage in Nintendo Direct


Lego games sell well on the Xbox, @WhiteRabbit. So whilst I agree the Horizon games would be mostly unknown to them, Lego most certainly is not. Plus, what better way to advertise a Sony IP than put a version of it on the Xbox; draw them in with Lego, make them want to play Horizon on the PlayStation. Sales and new PlayStation gamers, what more could you ask for...?

Re: FromSoftware Boss Says Using Guides to Beat Its Games a 'Perfectly Valid Playstyle'


I always use FightinCowboy when I undertake any Souls Like. When the games are so complex it is easy to miss stuff, and he often does 100% walkthroughs in which he shows you how to get every single item in the games, not just weapons but absolutely everything that it is possible to pick up. I highly recommend him, and usually follow his builds too. I would assume that most that play Souls games know of him because he is probably the best out there, and as a consequence, he usually has early access to all the games so his walkthroughs are generally available much earlier than most too. Seek him out, you will not regret it.

This is 100% walkthrough for Elden Ring:

Re: Video Game Leaking Culture Has Hit an Embarrassing New Low


In fairness, if they were leaking accurate information to start with, then they could legitimately call themselves an insider. Obviously, once the initial information dried up, they then they had nothing further they could add.

Pretending to be a young female, probably had as much to do with attracting horny young men to follow them as anything... 😂

Re: Xbox Really Wasn't Happy with PlayStation's Call of Duty Marketing Deal


So if Xbox is slimy for having acquired 3 months exclusivity with STALKER, @Kanji-Tatsumi, what on Earth does that make Sony with the likes of Final Fantasy 7, or 16 or 14, or Deathloop or Ghostwire Tokyo, or Kena: Bridge of Spirits, and so the list goes on and on and on, and none of those games were just 3 months either, and all of them were this generation. Some still haven't released on the Xbox years after releasing on the PlayStation.

It should also be remembered that in the case of STALKER, Microsoft have helped out with its development too...

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Says DOOM Franchise Is Something That 'Everyone Deserves to Play'


Thing is, when Xbox acquired Bethesda, they did famously say, 'case by case basis' when determining whether games would be exclusive or multi-platform. I think it safe to say that those that gamed on an Xbox assumed that was trying to keep the PlayStation crowd placated (unsuccessfully) by allowing them to think some of their favourite titles would still be coming. Whilst also keeping Xbox gamers happy, by making them believe that games would be exclusive.

So, what has happened here is he has been true to his word, because he also said that where there was an existing community then the games would still come over. Doom is an existing franchise, so this fits in with that statement. Other games, like Starfield had no existing fanbase anywhere, hence keeping it as an exclusive (for now, but just watch this September!) was also compatible with the statement.

Now, it is entirely possible that when the statements were made, there was no intention of porting the likes of Doom, and that things have changed at Team Xbox, such as being so far being in consoles sold and userbase, as well as Spencer no longer being in charge with Nadella having now taken the reigns, but in all honesty, knowing how long developing a game for a different platform takes, this decision would have taken quite some time back, so I for one am prepared to give Spencer the benefit of the doubt on this one...

Re: Black Myth: Wukong Is Now a PS5 Console Exclusive for an Indefinite Amount of Time


So by your logic, @DennisReynolds, when the PS5 Pro launches later this year, it is weak and dated because the hardware it contains will be at least one or two years old?

Truth is, it will not be weak, it will be the best console available. Just as the X and the PS5 are currently the best available, and not weak when compared to the previous generation. The S is on the same footing, better than the previous generation. And so it goes on. It's a very strange position to hold that a console is outdated the moment it hits the shelves simply because better architecture will be available almost straight away. Even the best computer in the world will have components that have been better because of the march of progress and development.

It simply makes no sense to dismiss a console until it has been superseded. Only when the best available is bettered, does it become second best...

Re: Black Myth: Wukong Is Now a PS5 Console Exclusive for an Indefinite Amount of Time


I'm sorry, @DennisReynolds, but to say the S is really weak is totally ridiculous. It is more powerful than the previous generation, which alone means it is not weak, let alone really weak. It also plays pretty much every game released this generation, something that the previous generation cannot boast.

As for Kingdom Come, there are many in the industry pointing to the fact that the S is capable of playing much more demanding games than their newest game, and that's before you get into the game apparently being both twice as big as the previous game, and also only 20% bigger! Many are pointing out that it is either an excuse, a failing on their part, or sour grapes (for reasons unknown). It is an absolute guarantee that BG3, whilst not capable of co-op play, will prove to be a far more demanding game than Kingdom Come, so make of that what you will.

Is the S holding back some games? Absolutely! I honestly believe it is, but the exception that I take with your comment is describing it as 'weak'. Should Microsoft have done the same as Sony? Absolutely! Has the S proven to be a mistake? Yes, in my honest belief, though it has also introduced many to the Xbox ecosystem and Game Pass at an affordable price point.

Lastly, everyone, including myself, is assuming that the problem lies with the S, but no one in the know has actually stated that. It could quite honestly be down to the the developers priorities, and that they want to get the game out of the gate and on to the PS5 before they turn their attention to the Xbox, and this is down to the size of the community on the Xbox and that alone. We simply do not know...

Re: Black Myth: Wukong Is Now a PS5 Console Exclusive for an Indefinite Amount of Time


Well,...yes, @DennisReynolds, but that is the same with every tech device ever created the moment it first rolls of the production line. Even the latest tech will be superseded in mere days following release, and that's true even of PC's. You can put the latest graphics card in one day, only for a better one to come out a few days later. There really isn't much that can be done about that...

Re: Black Myth: Wukong Is Now a PS5 Console Exclusive for an Indefinite Amount of Time


Actually, @DennisReynolds, the S is not 'very weak' hardware, unless you consider the PS4 to be exceptionally weak? The S is actually more powerful than the PS4 and the Xbox One X, it's just not as powerful as the PS5 and the Series X.

Personally, I dislike the S and think it was a mistake, whereas I much prefer the approach taken by Sony. I think the S is still likely the problem over at Xbox, but also the fact that they have a much smaller install base over there and thus are less of a priority than the Sony crowd. The problem is most likely to also be the Microsoft instance on having the game running the same on both the X and the S, which means more work for developers, and again, with Xbox being a lesser priority, that means it gets pushed to the back of the 'To Do' list...

Re: Many, Many More Major Xbox Games Are Being Plotted for PS5


I cannot say I agree with the sentiment that exclusives don't matter, @Mustoe. I've seen it said many times on the Xbox forums and have argued against it often. Exclusives, are for many (certainly me!) the reason to buy into a particular platform.

I buy a PlayStation for TLoU, Horizon and God of War (among others) and an Xbox for Gears of War, Halo and Forza. Exclusives do matter, and when a particular platform does not have them, then in many ways, they cease to be relevant...

Re: Many, Many More Major Xbox Games Are Being Plotted for PS5


It's so amusing reading the comments here (and on other PlayStation centric articles), because there seems to be a lot of enthusiasm for many of the Xbox games to come to the PlayStation, yet it wasn't that long ago that the term 'Xbox has no games' went round and round and round again! What's really funny about that statement is that many (if not most) of the games that people want are games that have been on the Xbox for years. So... maybe Xbox did have some games, yes? I mean, it's kind of hypocritical, but also highly amusing too... 😉😂

Re: Volgarr the Viking 2 Revealed for PS5 and PS4, Out in August


I think you can argue this one either way, @PuppetMaster; lost sales due to pixelated, lost sales due to non-pixelated. We would never know either way. Certainly there would be those that would have been fans of the first game that would be vocal if the Developers had moved away from pixels, but then there would likely be people new to the games that play it that wouldn't have had it been pixelated (such as myself).

As I say, there is no right or wrong here, and we will never know which version of the game would sell better because the Developers have chosen to go the pixel route. As I said before, people will choose the game based on what they like, and if that's pixelation, then that's absolutely fine. It's just not for me...

Re: Volgarr the Viking 2 Revealed for PS5 and PS4, Out in August


I get what you are saying, @PuppetMaster, but I guess, having been there at the start, I do not see the appeal of retro. I just think that more people would play the game if it had decent (not cutting edge, just decent) graphics. Surely I cannot be the only one to be turned off by pixelated?

I'm currently playing Capes, which has a cartoony kind of art style, and before that I played Shadow Gambit, which is also cartoony, so it's not like I have to have cutting edge graphics to enjoy a game. Before Shadow Gambit I played Stellar Blade, which is obviously a real looker, but I don't expect every game to look like that.

I know I'd be interested in Volgarr if it had better graphics, and I cannot be alone in not being interested because they are pixelated. I maybe wrong, but I would assume more people would not buy the game due to the graphical quality, than would. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that lap up everything pixelated, but I cannot help but wonder just how many sales are lost due to this decision. Obviously though, each to their own. There is no right or wrong on this matter when it comes to personal choice...

Re: Volgarr the Viking 2 Revealed for PS5 and PS4, Out in August


I really, really dislike pixilated games, and so this is a non-starter for me. It could coming in with a score of 100 on Metacritic after 10,000 reviews, and I still wouldn't play it. Pixilated just seems like they were not capable of creating decent quality characters, or couldn't be arsed to do so. I could understand it back when games started out (I was there back then, being about 10 when Pong came out), but there really is no reason to keep making games that look like this in the modern age...

Re: Poll: Are You Hyped for Summer Game Fest 2024?


For the actual show whilst it is broadcasting? No. I will wait for it to be about 90 minutes in, and then start to watch it with the ability to skip through all the adverts, guff, musical interlude and stuff that does not interest me.

Last year I started watching it an hour after it began, and by the time I had skipped through all the stuff in the first hour or so that did not interest me, I had caught up with the live presentation! Hence, 90 minutes before I start watching it this year...

Re: Xbox Series S Specs Limit the Scope of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2


You claim that the S is the reason we are getting so many PS4 games, @UltimateOtaku91, with absolutely no proof whatsoever. Not one iota of proof. You are just bashing Xbox because that is one of your favourite pastimes.

The developer here clearly states that the game is smaller because of the S. So yes, the console would seem to be the fault there (if you take the developer at their word). However, 50% of PlayStation gamers still game on a PlayStation 4. That is the reason that so many games are still cross-generation, but that does not suit your agenda to bash Xbox, does it?

Now, if you can produce proof that the Series S is the reason that we have so many cross-generation games, then fine. Let me see it, because I follow these topics closely (and I am not a fan of the S anyway, as I think it was a mistake), but I do not recall ever seeing anyone saying that they are making a cross-generation game due to the existence of the S. Correct me if I am wrong...