Comments 963

Re: Poll: What Will Win Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2023?


I said something similar the other day, @Jammsbro. The only reason why anyone will award the GotY Award to anything other than BG3, is so that they can stand out from the crowd.

As much as I am enjoying AW2, I just think that BG3 pushes the boundaries so much further. AW2 is a game that can be completed in 40 hours, or thereabouts, and that's you done and dusted with the game. Whereas I have completed a single run of BG3 that took my in excess of 300 hours, and yet I can still replay the game in several different ways, and potentially still not have seen everything that the game has to offer. To be clear, I'm not saying that the length of the game is the determining matter, I am suggesting that the sheer scope of BG3 is on an entirely different level...

Re: Poll: What Will Win Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2023?


That sucks, @somnambulance. I have only played BG3 on the PC, so cannot really speak to the state of the game on console. What I will say is Larian are one of the best developers out there, and they will fix most problems pretty damn quickly. Hopefully you are able to return to the game and get the same level of enjoyment that I did with the game...

Re: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Details Its Much-Needed Turn-Based Combat Improvements


I am interested in Infinite Wealth, but am somewhat hesitant because I was unable to finish Like a Dragon due to the insane need to grind in order to finish the final part of the game (a tower as I recall). I had enjoyed Like a Dragon up until that point, but just could not face the grind, and so gave up. Hopefully with the new game, they will do away with the grind, and just allow us to enjoy the game, but whereas last time I pre-ordered Like a Dragon, this time I shall be awaiting reviews before buying its sequel...

Re: Poll: What Will Win Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2023?


I think it will be Baldur's Gate 3, myself, @nessisonett. I'm currently playing though Alan Wake 2, and although I think it is exceptionally good, and would be a worthy winner any other year, damn there are some really problematic bugs in the game. I've lost count of the number of times I've had to restart the game because my character just will not move from the spot. It literally gets locked in position. I also had to put the game down for a game because I encountered a game-breaking bug that completely blocked progression. Thankfully it got patched the following day.

Baldur's Gate 3 though is a step above AW2 in every department except rock songs! 😂

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Physical Deluxe Edition Announced, Is Two Discs on PS5


The latest patch has caused some problems in the game, @Deadhunter. Myself and a couple of mates are playing through Act 2 on the PC and now whenever one of us kills an enemy, the other two get stuck for about 10 seconds looking at a close-up of the corpse. More often than not, we end up with the camera fixed on the crotch, of all things, and you cannot pan away until the person that did the killing ends their turn! So yes, the latest patch has introduced a few issues, but I'm sure Larian will fix them pretty quickly, and regardless, the game is far from unplayable...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Physical Deluxe Edition Announced, Is Two Discs on PS5


Well, if it makes you feel any better, @Rjak, I have thus far bought:

The Early Access version of the game on the PC.
The full Collector's Edition for the PC.
The full Collector's Edition for the PS5.
The Deluxe Edition for the Xbox.

I absolutely love Larian's games, and have set about collecting their Collector's Editions. The ones I have bought will remain unopened.

I learnt the hard way not to hesitate to buy them as they always sell out very quickly, and I deeply regret having failed to take the opportunity to buy the Fane Mask Collector's Edition for Divinity Original Sin when I had the chance. I won't make that mistake again.

Now, I am holding out hope that Larian will offer a full Collector's Edition for the Xbox too so as to complete my set. I know many will consider this madness, but it makes me happy...! 😊

Re: Star Kaitlyn Dever Could Be The Last of Us TV Show's Abby


I didn't like the casting of Bella Ramsey, who, despite being a good actress, just didn't look right in the role.

I have no idea who Kaitlyn Dever is, and so cannot speak to the quality of her acting. I cannot see her as Abby right now, but with the right fitness coaching, diet and intense training, maybe she can look the part. As I understand it, they are looking to film the second season next year, so if she is going to undertake the role, she needs to be hitting the gym pretty soon...!

Re: Expectations Are Already Sky High for Baldur's Gate 3 Dev's 'Next Big Game'


There is an enormous difference, @UltimateOtaku91, between citing 100 companies as possible acquisitions and making any firm considerations to approach them. Have you never written out a huge list of things you'd like to buy, before then crossing out those lower down the list because you either did not really need them, or simply could not afford them once you had bought the more important items? It's like writing a list of your favourite 100 bands, and then putting them in order before then going to see only the top 5 live in concert because they are your absolute favourites. Look at that list, and then see how few of the Developers Microsoft has actually acquired. The bosses at Microsoft probably sent some underling away and told them to produce a list of 100 companies that maybe worth buying, and I would put money on it that Larian was towards the bottom of that list at the time it was produced. Obviously now, with the success of BG3, Larian would be much closer to the top, but as it says in the article, Microsoft then excluded companies based on their earnings, with $100 million being the minimum requirement, and so even now, I'd be surprised if Larian would climb into the top 10, let alone the top 5.

Regardless, Vincke has already stated that he has no interest in being acquired, and they have absolutely no need to be bought out. Larian has made millions upon millions in the past couple of months. They have made a game that many consider to be the best ever made, and have a talented group of Developers that are widely thought of as being among the best around. They have no reason to sell, and they won't be bought. It is that simple.

I know you love to throw shade at Microsoft at every opportunity, but I'm afraid you're going to have to do a little better right now... 😉

Re: Expectations Are Already Sky High for Baldur's Gate 3 Dev's 'Next Big Game'


I don't believe Larian were on the list to buy, @UltimateOtaku91, and Microsoft had also dismissed BG3 as being something they were initially interested in on having on the Xbox. It was way down the 'to do' list for Microsoft. It was only after the rave reviews that BG3 garnered that Microsoft realised their mistake, and then scurried to get on the Xbox. So if they were not interested in the game, they were hardly likely to be interested in the company...

Re: Expectations Are Already Sky High for Baldur's Gate 3 Dev's 'Next Big Game'


I would absolutely love it if they did a third Divinity Original Sin game, @kyleforrester87 @RudeAnimat0r. Until BG3, DoS2 was my all time favourite game. I suspect that, as with their previous games, I can see Larian putting their next game into Early Access on the PC once more, (indeed, I kick-started D0S2, though I doubt they will need to do that again after the phenomenal success of BG3). I'm all for that, to be honest, as you can get a real feel for the game that way. After playing BG3 in Early Access, I knew it was going to be a masterpiece, and I was not disappointed in the slightest...

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 Release Date Could Be Closer Than We Think as RPG Gets Age Rated


I've still got to play through the first game, but finding the time to do so is beyond me right now. From everything that I've heard, and seen of the sequel, I shall be pre-ordering it.

Does anyone happen to know whether you need to have played through the first game to fully appreciate the second? Or is it like with Baldur's Gate 3 whereby you can enjoy the game without having played the first two?

Re: When Is The Game Awards 2023?


I'm in the same boat, @Qu1n0n3z. I live in the UK. Last year I did stay up to watch it. I may do this year as I want to see how well Baldur's Gate 3 does.

If I cannot stay up, then I'll watch it first thing the following morning, avoiding all spoilers on sites like this, and just hope that my mates don't text me any of the results...ðŸĪŠ

Re: Maligned Modern Warfare 3 Developed in Just 18 Months, Staff Required to Work Nights and Weekends


You can see the true colours of people when they post in here. You often see fanboyism at its finest, and it clearly on display in many of the comments herein.

Microsoft will have had absolutely nothing to do with this game. Nothing! Yet you see people who have such a strong dislike of Microsoft, and of their acquisition of ABK, that they are falling over themselves in an effort to blame the company.

Criticism of Microsoft is one thing, and often warranted, but to actively seek to blame them for this debacle is ridiculous. You may as well include Sony in the mix and blame them too because, well, you know, it's Sony! That statement holds just as much merit as the ones blaming Microsoft.

As for those that mention Redfall, it has been well documented that Microsoft were only passingly involved in the development of that too. Indeed, they have been criticised for being too remote, rather than too involved. The situation with Redfall was that Microsoft did not want to come in, having only just acquired the company, and tell the developers to drop the game, or even delay it. Was that a mistake? Absolutely. However, Microsoft being too hands off, and not standing over the shoulders of developers is often cited as a problem, and that is exactly what happened with Redfall. Apparently, Microsoft did not want to impose themselves on the developers immediately after their acquisition, and they left it in the hands of Bethesda, and as is often the case (maybe even usually the case), with Bethesda, their games are released in an unfinished state. This is also the reason why Starfield did not release when Bethesda had initially intended. In the case of Starfield, Microsoft were more involved, and they were the ones that instructed Bethesda to delay the game multiple times, because they could see that the game was not ready to be released.

All that said, there are many in here that have feelings towards Microsoft that verge on hatred, and thus if there is a chance to malign them, they will take it. It's all pretty sad to be honest...

Re: Physical Games Represented Just 4% of Sales for PlayStation Last Quarter


The only physical editions I buy these days are for Collector's Editions, and they usually remain unopened. Indeed, I often then buy the same game digitally that I already own as a physical Collector's Edition. I know that may sound a bit odd to some, but I do that in order to keep the sealed integrity of the Collector's Edition, as collector's much prefer their Collector's Edition sealed when buying and selling.

I buy a lot of games, often several each month (and have a monster backlog of game to prove it!) and have pretty much been digital only since the start of the last generation. I only own around 15 physical games for the Xbox One / PS3, but have about 1351 games that I own digitally, which is pretty crazy really...

Re: Larian's Permadeath 'Honour Mode' Seemingly Coming to Baldur's Gate 3


I beat Divinity Original Sin 2 on Honour Mode, and it remains my proudest achievement in gaming. The final battle in that game was exceptionally tense. I don't know how you do the Cloud gaming save scum strategy mentioned above, and I did my DS2 achievement legitimately.

Having finished a 300 hour run of BG3, without having a team wipe, but with having restarted battles that have not been going well, I have to admit to being both interested and terrified of attempting Honour Mode in BG3. I think I will attempt it, but I'd like to go through the game at least once more in order to get a better understanding of the best mission order.

Really happy Larian have added this as another option. Not only are Larian the very best of all developers, but Baldur's Gate 3 is, in my opinion, the best game to ever be made, and I look forward to watching it win every Game of the Year award going... 😊

Re: Another Baldur's Gate 3 Patch, Another 1,000+ Fixes on PS5


You are absolutely right, @Constable_What. My full playthrough took me 300 hours. Bearing in mind that Larian said there were 17,000 differing permeations of the ending, can you imagine how long it would take to fully iron out every bug in QA, and how many testers they would require? It would take decades for even a sizable team to go through the game so thoroughly that all bugs were exterminated...

Re: The Last of Us Season 2 Filming Will Start Early Next Year


I agree, @zupertramp. As much as Ramsey may be a good actress, that is not the same thing as being right for the role. I know in the games that Ellie is smaller than Abbey, but even so, she does not look the part. If she is already at her full height, and she continues to look so young, then she will be even less right for the role when it comes to the story of the second game.

Pascal, on the other hand, come the end of the first series, really looked like Joel, and I thought he played the character well. That is part of the reason why I would like the TV series not feature the time jump seen in the games, and instead feature more of Pascal and Ramsey. Doing so would enable the 'killer' transformation that we see Ellie have in both games, but particularly the second one...

Re: The Last of Us Season 2 Filming Will Start Early Next Year


Thing is, Bella Ramsey is way too young right now to convincingly carry out the story elements of the second game. She's too small, and too young, in my opinion. That's not to suggest she isn't a good actress, but in all honesty, my hope had been that they would make a least one series in between the series that portrayed the events of the second game. They could have made one or two series entailing completely new story elements that would have allowed Ramsey to get that bit bigger and that bit older. That would then have also had the benefit of prolonging the series, and keeping Pedro Pascal around for longer...

Re: It Sounds Like PS5 Is Handily Outselling Its New-Gen Rival in France


There were no assumptions on my part, @SlipperyFish, but I maintain that I'm right. Yes, of course you can build a basic PC for less than ÂĢ1500, but firstly, when people decide to go PC, that's not what they tend to be looking for. They tend to want 4k Ray-Tracing, the lot. Plus, people aren't looking to spend ÂĢ1200 just to match the specs of a PS5. What would be the point?

However, the point still stands, most people do not get a computer built for them by someone they know. Most people simply buy the best they can afford from some company or other, and then the costs increase significantly...

Re: It Sounds Like PS5 Is Handily Outselling Its New-Gen Rival in France


No, @SlipperyFish. You are completely incorrect regarding a PC specs. The only people that could possibly get close to the figures you suggest are ones that have absolute confidence in building a PC, and also know where to source everything exceptionally cheaply.

My current PC cost me ÂĢ2600 about 5 years ago, and I have had to upgrade to SSD and a new graphics card, at a combined cost of over ÂĢ400, only a couple of months ago just so as to be able to run Baldur's Gate 3. To be clear, you need more than just a Graphics card and an SSD in order to play on a PC!

My mate built his PC, and it is not as powerful as a Series X, and he paid more than ÂĢ1500 to do so. He works in the IT business, so he knows exactly what he is doing. Remove the ability to build your own PC, and you are then at the behest of suppliers that can. That is where the significant cost ramps up.

As for what Sony has to do with Xbox when it comes to releasing things on the PC, it is all about competition. By releasing games on the PC both Sony and Xbox are trying to tempt people into their ecosystem (as well as garner sales, obviously).

Now, I'm not saying that Sony would choose to stop doing it completely if Xbox were to cease to exist, but the imperative to be in competition with them on the PC would be gone, and so they may simply choose to rely on people looking on with envy instead of having to put a game on to the PC to prove that their product is better than that offered by Xbox, in the hope that those people would then opt to fully commit to the PlayStation brand by buying a console.

What Sony are most likely to do, I think, should Xbox cease to exist, is to release PlayStation games with a more significant delay between the initial release on console and then on the PC. So maybe 5 years. That way two things would potentially happen, first people would buy a console to avoid the significant delay, and secondly people would play a game (say The Last of Us (and yes, I know it is already out, I'm just using it as an example!)) and then be minded to buy and play the sequel on a PlayStation rather than wait 5 years after its release on the console for it to then arrive on the PC.

I think the only reason that we are currently seeing an decrease in the time lapse between release on console and PC is because Sony are in direct competition with Xbox to prove their product to be of better quality / or to be of more interest, in the hope of tempting people away from Xbox, and into the PlayStation ecosystem. Remove Xbox from the equation, and that imperative goes too...

Re: It Sounds Like PS5 Is Handily Outselling Its New-Gen Rival in France


Wait! What, @SlipperyFish? Where to start? The reason I did not include the Switch is simply because it is a completely different beast to the Series and the PS5. They have completely different games that often cater to completely different type of gamer. I added the 'high-end' because that is what Sony said, but that does not make it untrue.

As for PCs, I'm not sure what you are getting at. First off, a decent gaming PC will set you back around ÂĢ2000, which is way more than Sony will ever charge for a console. As for Sony games being on the PC, they do not arrive day and date on the PC as they do on the PS5. Also, if the PlayStation were the only place to play PlayStation games with the Xbox no longer in existence, that competition would be gone, thus it is entirely feasible that Sony would determine that it was no longer necessary to release their games on the PC. Yes, they absolutely sell on the PC, but with Xbox out of the way, then the decision maybe made that if you want to play a PlayStation game then the only place to play them should be on a PlayStation as that would drive sales of their console still further.

Re: It Sounds Like PS5 Is Handily Outselling Its New-Gen Rival in France


You mean the handheld hybrid console, @SlipperyFish? I didn't forget, but I'm also fairly certain that neither Microsoft nor Sony really see Nintendo as a direct competitor. Nintendo does its own thing very successfully, but they do not offer the same type of games as either the PlayStation nor Xbox.

All that would happen if Xbox disappeared would be that Sony would market itself as the ONLY high-end console. The ONLY place that you could experience AAA gaming the likes of God of War and The Last of Us. There simply is nothing of that ilk on Nintendo. It is why Sony said their only true competitor was the Xbox. I know they tried to row back on that, but I honestly believe that that is their thinking, and I would say with good reason. When games release multiplatform, it is rare for said game to release on the Nintendo as well, and that is mostly because the Nintendo is incapable of natively running it. Thus, whilst many would be celebrating the end of Xbox, they would also be pushed to decide whether paying a premium price tag to game on the PlayStation is worth it, or whether their budget means that the Nintendo is the only thing that they can afford, and in doing so, missing out on all the high quality titles that the PlayStation is renowned for (but that will also welcome a premium price tag).

Why do you think that Sony have introduced increased pricing on the subscription services whilst not, at the same time, bringing any new benefits to the service? It's simply because they calculate that PlayStation gamers will just put up with it because, well, the PlayStation is the best place to game. So when the PlayStation is the only 'premium' console, what else can you expect from Sony other than increased (premium) prices?

It should also be noted that what Sony have done with the pricing for the subscription services is precisely what they did when they were the first to raise the prices of games to ÂĢ70 and the first to increase the price of their consoles. They just know that the community is to invested in their PlayStations to go elsewhere. And were Xbox to cease to exist, then as the only one in the market, they can do as they please, and you can absolutely bet that it will not be to our benefit...

Re: It Sounds Like PS5 Is Handily Outselling Its New-Gen Rival in France


And what, exactly, do you think Sony will do once it has 'crushed' Xbox, @TheCollector316? Once Xbox ceases to be competition, what do you think Sony will do? Once the PlayStation is the only console, what do you think will happen? Cheaper hardware? No! Cheaper games? No. Cheaper subscriptions? No. Will subscriptions even be necessary to Sony? Maybe not, after all, if your only choice is to game on a PlayStation console, why bother offering you a subscription. After all, the only place you can play games on a console is on the PlayStation, so Sony may as well make you pay for the games you play rather than offer you a subscription.

I get that people dislike, or even hate, Microsoft for buying up big publishers, but the alternative is that Xbox withers and dies (indeed, that is still a possibility based on the market dominance of the PlayStation). However, Sony really don't care in the slightest about you as an individual gamer. They only care about the bottom line. So, if they can increase the price of a console to ÂĢ800/ÂĢ900/ÂĢ1000, they will do it. Why? Because they are the ONLY place you can game on a console after the Xbox is gone. If they can increase the price of a game to ÂĢ80/ÂĢ90/ÂĢ100, they will do it. Why? Because they are the ONLY place you can game on a console after the Xbox is gone.

It is so short-sighted to think the World will be a better place for us gamers without Xbox. All that would mean in reality is that Sony will have free reign to do as it pleases. And you can bet your bottom dollar that that does not mean we would benefit as gamers. The polar opposite of that is actually the case. Only strong competition will keep us gamers happy both in pricing and game quality, and if that means that Microsoft need to buy publishers and developers in order to provide that strong competition, then I'm afraid that we will just have to accept that as an inevitability because without that I don't think Xbox can survive...

Re: It Sounds Like PS5 Is Handily Outselling Its New-Gen Rival in France


You are correct in what you say, @BAMozzy, but only if you assume that people own a PC and a PlayStation. If you don't have the funds to buy a decent PC, then the Xbox is still the only way to play Xbox exclusives at a comparable price to the PS5 (or indeed cheaper in the case of the S).

I often see people site the PC as an alternative to the Xbox console, but that assumes that people have the money to buy one that can run the games at (or better) than the Xbox equivalent. PC gaming is far from cheap, and even further from simple. Without some understanding of the ways of PC gaming, it is very easy to come unstuck.

Will people playing Xbox exclusives on the PC harm the sales of Xbox consoles? Absolutely! But I honestly do not believe that that dent is as significant as some make out.

For a ÂĢ1000 you can own a PS5 and a Series X. It'll cost you double that to buy a truly capable PC, and that's before you get yourself a PS5. People often site the PC as the panacea for Xbox gaming. But do not be fooled. It is not. If Xbox sales are struggling, PC gaming is only a very small reason why. It is games that shift consoles, and that is why the PlayStation is streaks ahead. Will that change long-term? Possibly. However a lot of that also depends on the PlayStation. If Sony brings out a string of Live Service games that join the majority of its ilk in the GaaS graveyard, and fail to reach expectations with its big first party single-player games, then maybe Xbox can claw back some of the ground it has lost, but truthfully, I think that ship has sailed. This, and probably the next, generation has already been lost. Microsoft would have to make some truly significant acquisitions if it is going to move that dial now...

Re: Given a Chance, Dead Space 3 Producer 'Would Redo It Almost Completely'


The thing I least liked about DS3 was being locked out of areas if you played the game solo. When I bought the game, I bought the entire game, so even if playing solo, I should not have been prevented from playing parts of the game that I had actually paid for.

Whilst most definitely the weakest of the trilogy, DS3 was still a fun game for the most part. It was enjoyable both solo and in co-op. It just wasn't what most of us wanted. If it does get remade, then I hope it takes a different direction from the original.

Next though, I would love to see DS2 remade. That was an excellent game that built well on the first. I know the setting was not to the liking of all, but just trudging around a ship once again would have not moved the story along sufficiently and would quickly have become stale. I imagine that the second game is already being remade right now. Hopefully we will get official confirmation pretty soon as I, for one, cannot wait...

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Director: This Game Is Worth the Money


I have thus far put in over 270 hours into BG3, @Dudditz09. I'm only on my first playthrough, and I have loved every moment of it. Already planning future runs. Definitely going to win every single Game of the Year award it is eligible for.

I have bought the Collector's edition of Spiderman 2, and at the moment it is sat unopened because of BG3. I have absolutely no doubt that I will enjoy the game, despite the heavy price tag that I have paid.

Value for money is all relative. For example, each year I buy CoD and only ever play the campaign. I'm content with that. I know what I am buying, and roughly how long I will be spending playing it. I always do two runs, one to get through the game, polish up the trophies, and then a second on the hardest difficulty to get those trophies. I know I will only spend around 20 to 30 hours playing the game, and that it will cost me around ÂĢ70. In all honesty, if you know what you are getting in advance, then apart from not actually enjoying the game, then you cannot complain about the length. If you are unhappy with 20 hours in Spiderman 2, wait for a sale. Maybe even a deep sale...

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Marvel's Spider-Man 2?


I have no will power at all, @CallMeDuraSouka. I pre-order pretty much every that interests me, and then anything that initially slipped my notice, gets snapped up in a sale. I just cannot help myself. The amount of games in my backlog is frankly ridiculous... 😂

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 499


I'm hoping to finish my first run in Baldur's Gate 3 on my PC. Been going for over 270 hours now, and loved every minute of it. Definitely going to win every single Game of the Year Award.

I'm also going to be undertaking a couple of runs of Gears 5 Horde with my mate as a duo on Insane, which is always very challenging...!

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Marvel's Spider-Man 2?


My Collector's Edition turned up today however I have not even opened the box as yet because I am in the final stages of my first BG3 run. Over 250 hours, and I'm still not quite done.

As for most anticipated? That accolade also goes to Baldur's Gate 3, as will every single Game of the Year award that it is eligible for. The only reason I can think of for anywhere not awarding the GotY award to BG3 is if they want to stand out from the crowd and be seen as doing it differently.

It's been a fantastic year for us gamers. One that will be difficult to be topped in years to come...

Re: Xbox Boss Promises '100% Parity' for Call of Duty on PS5, PS4


I think you are conflating two things, @themightyant. Spencer is saying that you will not need to buy an Xbox in order to play the superior version of the game because both the PlayStation and the Xbox will have exactly the same version.

However, he is not saying that the game will not release day and date on the Game Pass. If people choose to buy an Xbox for that reason, that is different because regardless, they will be playing exactly the same version of the game.

In the past, people may have made the decision to buy a PlayStation based on that console having received the superior version of the game. In the future, there will not be a 'superior' version of the game, so choosing to buy a console for that reason alone will be null and void...

Re: It's True! Lies of P Sales Surpass One Million Units


Nail on the head, @themightyant! Word of mouth is essential for any AA title, and so having it release on the Game Pass would have generated much more of that. People trying the game on the Service, and then talking about their experience online, means more people become aware of the game, and then those that do not have access to Game Pass, buy the game instead.

Yes, the game would have sold fewer copies on the Xbox than it otherwise would, @Powerplay94, but very likely sold much better elsewhere because of it having been on the Game Pass. A definite win for the Souls community. Very happy for the Developer...

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 498


Glad to see you are enjoying BG3, @GuttyYZ. I too took about 100 hours to hit Act 2, and I am now at around 250 hours and am in the home straight. I'm guessing 20 to 30 more hours. 😂

For me, it is easily the game of a long gaming lifetime. Larian are going to need a warehouse for all the trophies and awards coming their way, and they deserve every one of them...

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 498


Still finalising my first Baldur's Gate 3 run on my PC. I thought I might just finish it this week, but circumstances prevented me from doing so, however I hope to complete it next week.

No doubt about it, BG3 will win every single award that it is nominated for. Such a fantastic game. Almost a once in a lifetime sort of game...

Re: PS5 Slim Officially Unveiled, Attachable Disc Drive, Launches November


I don't get the pricing:

PS5 with Blu-ray Disc Drive: $499.99 / ÂĢ479.99

PS5 Digital Edition: $449.99 / ÂĢ389.99

The disc drive on its own will retail for $79.99 / ÂĢ99.99.

So how is it that the consoles have an exchange rate that shows the UK price to be lower (in terms of numbers, not the actual cost), and yet for the Disc Drive, the price is higher? Surely, if the same exchange rate is used for each price quoted, then the Disc Drive would also have a lower price in the UK. So why is that one higher, and the other two lower?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 497


Still making my way through my first run of Baldur's Gate 3, which will undoubtedly win every single Game of the Year award for the next 12 months (as I have been saying for months now). Approaching 200 hours into the game now, and I'm entering the final stages of the game having yesterday completed Astarion's quest. Still 5 Origin's character quests to complete as well as a few smaller side quests, and then, of course, the main story. I think I'll be finishing this week, but it's difficult to know for certain.

Problem is (and it's a good problem to have) I'm already planning my second and third runs, and I'm not certain that I'm ready to put the game down and move on to something else. I'm really wanting to hit Forza Motorsport, Starfield, and Spiderman 2, though I also want to replay Spiderman 1 to refresh my memory of the story. So many amazing games all in a very short time period. There just aren't enough hours in the day... 😊