Comments 963

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Swings 11 Million Sales as Sony Calls PS5 Exclusive a 'Great Success'


I'm much like you, @Th3solution. The only game that I play from all those games you listed it CoD, and the only part of CoD that I play is the campaign! So in all honesty, I'm probably not the best judge here either, but I will say that in part, the CoD campaigns are different to some degree due to the differing settings and time periods. I cannot really comment on the online maps, though I have a feeling that these are mostly recycled year to year too.

I've always felt the same as you; asking someone to pay £70 each year for essentially the same players, but on different teams, is way too much. I've also always felt that the campaign should be sold separately from the online component of CoD, though that is mostly because that way I may not have to pay full price for the least popular component of the game! 😉

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Required Less Crunch Than Larian Studios' Previous RPGs


Hey, @UnlimitedSevens, nice to meet someone with a similar career path to myself. I was in 33 E.O.D. Engineer Regiment here in the UK in the early 80s. I say Bomb Disposal simply because people instantly know what that is. E.O.D. means little to most. 😉

I'm retired from the Police now. I did 28 years in total, and for the most part, enjoyed the absolute chaos of it. Not knowing from one day to the next what events I would be caught up in meant that work was rarely dull. I look back at my career very fondly, and always say that were I to have my time again, I would most definitely follow the same path. I have no regrets accept that it came to an end!

Obviously, there are parallels between our jobs, but there are also major differences too. Gun crime being the big one, wherein in the UK, it is something that we face on only the rare occasion (and when we do, it is all over the media), whereas in the US, it's an all too familiar occurrence. But the basics of what we encounter are the same.

Anyway, I wish you a long and enjoyable career in law enforcement. If you leave, as I did, with pride in what you accomplished, then there is little more that you can hope to achieve in life, except maybe prosperity! 😂

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Deluxe Edition Delayed Again in North America


I ordered my Deluxe Xbox copy the day the game became available to pre-order physically, and have yet to receive mine too. Fortunately, I had bought the Early Access version of the game on the PC (day one!) and so have played the game through already. I can wait for my physical masterpiece to arrive, and will probably not open it, just as I have not opened my Collector's Edition either... 😊

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Required Less Crunch Than Larian Studios' Previous RPGs


'Crunch' is not just something that happens in the gaming world, it is just the word that applies to that particular industry. I'm an old boy now, and served in Bomb Disposal in the Army during the Falklands War, and I can promise you that we often had little idea of what time it was, we just did our job for countless hours on end.

I then joined the Police, and overtime was a regular, and usually unexpected, occurrence. Crime and incidents don't happen 9-5 and if you were sent to an incident 10 minutes before the end of your shift, you saw it through to it's conclusion, whether that be a further half hour or even 4 or 5 hours, whatever it took.

As a Detective, when I was assigned to a murder enquiry, I would work 16 hours a day for a month straight, and that is no exaggeration at all. I had one incident where I had finished my shift a 10 p.m., arrived home, showered, and got to bed at about 11, only to be woken up at 1 a.m. and called in for a murder enquiry, worked through to midnight (that's 23 hours!), and then had to be back at 8 the next morning.

My longest shift in the Police was whilst working with the Drug Squad, where it lasted 24 and half hours. These are exceptional, but I worked between 50 and 60 hours most weeks in what I found to be extremely rewarding employment. It seems to me that at least in the gaming industry, the overtime is usually planned. I often had no idea when I would be required to work on, and it wasn't the kind of job where you could just say no...

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


Maybe it will suit those that cannot afford (or do not want) two consoles, @11001100110zero, however, the biggest problem is that if there is only a PlayStation, then Sony will not need to keep the price of the console close to that of the Xbox. If you recall, Sony announced the price of the PS5 a week after Xbox, and speculation prior to the announcement was that it was meant to cost more, but Sony reduced the price to match the Series X. So, if Sony do not have to worry about matching the price of the Xbox, then you can expect them to sell the PS6 or beyond with a healthy profit, which whilst it will be cheaper than buying two consoles, will still probably add a considerable chunk of change to the cost of the next console. And that's before they then feel empowered to increase the price of games too, so likely as not, we the gamer, will get shafted to a greater extent than we already do...

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


Things have changed dramatically at Xbox, @LikelySatan, and it is not as much of it being a case of things failing at Xbox, but more that following the ABK acquisition, Microsoft have taken the reigns. Phil Spencer is no longer calling the shots, which is why we are seeing things both being contradictory to what Spencer had said in the past, and also occurrences that fly in the face of what is actually beneficial to Xbox. These decisions are now being made directly by Satya Nadella and Amy Hood in order to maximise the return on the investment, even if that ultimately brings about the demise of Xbox (as a console). It is also very likely why Spencer has not been heard from in recent times (since the announcement of the closure of Tango) as it is rumoured that he does not support many of these decisions, and rather than stand front and centre and toe the line, he is simply remaining silent...

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


You are close in your assessment, @OldGamer999; Nintendo will continue to keep all its games exclusive to its console, and PlayStation will fairly soon be able to both bring it's games to all high-end consoles and keep all its games exclusive to the PlayStation. How? Because the days of the Xbox being in the 'high-end' console business are numbered, as I suspect that the next Xbox will be a hybrid-handheld, and that there will not be a true successor to the Series console. So, by virtue of being the only remaining 'high-end' console, PlayStation will be able to have its cake and eat it...

Re: Soapbox: Once a PS4 Console Exclusive, PS5 Players Are Missing a Visual Stunner in Hellblade 2


I've just finished Hellblade 2 and I very much enjoyed it (except for the combat as I really struggled with parrying in the game for some reason).

Undoubtedly, the game is the best looking one in existence. It is absolutely beautiful in parts with some stunning vistas. Some of the water and wind effects are incredible too. As a visual spectacle, it is something to behold.

I have absolutely no doubt that it will come to the PlayStation within the next 6 to 12 months...

Re: Larian CEO Says Baldur's Gate 3 Sequel Dev Must 'Do Their Own Thing'


I'm not sure I follow you, @UltimateOtaku91. Are you suggesting that Larian will find it hard going forward with a new IP?

If you are not aware, Larian made Divinity Original Sin 1, which was regarded as one of the best CRPGs of all time, until Larian then made Divinity Original Sin 2, which was then considered to be the best CRPG of all time. Obviously, Larian then surpassed both games when they made Baldur's Gate 3, which is regarded by many to be the best game ever made. Not just best CRPG, but best game full-stop. And it seems that generally, people that disagree with that have not actually played the game.

So, Larian will not struggle with their next game. Will it be as good as BG3? Who knows, but I suspect it will still be of the highest quality. I also suspect that one of the two games they are making is DoS3. What the other one is, I have no idea, but there is a reason why Larian are regarded as the absolute pinnacle of developers, and that is because they make superb games, which, whilst I appreciate may not appeal to a huge audience, does not depreciate from the actual quality of their games. Larian are easily the best developer out there, and I have no doubts whatsoever that their next game will be yet another Game of the Year contender...

Re: Ghost of Tsushima on PC Attracts 57K Player Peak on Launch Day


I'm not so sure, @REALAIS. The new CEO has said they will pursue this policy aggressively, and with the success of Helldivers 2 primarily having been driven by the PC gamer, I can see this becoming the norm now for the PlayStation.

What needs to be remembered is that just because the game becomes available on the PC on the same day, the vast, vast majority do not own both a PC and a PlayStation, it's one or the other, and so games will still find a large audience on the PlayStation. Will it sell fewer copies on the PlayStation as a consequence? Absolutely, as some will undoubtedly opt to play it on the PC instead. However, the game will sell probably twice as many copies day one than it otherwise would have done. That means a huge spike in revenue for Sony and their shareholders. Also, anyone that thinks that buying a PC instead of a PS5 is a better option will have to pay three times what it costs to do so, and will find that gaming on a PC is far less easy that it is on a console, so I doubt many people will be trading in their PS5s to take up PC gaming instead.

The new CEO has already said the AAA games are costing too much to make, and the return is not high enough. Releasing day and date on the PC will make a huge return on that investment.

Now, will many on sites like this be unhappy at the prospect? Totally, but it is a battle that the shareholders will win, not the gamer. It should also be born in mind that this was an unpopular decision when it was taken on the Xbox, but these days no one even thinks about it. It just happens. People move on, which is exactly what will happen with the PlayStation gamer.

And when all that sweet revenue means new studios, new games and more of them, even the grouchiest PlayStation gamer will come to accept it...

Re: Microsoft Leadership Reportedly Want No 'Red Line' Stopping Xbox Games Coming to PS5


In all honesty, whilst initially this will be good news for PlayStation gamers, it will ultimately be terrible for the Xbox as a console. After all, what is the point in owning an Xbox console if all their exclusives are available on the PlayStation? None whatsoever is the answer.

What will that mean for the PlayStation in the long run once it is the only 'high-end' console? Well for starters Sony will have no need whatsoever of selling the PS6, and beyond, at a loss. Consoles will sell with a profit, and possibly a reasonable profit, which means we, as gamers, will pay more to buy our beloved plastic box. It also means that Sony can take their time when making first-party games because there will be a huge amount of content available. Now that may sound okay, but it means that we will be waiting longer and longer for those games that have made the PlayStation successful in the first place. It also means that there will be little need for innovation from PlayStation because others will be doing that for them.

It strikes me that people don't see the long term issues that exist with Sony becoming a monopoly, as for some reason they think it will be some kind of Utopia. Thing is, those that believe this, are the very same people that were fretting over the prospect of Xbox becoming exactly that when they were going through the ABK acquisition. Has to be said, it is kind of hypocritical...

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Dated for 15th November in First Trailer


The game interests me, but the price does not. These games are getting way too expensive now. If it is another one that only lasts 20 hours or so then it is extremely difficult to justify paying full price.

As I have done with Star Wars Outlaws, I shall skip my usual pre-order, and wait until the game is around 50% off. Doing this will also ensure that any early problems are sorted, which is an added bonus.

It's a shame that Ubisoft have gone so aggressive with their pricing because I usually pre-order their games, but for the price of the Ultimate edition (or thereabouts), it used to be possible to buy the Collector's Edition, which would have included a statue...

Re: Strategy Legend Jake Solomon Explains Where Marvel's Midnight Suns Went Wrong


I played the game when it first came out and very much enjoyed it. Is it as good as XCOM? No. Probably not even close really. I would have preferred the game to have forgone the card system, and also I wasn't completely sold on all the time that I had to spend cosying up to each of the characters. I would have preferred the synergy required to unlock the top tier abilities to have been built from battling with one another.

Would I recommend the game? Absolutely. Not as good as XCOM does not equate to it being a bad game, just not as good as it could have been, which is a criticism that can be aimed at most games...

Re: Founders, Long-Time Employees Reportedly Say Xbox Now Effectively Microsoft Gaming


It was abundantly clear that despite the desire to have Infinite as a launch title was not something that could be achieved, @Balie3000, as was evidenced by the quality of the multiplayer aspect of the game when it did actually release. Again, the game should have been delayed by a year to give it more content. However, we simply don't know whether Spencer wanted to release it when it did, or whether he was told to from on high.

Game Pass has lost steam, but I think that has as much to do with the market share that Xbox holds (as compared to the PlayStation) and the reluctance that we now see for developers to support the service. That is why we see so few decent third-party games hitting the service now as compared to previous years. You could argue that other than throwing (and wasting) a boatload of cash at developers, there is little that Xbox can do about this situation. As for profitability, it has been stated on a number of occasions that Game Pass is profitable.

Spencer did not say that great games won't shift consoles, what he said was that Starfield could score an 11 and still it would not alter the market position that Xbox holds, and he is right. Not just about Starfield, but any game. The position that Xbox holds is now entrenched, and nothing will change it. PlayStation is [i]the[i/] console to have, and there is now nothing that Xbox can do to alter that situation. Xbox is currently in a long, slow, downward spiral to oblivion, and no game will change that.

I'm not so sure that The Coalition 'sat' on the Gears of War IP. First off they had two games in development, one of which has now been cancelled. Secondly, they have apparently also been busy with the much, and long rumoured Marcus Fenix Trilogy remaster, and also developing Gears 6, which is being built on a new Unreal Engine, which in itself apparently takes much longer to create games on.

As a huge Gears of War fan, I do find the wait very frustrating, and agree that it has taken way too long to get the next game out. My guess is that we will see it this June, and that it will be out in Fall 2025. Much too long between instalments, but Xbox simply has to get the game right on release. It cannot be a buggy mess that is met with a great deal of criticism, so I suppose that is why it is taking even longer. Gears 5 was supported for about 3 years following its release, so in terms of ending support on one, and moving on to the next, the timeline makes sense. Whether The Coalition should have started development of Gears 6 earlier, is another question, but it was probably a case of one team working on support for Gears 5, and another developing a new (now canned) IP. That is likely where the delay is to be found...

Re: Founders, Long-Time Employees Reportedly Say Xbox Now Effectively Microsoft Gaming


It's not Microsoft 'stepping in to reorganise things', @Balie3000. It's Microsoft overriding those in charge at Xbox and demanding an instant return on their $68 billion ABK investment. Microsoft do not have the best intentions for Xbox and its gamers, they are just seeking a fast profit, and if that harms Xbox, or flies in the face of what those in charge at Xbox think is best, so be it. Don't be fooled into thinking that Microsoft have taken the reigns because Xbox has been mismanaged, this is all about wanting a fast return on their buck. If Phil Spencer had been given the time to absorb ABK, then Xbox would have been fine. However, as it is, the lurching from bad decision to even worse one, is all being dictated from above. Phil Spencer is no longer in control of Xbox. He is just the face of it. There to impart the bad news and to absorb the flack.

Re: Helldivers 2 Blasted with Over 200,000 Positive User Reviews Following Sony's PSN Backtrack


Understood, @Callmegil, but then they should have been upfront about this from the outset, or better still, delayed the release of the game until the 'technical issues' had been sorted. If most certainly should not have been sold in Countries that did not support PSN if the intention all along was to have that as a requirement (for whatever reason they might have had).

Re: This Year's Call of Duty May Not Be Included in Xbox Game Pass After All


I've been saying for since the time that Spencer (looking particularly uncomfortable) announced the names of the first 4 games that would be coming to the PlayStation, that I believed these matters were no longer in his control.

These were diktats from above. Spencer is no longer in control of Xbox. It is as simple as that. The acquisition of ABK, ironically, could well be the things that finally sinks Xbox because ultimately, Microsoft don't understand gaming as much as they do making money. It's the money men calling the shots now, and whilst the decisions they make may make a boatload of cash now, it will probably hurt the Xbox brand and particularly the console, in the long-term.

Finally, I think there is only so much of this that Spencer will take before he moves on. I mean, no one wants to be the fall guy all the time, do they...?

Re: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, More Closed in Brutal Bethesda Restructure


I agree that closing Tango seems a very odd decision, @Wiceheid, and I have to wonder whether that decision was taken out of Spencer's hands partly based on Xbox having such a small footprint in Japan. I can easily see Microsoft dictating its closure based on it being the only Japanese studio, and Microsoft wanting to consolidate the Studios in those areas that they have a larger footprint. I'm sure that it wasn't something that Spencer wanted, and he probably cautioned against it, particularly after all the praise the studio received following the release of Hi-Fi Rush. And it precisely that which makes me think he was told to close it, rather than chose to do so.

You may think that Satya Nadella has shown no interest in Xbox, but he has done so in recent times since the acquisition of ABK, and regardless of whether he understands the ramification of his decisions (because he is so far removed from the coalface) if he says he wants more (or indeed every!) Xbox exclusive to be put on the PlayStation, or certain studios were to be closed, then that will filter down to the likes of Spencer. That is how every big organisation works. I would absolutely believe it to be a possibility that someone like Nadella might look at the success of the Fallout TV series, and tell Spencer that waiting 15 years for the next instalment of the game was unacceptable, and that if Bethesda need more people to get the game made, then taking them from other studios (by closing them) is something I could see him deciding as the way forward.

I think people are mistaken when they look at Spencer as being in charge of Xbox these days. He is simply a figurehead, doing the bidding of his superiors, even when he thinks its a bad idea. I honestly cannot see him staying much longer because I think this truly hurts him because he is a gamer, he understands gamers, and he has done a lot to enhance Xbox (from the previously dire position that he inherited). However I just don't think he wields the power that he did prior to the ABK acquisition...

Re: Helldivers 2 Blasted with Over 200,000 Positive User Reviews Following Sony's PSN Backtrack


It's entirely possible, @jedinite, though I think the bad publicity it probably something that Sony would rather avoid. Knowing that some would not have bought the game if they knew that had to sign up to PSN though is perhaps something that Sony realised, and thought they would sell more copies without the PSN requirement, so they may have gone for that. What I don't think they accounted for was sales in Countries without PSN, and the PC community coming together to fight for those people...

Re: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, More Closed in Brutal Bethesda Restructure


I disagree, @Wiceheid. Microsoft's CEO, Satya Nadella has taken a very close interest on what is occurring at Xbox in recent times, and he is not the only one of the executives at Microsoft to have done so.

It was not Xbox that stumped up the $68 billion for the ABK acquisition, it was Microsoft, and so they are now very much involved in what's happening at Xbox now.

Now, did Phil Spencer have to decide which Studios had to be cut in order to meet the demands of his bosses? Quite possibly, but being told you have to achieve something by your superiors means you have to do it. There was never going to be a Studio within Xbox that once closed, the community was going to rejoice. These were tough decisions that Phil Spencer did not want to make (if indeed he was the one to make them), but ultimately, he would not have had a choice in taking action, it was just a matter of what Studios had to go. It should also be noted though that at this time we are not being told that these developers have lost their jobs, just that the Studios they did work for are to be shuttered. It sounds like it is consolidation within Bethesda, and that other Studios will have an influx of developers from those now closing Studios.

It's not ideal, and you would like to think that this could have been achieved through new hirings, rather than the way it is being done. However, there is only so much money that Microsoft are willing to throw at Xbox, and doubtless redistribution is how they told Phil Spencer to achieve their aims...

Re: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, More Closed in Brutal Bethesda Restructure


Personally, I suspect that Phil Spencer had little say in this. This would have been a dictate from those above him. Spencer would simply have been the one to impart the bad news and to take the heat.

What I would suggest though, is that this has been done with an eye of the Activision playbook, and that those developers will be moved to other studios in order to produce the big-hitters that Microsoft needs such as Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Gone are the days when Bethesda can bring out such games every 15 years. Microsoft want, and need, those games on a much faster cadence. The success of the Fallout TV series has already produced chatter about the need to get the next game out sooner. Shuttering these Studios could well lean into that...

Re: Helldivers 2 Blasted with Over 200,000 Positive User Reviews Following Sony's PSN Backtrack


I have no idea as to the answer for this, @GamingFan4Lyf, but just how many games were sold in those Countries that do not have PlayStation? How different would the sales figures look if those sales had not taken place? Also, how many fewer copies of the game would have been sold had the requirement been in place from the outset, even in those Countries that do have the PlayStation? Undoubtedly there would have been some that wouldn't have bought the game for that reason. You have to wonder whether the numbers would have been celebrated quite so vociferously without those other Countries etc. I don't suppose we'll ever know, but I have to admit to being curious...

Re: Helldivers 2 Blasted with Over 200,000 Positive User Reviews Following Sony's PSN Backtrack


We've previously seen Sony simply dictate what they want with things like console price increases, and raising the prices of their subscription service without actually giving any further bonus to its subscribers. In this instance, I think that Sony will have learned a valuable lesson in that whilst they have a captive audience with their console, with whom they can wait out any storm they create knowing that there is little their console base can do about it. However, with the PC community, they can take collective action that can considerably hurt Sony, and so I doubt they will make that same mistake again.

I do have to wonder though, whether the reason behind the requirement to have a PlayStation account on the PC does not have something to do with some internal target to increase the number of people listed as part of the PlayStation userbase. Was this something to wave at the shareholders to say how they have been growing PlayStation? Maybe I'm just being cynical, or perhaps jaded, I don't know...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Deluxe Edition Delayed in North America, as Other Regions Ship This Week


If PlayStation gamers think they have it bad, I ordered my Deluxe edition the very day they became available to pre-order. However, I ordered an Xbox version, and that is delayed still further than the PlayStation version (apparently due to now requiring the game to be on 3 discs).

Fortunately, I've played through the game on the PC when it first came out, but still, it's been a hell of a long wait for my console version of the game to arrive...

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


I've been saying for months, here and on Pure (and seemingly upsetting some along the way) that Starfield will release this Holiday season once the DLC has landed on the Xbox.

I fully expect games to have an initial period of exclusivity on the Xbox of between 6 and 12 months, and then, just as Microsoft did with PC games, they will quietly release them day and date on both systems (until the Xbox ceases to be a console anyway, which I honestly don't see being more than 5 or 6 years at this point).

So I would expect Hellblade 2, Avowed, and Indiana Jones to release on the PlayStation during the course of next year, and likely as not there will be many, many others, possibly including the holy trinity of Gears of War, Halo and Forza too.

It's a sad time to be an Xbox gamer, but it will prove a great time to play on the PlayStation...

Re: Xbox Confirms June Showcase, Bound to Feature Some PS5 Games


I strongly disagree, @Deityjester. I'd put money on Starfield hitting the number one spot for pre-orders and then sales on the PlayStation when it releases towards the end of this year. It's also possible that the planned DLC will massively change the game when it releases this Fall (just as the expansion massively changed Cyberpunk 2077).

Regardless, you seem to be outright dismissing the complaints and disappointment expressed on these pages when Starfield was revealed as an Xbox exclusive. As much as many here will happily slate Xbox and every game on it, there are many more that would happily play pretty much everything that Xbox has to offer (and with the way Microsoft are now pulling the strings at Xbox, I think it safe to say that PlayStation will likely get that chance now)...

Re: Xbox Confirms June Showcase, Bound to Feature Some PS5 Games


I think there is a strong chance that the port of Starfield will be mentioned, likely to either coincide with the release of the DLC or sometime soon after.

I wouldn't be shocked if the much rumoured Marcus Fenix Trilogy remaster comes to the PlayStation too.

The floodgates are well and truly open at this point. Any game that has been on the Xbox for 6 to 12 months is a possible port now...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Physical Deluxe Edition Is Back in Stock


Let me start by saying that I love Larian, and BG3 is an absolute masterpiece (I played it on the PC when it first came out). However... I ordered my Deluxe Edition on the 16th of November 2023, and still have not received it. Hopefully it will ship soon, but they are certainly making me wait for the physical version...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Dev Making Two New Games, Its 'Best Work Ever'


I'd love it to be Divinity Original Sin 3. I'd also love to see them do something in a new setting, perhaps a Si-FI game.

I kick-started DoS2, and was there day one with the Early Access version of BG3. I would expect Larian to release their next game in EA too, and I would happily get that day one as well.

Whatever Larian do next, I have absolute faith that it will be awesome...