Comments 89

Re: Concord Dev Confirms Monetisation Through Cosmetics Only


This is giving “praise us for doing something we should be doing anyway” energy. This is literally the industry standard for 99% of PvP shooters. Of course it was gonna only be cosmetics, especially with it costing $40 out of the gate. They shouldn’t be praise for doing the bare ***** minimum

Re: Round Up: Concord PS5 Previews Seem Torn on Sony's New Shooter


Glad it’s at least previewing well enough. It needs all the help it can get to find any kind of success. The PvP shooter genre is such a tough space and you need to have the special stuff to succeed in it. I’m not entirely against the $40 price tag if the cosmetics are cheap and generous with free stuff. But so far this game is just lacking that it factor to truly set it apart. Also find the focus on narrative to be somewhat strange when it’s a straight PvP shooter? Why not make it $70 and have it have a good campaign, could go a long way.

Re: PS5 Fan Favourite Stellar Blade Sold Over 1 Million Copies, Dev Estimates


This is solid for this game. Yes it got marketing support from Sony but this is still a new ip from a damn mobile team that’s only being sold on a single platform. On top of this game being a little more limited in its reach cause of the very sexual nature of the game. If I where shift up I’d be happy, especially if the budget for this game was on the more reasonable end of things.

Re: Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 Gets an Extended Gameplay Overview, Continues to Look Great


@PuppetMaster are you stupid?? They wouldn’t need to make a demo just literally bring in the playable version of the game. 99% of the internet is ***** on this game so giving game media a chance to play it and if it’s good spread the word would absolutely have been a good idea. The other hero shooter fragpunk greatly benefited from having a playable build there. It would have benefited them to try to spread any good will they could take.

Re: Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 Gets an Extended Gameplay Overview, Continues to Look Great


@GymratAmarillo gonna need more than that. The gameplay needs to be so ***** good and a masterpiece to stand a chance and it’s mtx need to be so minimal. It’s insane they didn’t have it playable at SGF. Like if you think the game is gonna be good then why not have it playable to spread good previews about it. It’s insane how hard PlayStation is fumbling the bag with this game.

Re: PS5, PC Live Service Concord Will Launch in 2024


@lacerz it’s about finding the right niche. Helldivers is completely different than Destiny. Need to find that core niche and execute on it well. Main problem with announced games I think is fairgames and marathon. If both are in that “extraction” style of live service game.

Re: Talking Point: Is Bungie Really the Right Developer to Aid Sony's Live-Service Push?


@Nexozi Ubisoft has to solve its numerous work place culture problems. Also Sony isn’t moving away from single player, it’s just expanding into multiplayer. Sony didn’t do themselves any favors with not showing any big new single player 1st party games at the showcase. If there would have been at least one or two in addition to the live service games it would have went down a lot smoother

Re: Talking Point: Is Bungie Really the Right Developer to Aid Sony's Live-Service Push?


@EvilSilentFrame finally a person who can think logically here. Like you said bungie is going through a hard patch rn and everyone will probably forget it once final shape comes out next year. Doing 12 out the gate was dumb but instead focusing on 6 spaced out covering different genres is a good idea. Also think a lot of Sony fans are pissed off cause they didn’t show off any new single player 1st party game at the showcase and only new live service games was a dumb idea. At least give us some sugar along with the medicine

Re: Talking Point: Is Bungie Really the Right Developer to Aid Sony's Live-Service Push?


@NinjaSixx when I say shift I don’t mean every single live service game is gonna die, absolutely not. The big players “Destiny, Fortnite, etc” will remain and there will always be new games that come up and do well. I mean the shift as a more balanced industry with a healthy balance of single player non live service games and live service games. So many of the best selling games this year are single player games coupled with dozens of live service games closing is what I mean by a shift.

Re: Talking Point: Is Bungie Really the Right Developer to Aid Sony's Live-Service Push?


@NinjaSixx Tencent owns 40% and in no way would they want to sell their shares and overall epic is way way too big for Sony. Bungie was the only realistic one they could afford. Also have to look at the overall aspect of bungie and Destiny. Destiny is one of the most successful live service games there is and it is a good bet. The bigger problem isn’t with Bungie it’s with the shifting of the industry away from everything being live service.

Re: Talking Point: Is Bungie Really the Right Developer to Aid Sony's Live-Service Push?


@Shepherd_Tallon exactly this. Reality is that bungie is gonna be fine and everyone is gonna forget about this once final shape comes out. We were just talking about epic and their layoffs and a month later they are breaking player records with og Fortnite. Definitely think it isn’t a bungie problem but more of an industry problem with so many live service games shutting down and it appears the vast majority of the layoffs being from live service games.

Re: Talking Point: Is Bungie Really the Right Developer to Aid Sony's Live-Service Push?


Bungie was the only realistic one. Everyone else is owned. Now we won’t ever know but looking at past examples having single player focused teams release live service games by themselves ends horribly most of the time or it takes years for it to get figured out. The problem isn’t with bungie it’s more so the whole shifting trends away from everything being live service. Bungie is having a down moment but they still are one of the most proven teams that focus on live service games.

Re: Game of the Year: Best PS5, PS4 RPG of 2022


Not shocking elden ring won. Will say horizon is caught in this in between place of being an action adventure game and a rpg. Horizon 3 should either open up more (more weapons than just a bow and a spear, more combat options like full beast master) or be a more focused game (only one bow with a couple of different types of arrows). Pretty much pick being either a full western rpg or an action adventure game.

Re: Sony Throws EA's Battlefield Under the Bus to Make a Point on Call of Duty


@Rols when we are talking about first person shooters being exclusive on Xbox when Sony owns one of the largest active fps franchises and one of the most important fps studios it’s more than fair to bring it up. Yes comparing of the acquisitions is not an equal playing field but this specific point Sony brought up is dumb as ***** and hurts their care extremely.

Re: Leaked Sony Document Supposedly Sheds Light on PS5's Portfolio


@AverageGamer the reality is somewhere in between. Xbox leadership was different in the beginning of the Xbox one and Phil spencer did have a lot to fix, that being said it still is bad on Xbox’s part that they still don’t have consistent 1st party output. Things are looking brighter and will get better but criticism towards Xbox is very warranted on the lack of a diverse 1st party line up

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