Comments 89

Re: Dev Behind PS5, PC Flop Concord Could Close as Director Steps Down


@LogicStrikesAgain think it was just a mixture of things adding up to a total ***** storm. The game itself was good, but it was one of the most trend chasing games in recent years. On top of it you have it coming from Sony which has been very quiet and hasn’t shown off anything new from their 1st party teams for a while, on top of a lot of other hero shooters close to launching that also play good but are free, on top of it having bad character design and its biggest “innovation” being weekly cutscenes which no one gives a ***** about.

Re: PS5 Exclusives Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Failed to Meet Expectations


@DonJorginho sega/atlus seems to be finding great success launching day and date on pc. It’s clear and obvious Square’s strategy of doing console exclusivity at launch isn’t working with how much they are expecting to make. Infinite wealth has a record of 46,000 and p3 reload has a record of 36,000. I love both of those games but they are smaller ip then FF. So if the next major FF launches day and date on pc and is as good as the last 3 major FF games they are going to find major success. It’s either they need to release games on more platforms or make cheaper budgeted games.

Re: PS5 Exclusives Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Failed to Meet Expectations


PS fanboys won’t like to admit it but for 3rd party games they need to launch on all platforms (mainly pc). Looking at every other major AAA 3rd party Japanese publisher and they are all doing way better and it’s no coincidence that they all have a renewed focus on launching everywhere. Do Xbox’s releases really help, no probably not, but if they are doing a pc port anyways why not take the extra time to also do a Xbox port and have the chance at eventually getting a game pass deal. It’s no coincidence that Capcom, Sega/Atlus, Brandi Namco, Fromsoftware are all hitting new success records cause of increasing where they release games.

Re: Preview: Space Marine 2 Is a PS5 Blockbuster That's Worth the Hype


@dark_knightmare2 I compare the two cause in terms of PvP games they offer two different types of PvP games. Space Marine 2 has a specific hook that sets its apart from any other PvP game. Which is the exact opposite of concord which doesn’t have anything special to itself that hasn’t been done by numerous other games that are free vs being $40. There’s also the point that Concord should have probably added a single player campaign and a pve mode and could have charge $70. Space marine 2 is a very content rich package with a unique angle which concord doesn’t have.

Re: Marvel Rivals' Closed Beta Is Putting Concord's Player Numbers into Perspective


@Oram77 the only thing that game could have going for it is how much of an extraction shooter it is and what it does unique. That’s one of the few genres of mp shooter that is still open for new comers that can break on through. Yes you have mainstays like hunt and vigor on console but none of those are juggernauts. Tarkov isn’t on console. Hell even COD wasn’t able to crack that genre. Think that game stands a better chance then concord.

Re: Concord's Free Open Beta Is Performing Abysmally on PC


@nyr2k2 completely agree that it’s failure was clear. They need to do a better job of making more unique live service games. Know it’s a lot harder said then done but they need to do a better job of trying to figure out what games will work. They are capable of it and Helldivers proves it. It’s a hard line between trying to find a game that has the capacity of being a hit but is also niche enough to separate itself from the competition.

Re: Concord's Free Open Beta Is Performing Abysmally on PC


@UltimateOtaku91 they have the experience and the talent that made the game lol 😂. Come on man don’t be so dense. The creative talent is the most important thing in this industry. Helldivers as an ip wasn’t worth ***** until Arrowhead made it what it is. In the turbulent times this industry is in it’s the smart bet to bet on yourselves vs selling to a large corporation that doesn’t have the best track record with Live service.

Re: Concord's Free Open Beta Is Performing Abysmally on PC


This is sad but not surprising. The game does play really ***** good. But that’s not enough in this genre nowadays. This game doesn’t do anything different or special compared to other similar games. And when a game doesn’t stand out and charges $40 for it, it’s not gonna succeed.

Re: Concord's Free Open Beta Is Performing Abysmally on PC


@UltimateOtaku91 they haven’t acquired Arrowhead cause why the ***** would arrowhead sell? They have damn near universal good will and can get deals with any publisher they want. Vs being bought by a large corporation that is in a rough situation cause of the economy and could shut you down.

Re: There's Already Concern Over Concord's Player Count as Open Beta Begins


@UltimateOtaku91 Yes there was a big push against Sony’s live service push, rightfully so with how live service games have been over the last 2 ish years. But the main point is more so that most of the complaints with concord are about the game itself. It hasn’t set itself apart from the competition at all and is being set up for major failure. Their live service games need to be great to stand apart from the competitor's. Helldivers 2 success proves this.

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