Comments 83

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 235


Hollow Knight on Switch. Played a few hours last night and a couple more this morning. I'm hoping i can find some time to play some more Fire Pro Wrestling World. I tried to make a wrestler that looks like Incineroar from the Pokemon games. It's body looks okay, but I need to fix the face and set its moves. I'm already thinking about making Emboar and Machoke (both also from Pokemon).

Re: Ten Years Ago Today, the First PlayStation Trophy Was Unlocked


As a former Nintendo only gamer I didn't care about trophies at all until I got a PS4 last year and still at first I thought they were dumb because the first trophy I got was for persona 5. As anyone who had played persona 5 knows the first trophy you get is basically just for starting the game. So I was like "That was stupid, I didn't even do anything!" Then I kept playing and started getting trophies for actually accomplishing things in the games so I feel a little sense of prideand can say I line trophies now. My first plat was Nier Automata (yes, I looked up 2B's skirt 10 times lol) I have four platinum trophies now and I am either trophy level 6 or 7.

Re: Review: Devil May Cry HD Collection (PS4)


I have never played these games. I watched my brother play a bit of one (don't know which one, probably the first) but he got stuck on one part and I never saw him play it again. Anyway, I'll most likely pick this up next week.

Re: Super Seducer Won't Be Releasing On PS4 After All


Tin-foil hat time!

Sony doesn't want us to have this game because, if we learn how to pick up women we won't have time to game. If we don't have time to game we won't be buying anymore games. If we don't buy anymore games, Sony (or at least the PlayStation division) goes out of business.

It's a conspiracy I tells ya!!!

Re: Soapbox: NieR: Automata Has the Best Credits Sequence of 2017


Yeah I gave up my save file. I thought they were just going to delete it and be done but noooooo. They had to go through every item I picked up, every weapon I fully upgraded and every chip like seriously... but I don't regret it one bit. This was my personal GOTY, it may even be my GOAT. I plan to replay this game anytime I get the chance. I won't upgrade all weapons or pods again but I will at least play through the story again. Best game ever!

Re: Poll: Is Final Fantasy IX the Best Final Fantasy?


I downloaded this last night. I didn't have a lot of time to play so I'm barely at the part where you control Steiner. This is only my second Final Fantasy game, XV being the first, so I can't comment on how it ranks among the others. I like the art style. I'm gonna need to get used to the battle system.

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