Comments 83

Re: Capcom Confirms Okami HD Is Coming to PS4


Yes! Physical! I hope we don't have to wait long.

This game does take awhile to really get going but its sooooo worth it and the voices are weird I won't argue with you there. I think I played with the volume down because i don't even remember any music from this game.

Re: Review: Madden NFL 18 (PS4)


I haven't played a Madden game in a looong time. I want this one though to try it out after all these years and because Tom Brady is on the cover and nobody in my family likes him so that will be fun.

Re: Review: Sonic Mania (PS4)


Now i need to ask myself which console should i get this game for? PS4 or Switch? It would feel right at home on Switch but I'm sure the PS4 version runs better.

Re: Kingly Collector's Editions Announced for Ni no Kuni II


That King Edition you guys are getting looks amazing. Why does NA have to suck when it comes to special editions?

Eh now that I've looked closer they both have some cool stuff. The music box/diarama is neat but we get a diarama too and a CD. Plushies are always nice too I love having knick knacks like that around the place (I'm serious, no sarcasm).

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 180


@sinalefa Sorry I'm writing back late as hell. I forgot we were working out in the country longer than usual today. I'm also a bit of a Platinum Games fan. Your pic of Alice from The Wonderful 101 gave you away 😁.

That's a nice collection you've got, it's got mine beat. I like the Bayonetta amiibo on both sides. Do you have Okami and Viewtiful Joe as well? I know they aren't P* games, but they are still Kamiya games.

I didn't know you knew JaxonH that well. That's nice, he's a good guy. I haven't seen him around that much lately though.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 180


@sinalefa You look like a Platinum Games fan. I'm surprised you haven't picked up Nier Automata sooner. Either way you are in for a treat man.

@crimsontadpoles How are you liking the Zero Escape series? Have you tried Ever 17 also written by Kotaro Uchikoshi? Have you also heard about his new project he's working on Project Psync?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 179


@BranJ0 I liked it. It's a lot shorter than the first two routes and A2 is fun to play as. You don't only play as A2 though, you play as 9S (still) as well. The game shifts focus between the two as you progress through the story and it leads up to an epic boss fight and a choice to make to determine which ending you get first.

I usually get bored with games towards the end and stop playing just before the final boss so this kept things from feeling stale and obviously it's working because I'm still playing and shooting for the platinum.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 179


Still playing Nier Automata. I finished C route Wednesday and D route yesterday. I saw all the fake endings I missed during my playthrough except Y (I can't even beat Emil in the first fight😣). I still need to upgrade one more POD and about 8 more weapons.
I want that platinum. I'm so close I can almost taste it.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 178


Still playing Nier Automata. I'm almost finished with the B route (I think). I put my Animal Crossing town on Beautiful Town so I don't have to worry about it. Picked up Stella Glow again and am on Chapter 10.
SPOILER - I wish I could have played as Hrodulf😢 He was my favorite Harbinger. - END SPOILER

Tokyo Xanadu came out already?! I didn't know! I should go check it out!

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