Comments 31

Re: Preview: Dragon's Dogma 2 Feels Like a Remake of the First Game, in a Good Way


This is one of my most anticipated games. The replay loop is one of my favourites. The subtle story diversions. The amount of different playstyles. I loved the first game along with all it's odd quirks and as such, I would actually be disappointed if they were removed lol. Hmm...the only thing that did irk me (and it's more at the end, end, end game) was some classes just couldn't overcome certain situations with no pawns. Strider was probably the most versatile, but even that class struggled with one specific encounter. They don't need to make it obvious and cheesy, but if they can make sure any class has a chance (of varying degrees of difficulty) then I would be very happy. But honestly, that's only a very small QoL tweak and thinking about it, could spoil the reliance on pawns earlier in the far from necessary.

Re: FTC Fails to Delay Microsoft's $69 Billion Buyout of Activision Blizzard


I wouldn't worry too much. Microsoft aren't getting their 69 billion dollars back in a hurry if they make their games exclusive.

A couple of things leave a bad taste in my mouth with this case.
1) Microsoft languishing in 3rd place for decades managing to spend 69 billion dollars on such a large publisher (instead of collapsing like Atari or Sega.) They really have transcended conventional market forces everyone else is exposed to!

2) The fact this merger was trying to be blocked despite talking about buying exclusivity as a norm. Maybe the industry needs some sort of legislation here.

Anyhoo, life is fluid. Who is to say Call of Duty is irrelevant in 10 years time.

Re: Sony Claps Back at UK Regulator's 'Irrational' Reversal on Microsoft Activision Deal


I have zero respect for a company buying their way to number one. Where is the skill in that? Microsoft have contributed to the over bloating of game development over the last couple of decades to the point where they have to aquire new studios to be prolific. I have no sympathy for Sony either with this regard. Unfortunately, as much as I hate this sort of thing, I just can't see how they are committing any wrong doing. They have the bottomless pockets to do it. Activision aren't the first company to merge and won't be the last.
As for Jim Ryan, the sooner that man is out the door, the better. Nothing he says holds any water.

Re: Reaction: Sony Bailed on E3 2019, And Took Gameplay Demos with It


Man, what a blinkered view of the industry.

Sony are just as guilty as showing set pieces and CG. Infact they have been known to flat out lie in some reveals (remember Killzone?)

Luckily, Nintendo still remembers how to show gameplay and actually talk about it like it's the most interesting aspect of a game for gamers. Even when Sony is present.