Comments 281

Re: Soapbox: Why Sony's PS5 Strategy Will Pay Dividends


I think they key here is to understand what he meant by hard core gamers. And to me, that is gamers who are willing to pay more to get more, for example PC gamers. You just don't plunk down 1-2k(usd) on a gaming system and not consider yourself a hard core gamer. It DOESN'T mean you are 100% obsessed with only top end games, in fact many will play a high end game one day and a steam indie the next. So it won't be just AAA games.

This is why I believe it will be between the $599-$699(usd) price range. Ive said this many times in the past but smart phones are regularly in the 1k range and paying a lot for a pc for gaming is growing every day. Look at how many people spend so much money on fancy high end giant TVs now and those are not cheap either.

Can't tell me if a lot of people are willing to spend so much on those items there isn't many who would spend a lot on a console. Plus with backward compatibility most will sell old ps4 to cover the price increase.

I think it is a different world now for spending than it was when the ps4 was launched and the 'Ps5' will be a hit, even if more expensive.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Reassures the Game Will Be 'Amazing' on PS4


RDR2 looked amazing but there was no pc version to compare it to. However, in this case, they already said said the PC version will blow the console version away. Get a feeling many will be looking towards the next gen ps/xb because they will see it's potential at launch. This is why they don't want to say there will be a next gen version to avoid losing sales.

Re: Guide: How Much Will the PS5 Cost?


I still say $599 - $699. Times have changed since the ps4 launch and $1,000 phones are now the norm. Yes on contract, but nobody said stores won't start offering contracts on these either. All big box chains can easily set up exact same month contracts on these as well. Besides, in other countries it is common to buy phones off contract at full price. This still is cheaper than high end phones.

Plus with backward compatibility you can sell your old system and make up the difference of the extra cost. If sell my old system with a game or two the Ps5(The Playstation) will around as cheap as the ps4 at launch, even if at $699 for the new one.

Re: July 2019's PlayStation Plus Games Are Available to Download Now on PS4


I don't think this was a cave to pressure. In the Asia PlayStation market the PES announcement was accepted far better than in North America. Since we often have different games than you, it would not make sense to switch it here based on reaction there. The fact it got switched implies there was something else at play behind the choice to swap it for DBH at the last second. Legal reasons most likely.

Re: Full Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Gameplay Demo Shows Off Brand New Footage


Looks like a fun enough of a Star Wars Uncharted game. I doubt it will be game of the year but looks entertaining and that's pretty much all that matters.

I really don't like the idea of metroid back tracking though. It doesn't look exciting enough to want to keep revisiting old levels. I wouldn't want to keep doing it on Uncharted and don't want to here. Depending how much of it there is and how much is required to win will decide if I get it.

Re: Respawn Entertainment Discusses Metroid Style Design for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order


Feels like padding to me. Enemies will respawn so you are doing same levels over and over again just to get to something plot related or just a trinket.

Plus it could be really annoying. "Oh I can't get there till I get force leap" Comes back after force leap "Oh now I need force bend over here" comes back later with force bend. "Oh now I need force soothe for this beast" (three days later) "Dang, where was I supposed to use force soothe again???" Wonder how many times we will say "I went through all that for this?"

Re: CD Projekt RED Fully Focused on Current-Gen for Cyberpunk 2077, PS5 Version Is a 'Maybe'


That was misleading and was said to make sure you dont skip the PS4 version and wait for the PS5 version. By the time the game releases they know the PS5 will be officially announced and know a lot of people will be thinking "Hmm get this version or wait for PS5 version?" Hint, they don't want you to wait.

What they haven't decided yet is if it will be a free or cheap upgrade patch for the PS5 or a whole new version.

Re: Rumour: Word That PS5 Is More Powerful Than Project Scarlett Corroborated by Colin Moriarty


I never understood the console war. Why waste time hating on another console? I find places like Digital Foundry just makes it worse. Comparing fps between systems is one thing but I hate when they compare graphic quality. They will show the game side by side and they look the same but then slow it down 300% and zoom in 25x and say "look at this blurry edge of a leaf, see how it has a slight shadow. Its better on console a". I don't bother watching anymore as I don't play my games zoomed in 25x.

Re: Soapbox: Are We to Blame for the Lack of Gameplay at E3 2019?


No, this is 100% blame on the E3 and marketing teams at game companies. You can't blame people for analyzing what they show.

Marketing teams feel they have to impress in E3 or fall badly. So much competition they must do all they can to stand out in the crowd. Thats why we get set up gameplay.

E3 is to blame because it forces game makers to show something that may not be ready to be seen. It puts an artificial release time table of 'show it now or miss the hype train'.

If E3 was gone and companies had live streams or gameplay vids when they were ready to show things would be better.

Re: E3 2019: Cyberpunk 2077 Can Be Completed Without Killing Anyone


If you use a stun gun how do you know they don't have a heart condition and it kills them anyway?

I couldn't care less for non lethal. They are not real so does it matter if they are knocked out or dead? It's not like they will get up and go back to their family.

I only care about stealthy kills vs loud bang bang kills and I love stealth kills in games.

Re: E3 2019: Watch Dogs Legion Lets You Play as Anyone, Hacks PS4 in March


Looks cool but here is my problem. The characters get levels after you recruit them(level 15 hacker or. Level 7 assassin) and a blue progress bar below it so it seems like you can pick anybody and level them in anyway you want so you can always pick the right character for the job. Some are better for certain paths by their inherent bonuses.

So does that mean you have to level everybody up? It showed permadeath for your characters so if you lose your high level hacker you need to level up a new one? Im sure all characters have all basic skills. But if you lose one with a great bonus and advanced 'hacking tree' then you'd want to find another. This could be tedious. Could mean opportunities for Uni to sell micro transactions to speed up that process.

Plus I get a feeling masks will be the big cosmetic purchase for this game.

Re: Rocksteady Games Skipping E3 2019


Is it really a big deal to skip E3 anymore? Do we want them there if their game is years away so they can show a trailer reveal that shows either no gameplay or gameplay that will be down graded by launch?

E3 is just pointless. It just forces companies to make a special reveal at an arbitrary time that has nothing to do with their development schedule. They will reveal it when it is ready to be seen or when the PS5 official reveal happens.

Re: Fallout 76 Was Never Going to Get Rave Reviews Says Bethesda Boss, Prompting Another Backlash


Basically he said all gaas games suck at launch and so he thought it was ok if his did as well. What complete and utter garbage.

This is why EVERY gamer and EVERY game news site and EVERY gaming youtuber must stand up and tell others one thing:NEVER PREORDER A GAAS GAME.

Seriously, this has to be our mantra by ALL of us if we want things to change. If nobody preorders and the game turns out like this then they deserve to fail. If it's good then we can all rush to buy it.

But WE, the gamers, are the only ones who can stop it.

Re: PS5's Processing Power Is Incredible, Says Yakuza Director


@MattSilverado Nothing wrong with long.

"... On a 500 box..."

I keep telling people I don't think it will be $500. When the ps4 first came out it was not common for smartphones to cost $1000. Now a new $1000 smartphone comes out every month it seems. People are used to this price tag and this is for an item that is expected to be upgraded in two years.

Yes I know people buy phones often on plans so they don't buy it outright. But a higher price will start to be acceptable, and stores may have plans like on phones.

And no, I don't think it will be 1k. But $699 wouldn't surprise me.

Re: Poll: Are You Hyped for E3 2019 Yet?


I couldn't care less and I don't see the point. Any company can release and get publicity on sites like this or others. How is it beneficial to have a mass dump at once? It's a new world and e3 no longer necessary.

The only good part of E3 is when we see those E3 vs retail videos so we can see how big of a scam some marketing departments are (cough)Anthem (cough). But perhaps these companies wouldn't feel a need to do this anymore if they weren't locked into a big show date and had to blow away the competition.

Re: PS5's Processing Power Is Incredible, Says Yakuza Director


@MattSilverado From how I understand it, it is more like a pc in terms of same architecture just much faster. So normally when they went from ps3 to ps4 they had to relearn a new system and can't push the new games to the limit yet. In this case with the ps5, however, I believe it is the situation of mostly just making a ps4 games better(of course some new changes as well).

So like on pc when you get that next gen pc graphics card but in this case it's like 3-4 gens ahead of the last card. This should allow current ps4 developers to jump right into making things look much much better instead of figuring out how to do it.

Unless I am understanding how the ps5 works, somebody can correct me if I'm wrong.

Re: Death Stranding Release Date Confirmed for November 2019


I'm honestly can't see how people rush to day one purchase anymore. Does it look interesting, yep. But we still know so little. We know of vehicles but what of the world itself. So many open world games fail due to bland emptiness of the world between interesting parts and we see nothing yet that says that's not the case here as well.

I'm interested for sure, but I need to see far more of the world to know if it's interesting or not. But so far I have no clue and could be boring. And this is being said by a person who never fast travelled in RDR2 because I loved exploring the world. I hope it's great, but for now I'm not sold.

But really, "As Sam Porter Bridges, you will attempt to bridge the divides in society" Did they really have to go there with the name?