I still don't understand why this is a thing. We already had a remaster, why do we need a remake too? If any franchise is just announcing they are out of ideas, this seems to be the one.
Super Witcher Kart! Witcher Warriors! Witcher Cooking battles! Witcher 3 Deluxe featuring new optional gay romance! Witcher 2D platformer spinoff! Super Smash Witcher 2D brawler featuring Witcher characters and God of War crossover.
Well this is probably good news. (Kinda surprised there isn't an article about this on NintendoLife too.) I kinda figured that someone would buy their assets up. I wonder if they are gonna try rehiring a lot of the old staff? If it's entirely new people then what is the point?
@JJ2 Yeah, I agree. Competition between formats breeds innovation. I like that we have consoles, PC, portable gaming and even... I suppose... mobile games.
But the problem we can run into is when only one company has the rights to something. Look at EA, they have the exclusive license to make the official football, American Football, and other sports titles using the actual teams and player rosters. No one else is allowed to make those games and it has led EA to be able to milk and abuse fan loyalty for decades with only very very little improvement. And these are just games. It would be worse with only one console on the market. So I am glad Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo all exist and do different things.
That said, I want them to do their own things, without buying up 3rd parties. (Although I would not cry if other companies ripped EA apart and broke their monopolies on various sports and IP, but that's a whole different conversation.)
@JJ2 "Some people dont see it but without exclusive I'd be playing on PC instead of playstation. simple as that." In this sense, for traditional game consoles, I completely agree. Without exclusive titles there is little benefit in 2019 to a dedicated game console, rather than a PC. That's a big part of why I praised the Nintendo Switch, for providing an alternative rather than another box under the TV. The Switch provides something different than PC in and of itself.
@Octane I don't entirely disagree, but I don't agree either. Yes exclusives are made to sell a console but they are still made to make money by pushing that console. I already said several times, I don't think it's wrong for companies to have their own exclusives but I don't want them buying up 3rd parties to do it.
I firmly believe that 3rd parties are as an idea at least, better for the consumer/gamer, they let use pick how we want to play a game. When a first party buys a company/IP they are taking that choice away from the player and telling them "it's our way now or you don't get to play".
And yes, you can point to the worst of 3rd parties, like EA and Activision and point out how 3rd party titles are just money grubbers, but you can also point to plenty of first party exclusives where they just slapped an IP on a mediocre game and called it a day.
@Neolit That's why I said distant future. When the PS4 is as old as SNES is today, for example. We really don't know what to expect with online services like this. Closest examples are things like PS2, Xbox and Wii/DS which all no longer have any online support. Any updates games got on those platforms are largely unavailable now. PS360WiiU is probably next and that should tell us more about how companies intend to handle this - since those systems used many more updates and internet features.
@Scollurio Yeah, I have been seeing a lot of buildings that are little more than grey or black boxes.
I think it's good to have more affordable housing but you can still have some more visual variety. Could at least throw some different colors into the mix.
@JJ2 Nintendo didn't buy their exclusives by taking over 3rd party studios. They haven't even taken over 2nd party studios they work with, like Game Freak or Intelligent Systems. Most of the big Nintendo exclusives were made by Nintendo's own staff. By comparison, most of Sony's were developed by other studios that they own and not their own in-house employees.
But if they tried to, I'd be saying the same thing: I don't like 1st parties buying 3rd parties and making them into exclusives.
It's fine for companies to have them, but it's better for gamers for games to be multi-platform.
And to be clear, I don't like this sort of thing in other industries either. I don't like it when Sony or Disney buy other movie studios, same with car companies and computer companies. Better for the consumer if companies are forced to compete to win their customers. When big companies start buying out all the little ones, they get too powerful and no longer have to pay attention to large swathes of consumers.
Example: Disney, even though millions of people don't actually like their live action remakes of classic animated films, millions of other people still show up and watch, so Disney doesn't have to care.
So this is just a re-release with all the updates on it? Doesn't seem worth buying a second time for that. I guess someday it might be useful, in the distant future when Sony takes down support for PS4 and you can no longer get updates...
It would be nice to return to an era where electronics had more visual variety than black or white cube/rectangles.
I get that that is basically the most practical design, but... like everything is that. I miss the days when companies put more flavor into the design.
Even modern cars are all just basically lozenge shaped boxes on wheels with different variations on trim and chrome...
@JJ2 Sorry but no, you don't get to just unilaterally declare that. I don't think exclusives are inherently bad or anything, but they do not benefit the consumer at all. They are good for the companies that put them out but a game only being on PS4 or only on Switch or only on Xbone or whatever console doesn't have any benefit for the gamer. It limits who can enjoy it. Only a smaller portion of gamers can actually afford to buy several consoles.
Your suggesting of a world where Playstation exclusives never existed doesn't make any sense. Sony as a corporate entity did not make those games, people made them. Talented and creative developers. Sony is just one company, if Sony didn't exist, maybe they'd work for some other company, or form their own.
A game like GOW PS4 was supported by Sony for the sole reason of benefiting Sony. By keeping it on their platform alone they attract more customers that way. But I don't believe for a moment that GOW couldn't have happened if the rights for it, and the team behind it were working as a 3rd party studio.
I think it's fine that companies make their own exclusive titles, but I don't want to see them buying up 3rd party studios and forcing them to stop selling multi-plat.
@Kidfried Sorry but no, hate is fine, so long as it never crosses the line to threats or actual slander. If people want to say Kojima is a talentless shmuck with overblown and unjustified popularity and they hate everything he has ever worked on - then they can say that sort of thing. And the more popular something is, the more likely someone like that is gonna pop up.
The only line people mustn't cross is threatening people or outright slander. Like people spreading lies claiming her beats his wife or is a pervert or something. That's going to far because it's actually dangerous.
@Kidfried No, it's exactly what it means. It's this sense of "it's him he can do no wrong!" And I don't care if you think your partner is the hottest person in the world, people are perfectly allowed to say and think otherwise. This "How dare you not agree with me, this person is flawless!" attitude is unhealthy.
@JJ2 Exclusives are good for the companies, not for consumers. People value different ways of enjoying their games. Portable, console, PC, controller, motion controls, keyboard-mouse, VR etc... There is no benefit to us, the consumer/gamer for a game to be limited to one platform. It's only good for the companies.
@AdamNovice For the same reasons I've already said, it's better for the consumer to have more options. I don't want Nintendo or Microsoft buying companies in this way either.
I'd have preferred it if Insomniac had been able to go 3rd party and released games everywhere. 13.2 million on PS4 alone, imagine how many copies it would have sold had it been on PS4, Switch, Xbone and PC!
Even though I'm something of a fanboy myself, it's better for us, the consumers, the people who actually play the games, to have more options.
Why though? Wouldn't this be like Nintendo buying Game Freak or Intelligence Systems? If it's already a loyal second party company why do this?
I can only think there were some people at Insomniac who wanted to go 3rd party instead and release games on more systems - personally I think that would be the better outcome for consumers...
People need to stop putting Kojima on a pedestal and then getting all angry when people don't like something he does. A lot of Nintendo fans do the same sort of thing with Sakurai.
There is always a backlash to something popular. The more popular it is, the bigger the backlash. If you don't want to deal with the hate, don't put someone on the pedestal in the first place.
Here's the thing, the MCU has been a resounding indisputable success. No matter your personal opinion on the MCU you cannot deny it has been one of the most successful series of any fictional product, book, comic, game, movie, whatever, of all time.
The MCU is iconic. There is no way you can release anything Marvel, ever again, and NOT be compared to the MCU. Never gonna happen. Like it or not, Robert Downey Jr., Cris Evans, and Chris Hemmsworth are the most well known faces of Iron Man, Captain America and Thor now. They just are. And that's not changing anytime soon.
I loved New Vegas and Star Wars KOTOR 2, both by Obsidian. So I am looking forward to this.
Though I will be getting it on the Switch almost for sure. Nothing against PS4, but no reason to buy a PS4 version of a game if there is a Switch version.
Still surprises me how popular Janemba is. I remember when I first came across the movie on a list of Dragon Ball films and I hadn't even heard of it. Then I watched it and found it utterly lack luster. But here we are and it seems like a lot of people really liked it.
I really enjoyed the anime version of this but it still felt like an over-sized commercial for the game. I'd rather have a full meat RPG than something like this.
@Matroska Your comment about fanboys lapping it up. Rude. Just cause people don't think Nintendo is lying doesn't make them stupid fanboys. Maybe a little naive but that's hardly rare.
Graphics stopped being important for me years ago. A game has to be really ugly for me to really care. Much more interested in game play experience and interesting story.
Look at Fire Emblem Three Houses that just came out. Visually it is as impressive as an early PS3 title. Maybe. But I dropped 8 hours into it in a single day yesterday and it's topping sales charts all around the world.
Lighting, 4K, even 8K, whatever. If all you care about is looks, that's all that's gonna be delivered. A bland, empty, but very pretty game.
Love seeing Fire Emblem at the top of the list like that, even beating out a Wolfenstein game! Never thought I'd see the day. Maybe there is some shred of hope for humanity after all.
And did you know that if you buy this game, the next day you will meet your soul mate, win the lottery and we will have peace in the middle east? Also aliens will come to Earth and share all their technology, giving us cures for all diseases and limitless clean energy!
Spencer knows he has lost. Xbox is defeated. Nintendo Switch is the first successful Hybrid console/portable and PS5 is looking to be an even better PS4 having both traditional gaming and VR.
Xbone has... some backwards compatibility.
And while Sony and Nintendo remain popular almost everywhere and are only growing, Xbox has been laughed out of Japan.
And do we know anything about Xbox Scarlett yet? Microsoft is better off focusing on PC and going back to being a software company.
I'd love a good Doctor Who game. It amazes me that we've never really had one. And since this is VR, I doubt it will change that. They'll probably put all the effort into dazzling you with VR gimmicks instead of delivering a quality story that feels like it belongs in the Dr. Who universe.
I'd rather just play COD 4. Heck just give of COD 4 on Switch and that's the only COD I need. The series has only gone down hill from there. World at War and MW2 weren't terrible, but were already fading from their prime.
I'm so done with EA it's not even a joke. The only thing I would pay them any money for at this point would be the Mass Effect Trilogy on the Switch. Aside from that, on the off chance I want to play an EA title, I'll buy it used or not at all. EA is probably the dirtiest company in the industry and honestly I would like to see them fail.
End the exclusivity sports licenses they have. End the Star Wars contract. Sell off quality IPs like ME and Dead Space to companies who will actually do them justice. Sell off Battlefield to a company that will actually make quality games every few years instead of shoveling out the same stale Cheetos every year.
The entire gaming industry would be better off without the influence of EA.
I am glad to see this sort of thing still happening. In TV and movies everything is trending toward CG and Live action and in games somewhere, somehow, fully animated movies and cutscenes seem to have become taboo or frowned up. I however have always liked them.
Comments 352
Re: Guide: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare PS4 Open Beta - Dates, Times, and What's Included
I still don't understand why this is a thing. We already had a remaster, why do we need a remake too? If any franchise is just announcing they are out of ideas, this seems to be the one.
Re: More Witcher Games Are Coming, Confirms CD Projekt Red
Super Witcher Kart! Witcher Warriors! Witcher Cooking battles! Witcher 3 Deluxe featuring new optional gay romance! Witcher 2D platformer spinoff! Super Smash Witcher 2D brawler featuring Witcher characters and God of War crossover.
Re: Moving Out Puts the Couch in Couch Co-Op When it Moves to PS4 in 2020
I honestly forget PS4 supported any form of couch co-op. lol
Re: Telltale Games Is Coming Back Under New Management
Well this is probably good news. (Kinda surprised there isn't an article about this on NintendoLife too.) I kinda figured that someone would buy their assets up. I wonder if they are gonna try rehiring a lot of the old staff? If it's entirely new people then what is the point?
Re: Death Stranding: Timefall Is a Collection of Songs Inspired By the PS4 Exclusive
How can artists be inspired by a game that isn't even out yet?
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man Has Moved a Mind Boggling 13.2 Million Copies
@JJ2 Yeah, I agree. Competition between formats breeds innovation. I like that we have consoles, PC, portable gaming and even... I suppose... mobile games.
But the problem we can run into is when only one company has the rights to something. Look at EA, they have the exclusive license to make the official football, American Football, and other sports titles using the actual teams and player rosters. No one else is allowed to make those games and it has led EA to be able to milk and abuse fan loyalty for decades with only very very little improvement. And these are just games. It would be worse with only one console on the market. So I am glad Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo all exist and do different things.
That said, I want them to do their own things, without buying up 3rd parties. (Although I would not cry if other companies ripped EA apart and broke their monopolies on various sports and IP, but that's a whole different conversation.)
Re: Talking Point: What Free September 2019 PlayStation Plus Games Do You Want?
I want Pokemon Blue. Halo Wars 2 and League of Legends. And if Sony doesn't give me all 3 then clearly Sony is dead and PS5 is gonna be cancelled.
Re: Death Stranding's Exposition Laden Briefing Trailer Leaks
10 bucks says they knew it would leak and wanted it to do so, to build hype.
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man Has Moved a Mind Boggling 13.2 Million Copies
@JJ2 "Some people dont see it but without exclusive I'd be playing on PC instead of playstation. simple as that." In this sense, for traditional game consoles, I completely agree. Without exclusive titles there is little benefit in 2019 to a dedicated game console, rather than a PC. That's a big part of why I praised the Nintendo Switch, for providing an alternative rather than another box under the TV. The Switch provides something different than PC in and of itself.
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man Has Moved a Mind Boggling 13.2 Million Copies
@Octane I don't entirely disagree, but I don't agree either. Yes exclusives are made to sell a console but they are still made to make money by pushing that console. I already said several times, I don't think it's wrong for companies to have their own exclusives but I don't want them buying up 3rd parties to do it.
I firmly believe that 3rd parties are as an idea at least, better for the consumer/gamer, they let use pick how we want to play a game. When a first party buys a company/IP they are taking that choice away from the player and telling them "it's our way now or you don't get to play".
And yes, you can point to the worst of 3rd parties, like EA and Activision and point out how 3rd party titles are just money grubbers, but you can also point to plenty of first party exclusives where they just slapped an IP on a mediocre game and called it a day.
Re: 27 Minutes of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Gameplay Shows Fun But Familiar Action
It honestly amazes me how strong Dragon Ball games are still going. I feel like they have long since done pretty much all there is to do.
I wish they'd throw a wrench in the formula and give us like, a Dragon Ball JRPG or something off the wall like that.
Re: No Man's Sky: Beyond Plots a Course for Retail Stores on PS4
@Neolit That's why I said distant future. When the PS4 is as old as SNES is today, for example. We really don't know what to expect with online services like this. Closest examples are things like PS2, Xbox and Wii/DS which all no longer have any online support. Any updates games got on those platforms are largely unavailable now. PS360WiiU is probably next and that should tell us more about how companies intend to handle this - since those systems used many more updates and internet features.
Re: PS5 Devkit Design Leaks, Already in Studios' Hands
@Scollurio Yeah, I have been seeing a lot of buildings that are little more than grey or black boxes.
I think it's good to have more affordable housing but you can still have some more visual variety. Could at least throw some different colors into the mix.
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man Has Moved a Mind Boggling 13.2 Million Copies
@JJ2 Nintendo didn't buy their exclusives by taking over 3rd party studios. They haven't even taken over 2nd party studios they work with, like Game Freak or Intelligent Systems. Most of the big Nintendo exclusives were made by Nintendo's own staff. By comparison, most of Sony's were developed by other studios that they own and not their own in-house employees.
But if they tried to, I'd be saying the same thing: I don't like 1st parties buying 3rd parties and making them into exclusives.
It's fine for companies to have them, but it's better for gamers for games to be multi-platform.
And to be clear, I don't like this sort of thing in other industries either. I don't like it when Sony or Disney buy other movie studios, same with car companies and computer companies. Better for the consumer if companies are forced to compete to win their customers. When big companies start buying out all the little ones, they get too powerful and no longer have to pay attention to large swathes of consumers.
Example: Disney, even though millions of people don't actually like their live action remakes of classic animated films, millions of other people still show up and watch, so Disney doesn't have to care.
Re: Marvel's Avengers Character Faces Remodelled in New Gameplay Footage
Captain America is the only one that looks noticeably different to me. Totally looks younger.
Visual design isn't my concern though, I want to know how the game plays and what the story is like.
Re: No Man's Sky: Beyond Plots a Course for Retail Stores on PS4
So this is just a re-release with all the updates on it? Doesn't seem worth buying a second time for that. I guess someday it might be useful, in the distant future when Sony takes down support for PS4 and you can no longer get updates...
Re: PS5 Devkit Design Leaks, Already in Studios' Hands
It would be nice to return to an era where electronics had more visual variety than black or white cube/rectangles.
I get that that is basically the most practical design, but... like everything is that. I miss the days when companies put more flavor into the design.
Even modern cars are all just basically lozenge shaped boxes on wheels with different variations on trim and chrome...
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man Has Moved a Mind Boggling 13.2 Million Copies
@JJ2 Sorry but no, you don't get to just unilaterally declare that. I don't think exclusives are inherently bad or anything, but they do not benefit the consumer at all. They are good for the companies that put them out but a game only being on PS4 or only on Switch or only on Xbone or whatever console doesn't have any benefit for the gamer. It limits who can enjoy it. Only a smaller portion of gamers can actually afford to buy several consoles.
Your suggesting of a world where Playstation exclusives never existed doesn't make any sense. Sony as a corporate entity did not make those games, people made them. Talented and creative developers. Sony is just one company, if Sony didn't exist, maybe they'd work for some other company, or form their own.
A game like GOW PS4 was supported by Sony for the sole reason of benefiting Sony. By keeping it on their platform alone they attract more customers that way. But I don't believe for a moment that GOW couldn't have happened if the rights for it, and the team behind it were working as a 3rd party studio.
I think it's fine that companies make their own exclusive titles, but I don't want to see them buying up 3rd party studios and forcing them to stop selling multi-plat.
Re: Soapbox: In Defence of Death Stranding
@Kidfried Sorry but no, hate is fine, so long as it never crosses the line to threats or actual slander. If people want to say Kojima is a talentless shmuck with overblown and unjustified popularity and they hate everything he has ever worked on - then they can say that sort of thing. And the more popular something is, the more likely someone like that is gonna pop up.
The only line people mustn't cross is threatening people or outright slander. Like people spreading lies claiming her beats his wife or is a pervert or something. That's going to far because it's actually dangerous.
Re: Death Stranding Exclusivity Discussion Rekindled at Gamescom 2019
Exclusives are great for companies, but I don't see why gamers/consumers want that exclusivity though. It doesn't benefit us at all.
Re: Soapbox: In Defence of Death Stranding
@Kidfried No, it's exactly what it means. It's this sense of "it's him he can do no wrong!" And I don't care if you think your partner is the hottest person in the world, people are perfectly allowed to say and think otherwise. This "How dare you not agree with me, this person is flawless!" attitude is unhealthy.
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man Has Moved a Mind Boggling 13.2 Million Copies
@JJ2 Exclusives are good for the companies, not for consumers. People value different ways of enjoying their games. Portable, console, PC, controller, motion controls, keyboard-mouse, VR etc... There is no benefit to us, the consumer/gamer for a game to be limited to one platform. It's only good for the companies.
Re: Sony Buys Spider-Man PS4, Ratchet & Clank Developer Insomniac Games
@AdamNovice For the same reasons I've already said, it's better for the consumer to have more options. I don't want Nintendo or Microsoft buying companies in this way either.
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man Has Moved a Mind Boggling 13.2 Million Copies
I'd have preferred it if Insomniac had been able to go 3rd party and released games everywhere. 13.2 million on PS4 alone, imagine how many copies it would have sold had it been on PS4, Switch, Xbone and PC!
Even though I'm something of a fanboy myself, it's better for us, the consumers, the people who actually play the games, to have more options.
Re: Sony Buys Spider-Man PS4, Ratchet & Clank Developer Insomniac Games
Why though? Wouldn't this be like Nintendo buying Game Freak or Intelligence Systems? If it's already a loyal second party company why do this?
I can only think there were some people at Insomniac who wanted to go 3rd party instead and release games on more systems - personally I think that would be the better outcome for consumers...
Re: Soapbox: In Defence of Death Stranding
People need to stop putting Kojima on a pedestal and then getting all angry when people don't like something he does. A lot of Nintendo fans do the same sort of thing with Sakurai.
There is always a backlash to something popular. The more popular it is, the bigger the backlash. If you don't want to deal with the hate, don't put someone on the pedestal in the first place.
Re: DuckTales Remastered Demonstrates the Dangers of Digital with Delisting
"It goes without saying that disc copies will be completely unaffected."
Umm no. Once the game is no longer around for digital sale that's gonna drive the price of the disk versions up.
Re: Marvel's Avengers: We'll Always Be on Someone's Sh*t List
Here's the thing, the MCU has been a resounding indisputable success. No matter your personal opinion on the MCU you cannot deny it has been one of the most successful series of any fictional product, book, comic, game, movie, whatever, of all time.
The MCU is iconic. There is no way you can release anything Marvel, ever again, and NOT be compared to the MCU. Never gonna happen. Like it or not, Robert Downey Jr., Cris Evans, and Chris Hemmsworth are the most well known faces of Iron Man, Captain America and Thor now. They just are. And that's not changing anytime soon.
Re: PlayStation Propels Sony to Best Q1 Operating Profit Ever
@Flaming_Kaiser Shame, don't know what you missing then. That's fine though.
Re: A Brand New Guilty Gear Is Coming in 2020, and It Looks Absolutely Jaw-Dropping
Did they ever make an anime for this series? I always see official art and mistake it as a really cool looking anime.
Re: The Outer Worlds Previews Say It's Basically Fallout: New Vegas in Space and It's Great
I loved New Vegas and Star Wars KOTOR 2, both by Obsidian. So I am looking forward to this.
Though I will be getting it on the Switch almost for sure. Nothing against PS4, but no reason to buy a PS4 version of a game if there is a Switch version.
Re: Janemba and Gogeta Officially Revealed for Dragon Ball FighterZ
Still surprises me how popular Janemba is. I remember when I first came across the movie on a list of Dragon Ball films and I hadn't even heard of it. Then I watched it and found it utterly lack luster. But here we are and it seems like a lot of people really liked it.
Re: Granblue Fantasy Versus Site Suggests Only 11 Characters at Launch, but 'RPG Mode' Sounds Really Cool
I really enjoyed the anime version of this but it still felt like an over-sized commercial for the game. I'd rather have a full meat RPG than something like this.
Re: PlayStation Propels Sony to Best Q1 Operating Profit Ever
@Matroska Your comment about fanboys lapping it up. Rude. Just cause people don't think Nintendo is lying doesn't make them stupid fanboys. Maybe a little naive but that's hardly rare.
Re: PlayStation Propels Sony to Best Q1 Operating Profit Ever
@Matroska Lot of respect lost for you pal, that comment was nasty.
Re: PlayStation Propels Sony to Best Q1 Operating Profit Ever
Impresses me just how well PS4 is doing. Mine is collecting dust while I play the Switch every day.
PS4 has a lot of great games though, I just don't have time to play all the games I want to play on one console, let alone two!
Re: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Is Getting Microtransactions
Activision must be talking to EA. Greed never ends.
Re: Lighting Is the Key to Next-Gen Graphics, Says Detroit: Become Human Director
Graphics stopped being important for me years ago. A game has to be really ugly for me to really care. Much more interested in game play experience and interesting story.
Look at Fire Emblem Three Houses that just came out. Visually it is as impressive as an early PS3 title. Maybe. But I dropped 8 hours into it in a single day yesterday and it's topping sales charts all around the world.
Lighting, 4K, even 8K, whatever. If all you care about is looks, that's all that's gonna be delivered. A bland, empty, but very pretty game.
Re: Janemba Leaked for Dragon Ball FighterZ Ahead of Evo 2019
Kind of amazed he got in. I've been told he is actually a pretty popular character, but I don't think I'd have guessed he would even be in the top 50.
Re: Deleted Age Rating Suggests DOOM 64 Is Coming to PS4
But will it come to the PS64?
Re: UK Sales Charts: Wolfenstein: Youngblood Settles for Second as Nintendo Strikes Again
Love seeing Fire Emblem at the top of the list like that, even beating out a Wolfenstein game! Never thought I'd see the day. Maybe there is some shred of hope for humanity after all.
Naw, probably not.
Re: Death Stranding Will Be a Statement, Trying to Move the Industry Forward
And did you know that if you buy this game, the next day you will meet your soul mate, win the lottery and we will have peace in the middle east? Also aliens will come to Earth and share all their technology, giving us cures for all diseases and limitless clean energy!
Kojima is our king and can do no wrong.
Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Won't Take Away from Sony to Achieve Success
Spencer knows he has lost. Xbox is defeated. Nintendo Switch is the first successful Hybrid console/portable and PS5 is looking to be an even better PS4 having both traditional gaming and VR.
Xbone has... some backwards compatibility.
And while Sony and Nintendo remain popular almost everywhere and are only growing, Xbox has been laughed out of Japan.
And do we know anything about Xbox Scarlett yet? Microsoft is better off focusing on PC and going back to being a software company.
Re: First Doctor Who: The Edge of Time PSVR Gameplay Is Very Brown
I'd love a good Doctor Who game. It amazes me that we've never really had one. And since this is VR, I doubt it will change that. They'll probably put all the effort into dazzling you with VR gimmicks instead of delivering a quality story that feels like it belongs in the Dr. Who universe.
Re: Yes, Killstreaks Are Back in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
I'd rather just play COD 4. Heck just give of COD 4 on Switch and that's the only COD I need. The series has only gone down hill from there. World at War and MW2 weren't terrible, but were already fading from their prime.
Re: Feature: Is EA Access Worth It on PS4?
I'm so done with EA it's not even a joke. The only thing I would pay them any money for at this point would be the Mass Effect Trilogy on the Switch. Aside from that, on the off chance I want to play an EA title, I'll buy it used or not at all. EA is probably the dirtiest company in the industry and honestly I would like to see them fail.
End the exclusivity sports licenses they have.
End the Star Wars contract.
Sell off quality IPs like ME and Dead Space to companies who will actually do them justice.
Sell off Battlefield to a company that will actually make quality games every few years instead of shoveling out the same stale Cheetos every year.
The entire gaming industry would be better off without the influence of EA.
Re: PS Vita Firmware Update 3.71 Keeps Handheld Alive
They may as well give up. The hacking scene certainly isn't going to. Sony would be better off using those resources on something else. lol
Re: Digimon Survive Digivolves with a Fully Animated Opening Movie
I am glad to see this sort of thing still happening. In TV and movies everything is trending toward CG and Live action and in games somewhere, somehow, fully animated movies and cutscenes seem to have become taboo or frowned up. I however have always liked them.
Re: Death Stranding Director Takes Aim at Fortnite Fame
Battle Royales are a fad, a trend. Kojima doesn't follow trends, he sets them. Good for him!
Re: Stardew Valley Multiplayer Could Finally Arrive on PS4 'Later This Week'
Did they change it? I thought casks could only be used in the basement. Why would anyone place them outside?