Comments 624

Re: Talking Point: What Content Do You Want from Push Square?


I want to echo some of what others have said. The content is great, and so is the community. Unlike almost every other website on the internet, I ALWAYS read the comments on here, but it is sometimes hard to track conversations. Nested comment threads, such as the ones on Eurogamer, would be a wonderful upgrade in terms of funcionality.

In terms of content, I love studio profile features and interviews, so more of these are always welcome.

Re: PS5 Doesn't Have a Web Browser


A lot of the digital manuals often opened in the web browser. Does this mean we won't be able to load them on PS5? Also, same for the payment link for playing Final Fantasy XIV Online.

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Demo Running 1440p, 60 Frames-Per-Second


@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L I think going QLED is a wise decision in your case. I have a Sony AF9 OLED from 2019 and I absolutely love it to pieces, but even though I baby it, it still has some very minor image burn. I worry about it all the time. Honestly, even though the OLED image is stunning, if I could go back, I would probably get a high end Samsung QLED instead now. Just my two cents on the matter.

Re: WRC 9 - A Compelling Rally Sim That's Gone from Good to Great


@gollumb82 Yeah, it has a few of those objectives. Most of them are fairly reasonable, such as "keep car repairs under $15,000" or "Complete the rally without any time penalties". Ultimately, even if you don't complete every objective, it's not the end of the world as long as you do well in the rally events, so it's more of a side objective. I don't think they massively impact what is otherwise an excellent career mode.

Re: WRC 9 - A Compelling Rally Sim That's Gone from Good to Great


@gollumb82 @fLekkZ

It appears to be running at 30fps, but that's based purely on how it looks to me. Playing it on PS4 Pro, it seems very consistent. At no point did I notice any frame drops. It never came across as an issue to me, otherwise it would have been noted in the review.

If you're getting a PS5, you might be interested to know that the PS5 version is targeting 60fps at native 4K. I also think that they're offering a free upgrade for owners of the PS4 version.

Re: Project CARS 3 - A Somewhat Fun Arcade Racer Going Through an Identity Crisis


@JLPick The single player career mode can be played entirely offline.

As for the rest, daily challenges in Rivals mode is online, but you don't need PS+ for these, as far as I'm aware. It just needs a connection to upload your times and scores so it can compare them to other people. And then, obviously, the multiplayer needs an online connection and PS+ subscription.

Re: Project CARS 3 - A Somewhat Fun Arcade Racer Going Through an Identity Crisis


@Ristar24 Yeah, for racing games it's pretty important. The game certainly seems to be targeting 60fps, I just can't confirm if it's achieving this flawlessly. For what it's worth, in performance mode, I didn't notice any choppiness or changes in frame rate. It just felt absolutely fine.

If you're still concerned it might be worth keeping an eye out for a technical analysis video from Digital Foundry.

Re: Mortal Shell - A Souls-Like for Hardened Veterans


@Tchunga Eredrim was my personal favourite. He’s the heavy hitter with high strength and health. I also really enjoyed Tiel for his speed. These two are pretty much opposites and specialise in their own styles, which I think works better than having an all rounder who’s a master of nothing.

Re: Mortal Shell - A Souls-Like for Hardened Veterans


@TooBarFoo I didn’t want to talk too much about the layout because discovering how it works is part of the charm of this game. Discovery of where to go, why, how, what you will find, and even what items do are all part of this. What I will say is that areas are quite large and open and there are shortcuts that you discover that help you return to specific areas quite easily. It doesn’t have the same interlocking mastery of Dark Souls, but it’s still good.

Re: F1 2020 - More Complete Than the Real Thing



Yes, they do move between teams, just as in last year's game.

Also, in the new My Team mode, you have access to a full dynamic driver market, where you can sign drivers from other teams across F2 and F1. It's quite a comprehensive system, with drivers holding different skill levels in various field such as Pace, Experience, Race Craft, and Awareness, with higher salaries demanded by higher rated drivers.

Re: Codemasters Signs On to Make Official WRC Rally Games on PS5


Wow, I never thought this would happen, to be honest – Codies have been making the best rally games for decades now and they've never shown an inclination to get the license. I have to say, very pleasantly surprised and I can't wait to see what they comes up with. Worth pointing out how amazing their annual F1 games are, too – Codemasters really know what they're doing.

Re: PlayStation Store Double Discounts Sale Has Tempting PS4 Game Deals


@MickOnYourFace In terms of pure gameplay, PES is superb – but it lacks the presentation of FIFA. You can download all the club names, kits, logos, sponsors, competition data, etc. online and install through a USB drive. It's very easy to do and then you get what is, in my opinion, the best playing football game available with all the trimmings. If you're interested, you can't really go wrong for a fiver. (Also, I believe there's a free demo available. Might be worth giving this a go before pulling the trigger.)

Re: Interview: How Sony's E3 2015 Press Conference Became the Greatest of All Time


@Rob_230 I remember watching an episode of Pachter Factor (that's industry analyst Michael Pachter's show) on Siftd Games a while back and he discussed what was happening inside Sony. He said that, as you pointed out, it was kind of one big family, led by Andrew House. Once Andrew House left and Jim Ryan took over, Ryan brought his people in with him. I don't think there's anything nefarious in this, it's just a changing of the guard and it's only natural a boss would want people he trusts on his team.

Sorry I can't find a direct link to the episode, but it's worth fishing out on YouTube or Siftd if you're interested in finding out more.

Re: PS5's User Interface Could Help You to Plan Your Game Sessions


@wiiware I often check as well. I quite like the idea of a similar outlay on the dashboard showing the average completion time of the game, etc. I'm not keen on the idea of it "optimising" my play of a level, though. I don't even want that sort of thing suggested.

Games are great because you can play however you like at your own pace. This implementation shown here would encourage people to play optimally on a section-by-section basis to save time rather than just enjoy the experience and take it as it comes. If it's optional, fine – I'm clearly not the right person for this. I do worry about the possibile implication with microtransactions, however, because pacing a game to sell advertised packages would affect all of us, regardless of whether or not we choose to have such a feature on display.

Re: PS5's User Interface Could Help You to Plan Your Game Sessions


Imagine if this were used to try and sell you microtransactions.

"Your estimated time to complete this level is 2 hours. If you buy the Enemy Reduction Pack, your estimated time to completion could be 1 hour."

Not saying they would do this, but it's possible some publishers might. It could be awful.