Comments 624

Re: Talking Point: PS Now's Delivering Our Streaming Future, So Why Is Sony the Underdog?


I gave PlayStation Now a second try late last year, just before they introduced downloads, and I really didn't like it. The image quality was poor. I have 350mbps Virgin fibre internet and even with that the macroblocking was awful.

I love the idea of streaming games and I hope it improves, but if the future of streaming games is like what Sony offers right now with PlayStation Now, I don't think it's good enough.

Re: Resident Evil 2 - An Admirable Re-Imagining of the 1998 Classic


@fluggy Fair enough.

@Porco Nothing wrong with not spending the money on launch and waiting for a sale. I do it all the time. I'm just surprised that a game getting an 8 might be a potential turnoff for some people who seem like they were otherwise excited for the game. 8 is a great score. It's also sitting on a 91 aggregate rating right now.

Re: Beat Saber - Guitar Hero Meets Star Wars


@Throb I honestly don't know – I don't have a six year old, so I can't say with any real conviction. But if you know your kid is okay with a VR headset and you keep an eye on them, the easiest difficulty level is very easy indeed. By default the level ends if you miss too many of the blocks in succession, but you can turn this off in the settings and just have a bit of fun.

Re: Poll: Are You a Fan of Gaming Magazines?


I still have my subscription to EDGE magazine. I love it. I read it cover to cover every month. It supplements my website reading. I use websites for news and videos, and EDGE for features and previews. Also, you can't get better long-form features than in EDGE magazine (although Polygon do some decent ones every once in a while).

Re: Soapbox: Can You Truly Appreciate a Game with Walkthroughs?


@get2sammyb I don't remember the last time I used a guide. That said, I did do a couple of Google searches for advice on forums for some of the boss fights in Nioh. That game is brutal in places.

Anyway, some of my fondest memories as a kid are of me and my dad playing games together. In particular I remember going through the original Tomb Raider games on PSOne. We would take it in turns with the controller and the one without would have the Prima guide open, reading out instructions as we went. It was kind of like having a co-driver in a rally car.

It's funny now that I think about it, but these are some of the best memories I have in gaming. Maybe it's just nostalgia, I don't know, but those guides certainly didn't ruin our experience then. If anything, they brought us together and gave us both something to do while we played through the game.

Re: Soapbox: Publishers Want You to Pay to Play Early, And It's a Worry


@RedMan33 Can't say I've ever received a game three days early from ShopTo. The earliest I've received it is a day early, which is of course great. But my last four orders now haven't even come in time for launch, let alone early. I actually resorted to going into GAME (God forbid) and buying a copy of Spider-Man to play it on launch day because ShopTo didn't deliver it on time. Once my ShopTo order arrived a couple days later, I took that sealed copy back into GAME to get the more expensive refund, of course, but that's another story...