Comments 624

Re: Review: God of War (PS4)


@get2sammyb Great review, Sammy. It must be good to get a 10 from you! Do you need to have to played the previous games to fully understand the story?

Re: Talking Point: Is PS4's September Starting to Look Way Too Crowded?


It's way too crowded, and made even worse by the recent announcement that Divinity Original Sin 2 is coming out just a few weeks earlier in August, as well – and that one's a good 70+ hour game. Even as a big Dragon Quest fan, and as someone who has played every Tomb Raider game ever made, I will probably be leaving both of them until 2019 at this rate. It's going to be impossible to keep up. I'm going to have to prioritise: Divinity in August and Spider-Man in September.

Re: Review: Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered (PS4)


I've been waiting for this to come to PS4 for years, but after playing Origins, I can't see myself going back to the gameplay style of the older games. I had a go on Black Flag just the other day and was surprised at how dated it feels. We needed this sooner, really.

Re: Feature: Ni no Kuni II Combat - What's Changed and Is it Better or Worse than the First Game?


I'm glad they're mixing up combat with something new. One of the great things about Final Fantasy is how they alter things with each title, it keeps things fresh. I wasn't a huge fan of the combat in the original; it was the characters, writing, story, and environments that made it special to me. If they keep that same level of charm and mix up the combat, I'm a very happy bunny.

Re: Spotify App Receives a Spring Clean on PS4


I wonder if they've added the basic functionality of logging out? My old Spotify account was made using my Facebook account, but when I deleted my FB page, my Spotify account remained on PlayStation. I can't log out and sign in with my new Spotify account. It's very annoying.

Re: Review: Mulaka (PS4)


@Flaming_Kaiser It would be a lot better if there wasn't any combat. It's not a terrible game, it's just that it doesn't make a very good action-adventure game. If they replaced all the combat with much better puzzles, this could have been really good.

Re: Review: Moss (PS4)


This sounds great. Nice to see developer developers up with other ways of making VR games that isn't first-person.

Re: Soapbox: Dynasty Warriors 9 Broke My Heart


@ShogunRok β€œThat first session was like sneezing and farting at the same time β€” you don't really want to go through it again, but you're still kind of curious as to what the hell just happened.”

πŸ˜‚ What an image!

Re: Soapbox: I Miss the Mystery of Video Games


@get2sammyb Yeah, I really miss it as well. Where I grew up in rural Wales, my dad and I used to have to get a 45-minute bus to the nearest town. There we had an indie game store called ACME Computer Games, and it was fantastic. A long, narrow, smoky hole of a place with games that littered the walls along both sides. We were on a first name basis with the owner, and he used to let us try games out in the store, or even take them home and pay later. It was wonderful.

This was before GAME or Gamestation showed up, but as soon as they did, ACME closed down – they just couldn't compete with the prices. But I'll never forget that game store.

Right next door there was a gallery where my dad used to sell his paintings (he's an artist). We used to go in there to see if he'd made any sales, and if he had, we'd pop over to ACME to get a game. And then we'd take it in turns unwrapping the cellophane; you just couldn't beat the smell and look of the untainted case. I would read the manual all the way home; the excitement was unbelievable. I honestly don't feel that anymore – not in the same way.

Great article, by the way. Got me reminiscing about the good times! 😁

Re: Is the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Sneaking to PS4?


@SuperSilverback I didn't like it as much as the original either. I don't think it's "garbage", but it's definitely inferior. I didn't like that they changed the soundtrack, it lost some of its atmosphere. I also didn't like some of the voice changes they made, or the Gamecube controller, amid other things.

Maybe we should badger Bluepoint to do a Metal Gear Solid remake, like they've just done with Shadow of the Colossus? πŸ˜‰

Re: Review: Out of Ammo (PS4)


@Rudy_Manchego I do this all the time. It's almost become a mini game in itself as I frantically try to find a new show that piques my interest while my food sits there getting cold. It's completely ridiculous. 🀣