Comments 624

Re: Shadow of the Tomb Raider's Devs Not Worried About Spider-Man


"This one is way more about exploring and finding things that make life special.”

I don't understand how they can say this with a straight face. My memories of both the Tomb Raider reboot and Rise is repeatedly pressing R3 so that useless items show up on a greyscale screen. None of the items I've ever found in that game are things that make life "special."

Re: Guide: Best Metal Gear Solid Games Ranked


@kyleforrester87 I liked MGS2, but I'll never forgive them for replacing Snake with Raiden for 3/4 of the game. And hearing Raiden and his girlfriend talk all soppy about when they started dating... ugh. Just the thought of it makes me feel a bit ill. πŸ˜‚

Re: Death Stranding Could Be a PS5 Game, Reckons Analyst


@Rob_230 If you're interested in seeing him predict even more obvious stuff on a regular basis, he actually still has a show over at called Pachter Factor. It's basically the same as the old Pach Attack show from GameTrailers (Siftd is run by the former editor-in-chief of GT).

Re: So, Er, Shadow of the Tomb Raider Has Gone Gold


To be honest, I don't think there's any such thing as "going gold" anymore. Almost every game needs fixing after launch, and some of them change massively. Just look at No Man's Sky and Final Fantasy XV, for example.

Maybe they set the date realising they would need a good 4-6 weeks to iron out the kinks for launch day?

Re: Ten Years Ago Today, the First PlayStation Trophy Was Unlocked


@LieutenantFatman Yeah. Here's a tweet I saw the other day:

"Oh maaaan, I just want this Fractured But Whole plat now! So borrrrrred 😴"

I just don't understand why anyone would force their way through the process if it's that boring. Life is too short for nonsense like this. Of course, if people are enjoying it, then more power to them. But if it's a chore, why bother?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 224


@ShogunRok I've honestly struggled with this for a while. I usually like to focus and play one thing at a time and give it all my attention, but games are so long these days that I get burnt out. I've been finding myself slogging through to the end just to finish them, which is a shame. Hopefully playing a couple of games and alternating between them will, as you say, keep it fresh for longer.

Re: Rumour: Is PlayStation Now Getting a Download Option?


I would honestly love this. I tried PS Now a couple of months ago on a 7-day trial, but I hated it. The compression was hard to stomach and it made games look awful, especially if you sit quite close to the screen like I do. And that's with 100Mb fibre internet. Being able to download games with a decent library of PS4 titles would change this entirely.

Re: E3 2018: Cyberpunk 2077 Kicks Back with An Incredible Trailer


I'm honestly a bit disappointed with this trailer. I think the tone is all off, and the protagonist seems very run-of-the-mill. The voice over just seemed really generic, as well. "It's a city of dreams, and I'm a BIG dreamer." Oh, come on!

I hope I'm wrong about this. I was so excited to see this game, but I got a bit of a slap in the face from that trailer. I'm hoping it's just a one off and the game itself is great (God knows CD Projekt deserve the benefit of the doubt), but I'm not overly enthralled at this point.

Re: Guide: The Best PSone Games We Want on a PlayStation Classic Mini


I would personally switch Final Fantasy 7 for 8 or 9 instead. I love all three, but 7 gets all the love, and you can already play it in a myriad of ways across PS4 and PS3. We still can't play 8 or 9 on PS4, though, and I would love to play through them again.

I would also add Croc or Gex 3D and Ridge Racer Type-4 or Rage Racer in here. Also, the original Colin Mcrae Rally was a big deal back on PSOne. I played it to death. In terms of its gameplay, it still holds up well today. I can see that making the cut! Otherwise this is a pretty solid list.

Re: PS4 Exclusives Unavailable for Pre-Order at Amazon UK


For anyone looking to order online, I can highly recommend The Game Collection, SimplyGames, and ShopTo for pre-orders. I've used all three for years, prices often cheaper than Amazon, and I'm yet to receive a single pre-order from any of them that hasn't come early or on day of release (must be early on 95% of occasions, though).