Comments 624

Re: Review: The Little Acre (PS4)


I'm quite enjoying this return to point and click adventure games. Yesterday Origins was really quite good, and I loved Broken Age. Shame this one didn't turn out so well because I love the art style.

Re: It's Buy One PS4 Game, Get One Free on the EU PlayStation Store This Month


@Neolit @es_lion I've not had that problem. I've been deleting games and reinstalling them later on my PS4 for the last two years, and I've never lost a save file. That said, making a copy on the cloud, as @Neolit says, is definitely a good idea.

@FullbringIchigo Also, I agree, they really should give us support for external HDD. It would solve a lot of issues.

Re: Games Retailers Blame Black Friday for Poor Sales


I assume that GAME is one of the companies complaining here, considering they're not doing so well. It's funny because I used to work there and we would be putting new games on sale just 2-4 weeks after its launch. I still remember putting Forza 3 on sales for just £20 after 3 weeks on sale. That's no different to any of these Black Friday deals we're seeing. They started this a long time ago. If it's purely down to people waiting for the prices to drop, then I'm surprised it's taken people this long to cotton on.

Re: Soapbox: How The Last of Us Proves That Resolution Isn't Everything


@BAMozzy This article wasn't intended as a critique on the PS4 Pro at all, it was just an observational post based on my experiences playing through The Last of Us again in 4K. I'm not saying that graphics aren't important – I mean, I bought a PS4 Pro and a 4K HDR TV for a reason. I'm just hoping that graphics won't be the only improvements or focus at the expense of gameplay, depth, "soul", etc., moving forward. Hence in the final paragraph, "here's hoping that graphics will not be the sole focus moving forward".

Re: Guide: The Best 4K UHD HDR TVs for PS4 Pro in 2016


@get2sammyb I just bought this Panasonic model, Sammy, and while my PS4 Pro isn't coming until tomorrow, the picture quality that I've seen so far – through watching 4K Netflix, YouTube, Amazon, and playing standard PS4 games – is stunning. Only 42ms input lag in Game mode, too, and according to reviews this remains the same even with HDR turned on. I guess I'll find out myself tomorrow!

Re: PlayStation VR Is Now Sold Out at Amazon UK Until 2017


@rjejr Yeah, I was in my local GAME store in the UK a few days ago and they had big posters outside the front door saying they had plenty of PlayStation VR stock for walk-in customers. Hopefully that's more of an indication that people don't want to buy from GAME than it is PlayStation VR not doing well!

Re: Soapbox: Skyrim Still Has Plenty to Offer Five Years On


@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Yeah, I think it's all the smaller side quests that made the Witcher 3 so good. The main plot wasn't really all that interesting for me. But that's what made The Witcher 3 so special: it somehow made the side quests more than just side quests – I was actually invested in them as stories in their own right, rather than doing them just to be a completionist or to level up.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want to Know About PS4 Pro?


@Muertoweirdo That's a good question. When the Xbox One S was released, there were reports of improved framerates in games that hadn't been updated at all; they simply performed better due to the increased power of the new console. I'm intrigued to know if this will be the case for PS4 Pro myself.

Re: TGS 2016: Remember the Glory of Final Fantasy XII with New PS4 Trailer


@WanderingBullet Yeah, I'm not a fan of Vaan either, but he wasn't really the main character of XII. I feel like, unlike the FF games that preceded it, XII was much more about the whole party and the overarching political narrative than it was about a single protagonist. Also, characters like Balthier, Fran and Basch make up for it! In terms of gameplay and battle systems, XII is my favourite FF game hands down.

Re: Review: Assetto Corsa (PS4)


@arnoldlayne83 @misterdog Like I said, we don't have a wheel to review it on, and neither is Push Square making enough money to buy one to review it with, so we can't review it with a wheel. I'm sorry that this is the case, and believe me I would love to play this with a wheel, but we can't.

So, we can either not put a review up, or we can put a review up for the majority – those who play with a controller. We decided to put one up for most people. If that review isn't for you, that's fine, you can move on. But that doesn't nullify the points of the review for those who will play with a pad. I'm not going to spend any more time responding to this now because we're going in circles.

Re: Review: Assetto Corsa (PS4)


@misterdog It might not be mentioned to your liking in the writing, but it was kept in mind as much as possible. I can't just mark a game up based on a scenario that I'll never play, though. To be honest, I was considering giving it a 4, so take that as you will. A lot of thought went in to putting this review up with this score because I knew there would be a backlash, but it's an honest review that doesn't bend to what others think I should give it – which is a good thing for the sake of the industry, believe me.

Re: Review: Assetto Corsa (PS4)


@Iconr6racer I never claimed to be a "sim junky", so I'm not sure how you think I'm even TRYING to fool anyone. But I do like racing simulators. Believe it or not, there are people who like racing simulators and play with a controller. Sure, they're not as "hardcore", but they're by no means irrelevant, and they make up the majority of the racing community. I think a good racing sim works well with a controller as well as a wheel, though.

Re: Review: Assetto Corsa (PS4)


@Iconr6racer Or the reviewer was expecting a sim, got a sim, and simply didn't like it? That's also a possible scenario. The review tries to keep in mind all of the potential players. If you're a sim fan, you don't even need this review – as is evident in all of the comments. Those people are just unhappy with the score because they disagree, but that's fine – it doesn't mean the review or the points it makes are unfair or irrelevant. As for those who might think they want to play a sim, this review might actually be very useful. We can't possibly review this for everyone; it's impossible to keep everyone happy.

@Solocapers As above, really, if you're a sim fan then you don't need this review anyway, right? You know if it's for you based on other reviews and based on what I've written in here. We don't have a wheel to review it on, and I'm not about to be provided with one for free, so it can't be used for the review. I've been upfront about that by mentioning the controller in the review and again in the comments. The game certainly doesn't come with a wheel, so as far as I'm concerned reviewing the product without one – again, as most people will play it – is not unfair.

Re: Review: Assetto Corsa (PS4)


@solocapers So you're saying I should review it with a scenario by which I can never relate in mind, and to always remember a scenario by which I will never play it to make it fairer? Does that not sound disingenuous? A review is, at the end of the day, an opinion. If we were to keep in mind every scenario by which others might play the game, you would never have an honest review. Is that really what you want? Does it not make more sense that we have a wide breadth of reviews for people of different situations? Or do you think all reviewers should have the same opinion?

The review is completely fair because it describes exactly what problems I had with the game. If you then read that and think they're not an issue to you, that's fine, but that doesn't make the review unfair – it just means it doesn't align with your priorities.

Re: Review: Assetto Corsa (PS4)


@solocapers To review this game without a wheel is like reviewing a game for a console and how people on that console will, more often than not, play it. A lot of people will claim that playing a shooter with a controller is also a big no, but alas most people do. And this is nothing like Project CARS on a controller – that game actually works right, whereas Assetto Corsa just doesn't feel good to play, regardless of how "realistic" that may be.

Re: Review: Assetto Corsa (PS4)


@misterdog Like I said, you're welcome to ignore my review since it doesn't answer what you wanted from a review, then, but that doesn't mean it's not good for others. Remember, not every review needs to support what you personally think it deserves.