Comments 624

Re: Talking Point: Are You Enjoying Horizon: Zero Dawn on PS4?


@doctommaso Yeah, gameplay is always the most important to me. It's funny you mention From Software, actually, because I'm not sure if I'm just feeling a bit down on it after playing Nioh (a game which is heavily influenced by From's games). Honestly, after the snappy combat of Nioh, I'm finding the battles in Horizon a bit dull. I also think there are too many robot dinosaurs in the wild. I feel like I'm constantly fighting!

Re: Review: A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV (PS4)


@SegaBlueSky Yeah, I know what you mean. It will be interesting to see what they do the Gladiolus DLC later this month, because there might be some irked fans if they do what we think they might do. (Don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but if you've played the game you know what I'm referring to.)

Re: GameStop May Be Lying to You About New Games


@Quintumply GAME absolutely were doing the same thing; I worked there between 2009-2012. Also, we were told by regional managers to say new games were out of stock and to only sell pre-owned copies. We were also put on zero hour contracts, given strict quotas of pre-owned sales, accessory sales, and warranty add-ons, and if we didn't hit them, they would just take away all of our hours. It was a nightmare, and I had to live in a flat share with some really crappy people because I couldn't rent a flat for myself without guaranteed hours.

@get2sammyb This strategy by GameStop may well be driving away business, but they might actually make more money from it. I know when I was at GAME we were told to sell pre-owned games because the amount of profit we made on each game was much higher than selling it new. If I remember correctly, the regional manager at the time said that they only made 5% of any new game sale.

Re: Final Fantasy XII Uses a Phoenix Down in July on PS4


@johncalmc I didn't take to it the first time either. It just wasn't what was expected of a FF game at the time. I then played it a couple of years after it launched and fell in love with it, and now I look back on it as one of my favourite games in the series.

Re: Review: Tales of Berseria (PS4)


@smythelove Yeah, the full game explains it much better. In the opening few hours, you're introduced to numerous tutorials that take you through all the things you can do. Button bashing certainly doesn't get you far in longer boss fights, so you do have to learn how to fight properly. Unless you play on easy, of course, where you probably can just bash buttons, but I don't recommend that unless you just want the story and no challenge.

@Azikira Sorry to hear you lost your job. I hope you manage to find something else before too long

Re: Review: Tales of Berseria (PS4)


@consolfreak1982 It's a game that won't sell much more than a million units and it has a primarily Japanese demographic where I believe most people are still playing on PS3 before PS4, let along the Pro. I don't know for sure, but I just can't see it happening. I hope they do update it for Pro, though.

Re: Review: Tales of Berseria (PS4)


@KitsuneNight there are tutorials in the main game that teach you how to use combat properly. I would say it's a lot better than the demo, and as you work your way through the game you'll realise that just mashing buttons doesn't work later on at all. You can make it even more tactical by playing the game on harder difficulties, too.

@consolfreak1982 I wouldn't hold my breath for a PS4 Pro update on this one. I think it would have had it at launch, and it does look a bit rough around the edges (especially on a 4K screen). But, you never know, maybe they'll surprise us.

Re: Final Fantasy XV Original Soundtrack Is Getting a Worldwide Release


When I think about the FFXV soundtrack, I can only remember about three tracks: the one when you wander around the countryside, the one at Hammerhead with its Western twang, and the one from the final sections of the game. That's it. The rest in my mind was made up of old classics from previous games played on the car stereo.

Re: Review: Yakuza 0 (PS4)


@Melucine Haha! Can you blame them, really?! XD

Seriously, though, I can't wait for this game. I haven't played a Yakuza game since the PS2 and I got left behind a bit with the series. Really happy to see a prequel come out that I can get into without being bogged down.