Comments 992

Re: Paris Games Week 2015: Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Resolution Takes a Hit to Reach 60 FPS


@BAMozzy Plenty of people complained about framerate lastgen especially if you owned either a PC or Nintendo console with a PS3/360.

@MadchesterManc How is this best of both worlds? Most PS4 owners struggle to differentiate between 720p and 1080p let alone 900p which would be a small sacrifice for 60fps considering all the shooting required I'd prefer the higher framerate anyday.

Re: Laura Lays the Smackdown on PS4 Exclusive Street Fighter V


@sub12 90% a figure pulled right out of nowhere with no backing which from the many females I've interacted with from different backgrounds and educations is definitely something I'd say is wrong, if anyone has acted sensitive and defensive it has been you (and I'm not saying this to be mean) and of cause society takes offence of pretty much everything because we all have different morals and opinions getting annoyed at that is asinine.

At this point we are going back and forth saying the same stuff again and again, all im going to say is we can just look at the male and female cast and easily see which is more diversive and with that I'm done.

Re: Laura Lays the Smackdown on PS4 Exclusive Street Fighter V


@Flaming_Kaiser Can't understand your comment can you rephase it, I feel like you're saying people in Holland have smaller breasts on average but I never said anything about preferences so why does that even matter?
@sub12 I really hate when people throw around the term sjw to dismiss a person opinion but don't actually provide counter points like you have just done above.

Re: Laura Lays the Smackdown on PS4 Exclusive Street Fighter V


@TheMightyPunram @sub12 The male class is far more diversive in body types where as every female so far has huge knockers, just saying.

@@TomKongPhooey I'm not suggesting there is anything wrong with these kinds of proportions just that they could try to represent others more or at all.

Re: Opinion: Sony's Not Solely to Blame for PS Vita's Demise


@get2sammyb An original GTA, Ratchet and Clank, Daxter, Gran Turismo, GOW, Dissidia: Final Fantasy or MGS (and more) they may not be able to sell gang busters like Pokemon doing 10+ million but they all have the potential to sell in the 1-5 million if the quality is there like on the PSP. If Sony had been getting these kinds of games on the system it would have done better, games like KZ:M came few and far between. The market is smaller than last gen but Sony struggling to get past 10 million was basically their own doing.

Re: Opinion: Sony's Not Solely to Blame for PS Vita's Demise


It was mostly Sony's fault, they put in a good amount of effort in the first year decent second then just basically gave up after that. Freedom Wars getting a Physical release was a nice gesture on their part (I brought my copy launch day and enjoyed the heck out of it) but you can't convincingly say they've been trying the last two years.

"but the Game Boy Advance surpassed 80 million units and its predecessor 118 million units. "
Those 118 million were for both the GB and GBC combined as mush as people want to treat them as one system they weren't, and I still say 50+ million units is nothing to scoff at.

"And yes, you could argue that $250 was too much for what the console is – but we remember when the price was announced, and people were dancing in the streets. Practically everyone expected to pay much more"
People were happy with the price till they realised it came without memory and to get a reasonable amount given the game sizes you had to spend and extra $100 compared too Nintendo who were bundling enough memory to get you started with every system.

Re: Don't Hold Your Breath for a New PlayStation Handheld


@get2sammyb I don't necessarily disagree with you but last gens handheld sales growth was so huge that it could be considered more of an outlier than the norm and what the 3DS is currently pushing is more in line with the GBA which is nothing to scoff at. Sony could still find a place in the market they just need to reevaluate their approach and not flake when things get rough.