Comments 992

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This... Christmas?


Will be playing some Xenoblade Chronicles X tomorrow for sure. Haven't played it in 2 weeks (because I had an assignment to finish) so still early in the game (ch5). Will also be doing a festive tradition of an Iron man with my brother in Melee (and possibly Sm4sh but that roster is so huge).

Re: Uncharted 4's Been Delayed Yet Again on PS4


Can't say I'm surprised just disappointed, guess this is a benefit for me as I can wait a bit longer to buy a PS4 hopefully long enough for a superior model two to come out as in the past (PS2, PSP, PS3) the second model has been my favourite revision.

Re: Bloody Nora! PS4 Sales Surpass 30 Million Units


@Feena @KratosMD You both got that 12 million from vgchatz right? Honestly I think that particular one is guess Sony haven't disclosed Vita numbers II years as it sold like trash pretty much everywhere they also grouped it with PSP numbers when they actuallydid. I'd wager its less then 10 million but obviously I'm also guessing.

Re: Weirdness: Adult Site Sees Drop in Traffic on Fallout 4 Launch Day


@Jaz007 Your examples are a bit weird there, look at the main demographic that has brought I'd say there is a good chance of an overlap.

Take a look at this:
A survey someone did on reddit Fallout page, now a majority of those who answered are A. Under 30 and B. Students I'm fairly certain there is quite an overlap of porn watches and Fallout players and yes I know this isn't 100% accurate due to most likely some troll submissions.

Re: Microsoft Parodies PS4's Infamous Game Sharing Video


@ZeD Watch the video again and pay a bit more attention, he says and I quote "nothing, why would you pay for something you already own" bolded the part to make it even more clear. So no they were not misleading anyone you just didn't pay enough attention.