Comments 992

Re: PlayStation Vita Passes 4 Million Units in Japan


@themcnoisy Some of the PSP library is available to play on Vita not even close to all of it. To be honest that doesn't even change my point, to me a consoles greatness isn't measured by the amount of old game it can play that I've already experienced it is the new games that make the difference and the PSP absolutely beats the Vita out in this regard.

Re: PlayStation Vita Passes 4 Million Units in Japan


@get2sammyb I only become slightly bothered when I look at my PSP collection and see how many amazing games it had, GTA, MGS, GT, FF: Dissidia, Kingdom Hearts and so much more. Vita was on track and had some great game KZ: Mercenary, Gravity Rush and Tearaway but it will never match its predecessor in my eyes which is a shame as I think it is the better console out of the two.

Re: Nintendo's Reggie Is Still Having a Pop at PlayStation


Was he popping off at Sony or just making an observation about the industry in general hmm, seriously this is a bit click bait.

@Bad-MuthaAdebisi True plus a plethora of games that aren't Mario, Zelda or Pokemon which you would know if you actually owned or played a Nintendo system.

Re: Shenmue III Targets $10 Million as Funding Is Clarified


@get2sammyb All very well and good but doesn't change the fact Sony are throwing money albeit not for actual game production to keep this a PS4 console exclusive which is just a bit lame, I don't think this is how Shenmue fans envisioned how the third entry would be handled.

Re: Sony: We Aren't Making Vita Games Because of Consumer Expectations


The Vita just like the 3DS started off at to high of an initial price I mean $300 for a system which didn't even include a memory card which was required. Then came the lack of proper marketing then the lack of support, honestly his reasoning is flawed and pathetic considering that the 3DS exists there are plenty of releases on the system that went the grand route and sold well it just boils down to the fact Nintendo put in the work and Sony decided not to.

Re: Reaction: Sony Delivers the Greatest E3 Press Conference of All Time


It was good nay very good and easily best conference so far this year, but best conference of all time no. The pacing started really well Last Guardian looks like it will be amazing Horizon looking promising Uncharted looked like Uncharted (which is never a bad thing) MM are doing their trademark nuts thing (which I'll love) SFV is looking smooth (those animations) and No Man's Sky just feels so huge that I'm not sure what to really think (except that it will be awesome).

Why I feel it wasn't the GOAT bored of the constant time spent bragging about exclusive betas/dlc/editions/etc, I don't care that FF7 is getting a remake, I love the game but honestly just at the point where any remake doesn't interest me unless I've not played it. Another thing was the fact that overall there wasn't a ton of stuff shown (imo), Shenmue 3 being a kickstarter was also something that bothers me a lot I just feel like bigger named developers are really starting to abuse it as an easy low risk solution when that was not the original intention of the service (oh well).

Overall though this may be my favourite Sony E3 conference but it really is hard thing to decided and I just that you two might be having a knee jerk reaction.

Re: Sony: PlayStation Vita Is a Legacy Platform


Sony should really make a 3000 model that supports standard micro sd cards.

@supergurr 3DS will have lifetime sales of 65-75+ million by the time it is discontinued so I'd say handhelds still have a place Sony just flopped it.

Re: PS3 Owners, It's Time to Upgrade to the PS4


"Ubisoft's moving on" And nothing of significant value was lost today, honestly enjoy their games but not enough that I'd feel the need to go 8th gen (technically already own a 8th gen system).

Edit: Didn't Ubisoft only release two games on Wii U in 2014 Just Dance and Watch_Dogs, with Watch_Dogs coming out months later then the other versions so 1% ain't even surprising.