Comments 992

Re: The PS4 Has Surpassed a Staggering 18.5 Million Units Sold Worldwide


@get2sammyb Yes and no currently most games are best on PC but I understand you're looking at this from a purely conventional console out look, but I will say if it was more widely conveyed to the public that you can have a PC stronger than a PS4 for not much more sales may not be as high as they are but that's my whole point about marketing being so dominant now then ever many people assume the PS4 is the most powerful machine to play games on when that isn't true and at the moment the exclusives are few (though 2015 should see that change).

Re: Actually, PS4 Had the Most Great Games This Year


@get2sammyb Well UKwise I've only been able to find Snapple at Tesco
unfortunately I've never seen the peach tea flavour over here so on special occasions (birthday/christmas) I buy some from Amazon (overkill I know but its my fav) apart from that most US stores stock Snapple.

@Bad-MuthaAdebisi PS3 version of Bayo was bad (I had it) not a good port so thankfully I got the Bayonetta 1+2 pack and able to experience it at its best. I'm not as big on the 2D Mario stuff these days myself but games of the calibre of DKCTF should not be as under appreciated the game deserved so much more attention really is up there for best 2D platformer.

Re: This UK PS4 Bundle Comes with Four Blockbuster Games


Tempting but ebay is so volatile its hard to guess what I'd get for DriveClub, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and a downloadable version of The Last of Us Remastered. They'll probably be better boxing day deals but this is good for some especially if they didn't buy GTAV and TLOU on PS3.

Re: Actually, PS4 Had the Most Great Games This Year


@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Your kind of right, when posting on the internet it's best to be crystal clear to avoid situations of misinterpretation. Reason Wii U is my pick this year DKCTF, MK8, Bayonetta 2 and SSB4 all very different and excellent games and I'm a fan of each series especially Smash.

@LordBagardo @get2sammyb Untitled

@Vorlon Please elaborate how all they do is remakes preferably with examples.

Re: This Dragon Quest Heroes Trailer Is a Real Blast from the Past


@Sanquine I know it isn't a real DQ game but I like warrior games and would prefer having it on PC (where it would run better) then PS3 and most warrior games get a PC version so I was a bit miffed is all, any best forget about it.

@Tasuki Didn't think the word I used was that bad but will refrain from using in future, sorry.

Re: This Dragon Quest Heroes Trailer Is a Real Blast from the Past


@Sanquine "Why miffed? Because precious Nintendo isnt getting any love? Im miffed because Yokia watch is on the 3ds with its region lock..."

Nope wrong I was hoping this would come to PC as it isn't an exclusive 1st party franchise like Zelda, try not to jump to conclusions and act like a jerk in the future please.
Also I see no issue with this being on Wii U as DQ has a strong following on Nintendo platforms.

Please watch the language -Tasuki-