Comments 992

Re: PS Vita Prototype Looked a Lot Like the PSPgo


Sony always screw themselves over with their proprietary memory cards that $100 extra to have any meaningful amount of storage for Vita was an absolute killer also I was hoping a year back we would get an HDMI accessory for Vita like PSP got (for SD) oh well the thing has had its day in their eyes.

Re: Review: Zombi (PS4)


One game that would benefit greatly from Vita support, regardless I wasn't a fan and this is the only Wii U game I got rid of so far.

Re: Sony Wants You to Win an Ungodly Amount of PlayStation Goods


It's kind of too much as dumb as that sounds, I'd most likely give my brother and cousin a fair share of it give a system to the youth club I went to and Guy's as they get a lot of kids all the time and I can remember visits being a bit easier being able to play some games especially long visits were I'd be there for a week +.

Re: Gal Gun: Double Peace Plans on Bringing Its Risqué Pheremone Business West on PS4 and Vita


@get2sammyb I looked at some footage on YouTube out of curiosity and I don't think I could play even half an hour, it's just to crude for me and if they kept the current voices I'd probably get a headache after 10 mins plus tenticle creatures are a no go for me.

I don't hate these kinds of games out right provided there is some kind of good game underneath it all but this just doesn't seem to be the case.