Comments 992

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops III Reveals What the Numbers Mean This Month


@get2sammyb Ah okay I see what you mean now (I was taking what you said too literally I do that sometimes ), anyway yeah it seems they announce the new COD game at start of May normally so they are actually announcing this one a bit earlier which might be why it feels soon to you.

It could also be the late addition of Zombies to the game as well.

Re: Review: Scram Kitty DX (PlayStation 4)


Nice review, I've been playing through this on Wii U for sometime and just like you touched upon at the end this is certainly a challenging game that takes time to full get to grips with given the lack guidance so I'd say again anyone interested should go in expecting to be challenged basically from the get go.

Re: Next God of War to Set PS4 Apart from the Other Platforms


@get2sammyb I loved GOW 3 but man was its framerate all over the place, and yes for the time it looked good (still does) but it just like 1 and 2 the developers didn't have priorities straight lock down 60fps then make it look good especially for this genre.

Also GOW 1 and 2 were not 60fps on PS2 but didn't fluctuate as bad as GOW 3 did on PS3.

Re: Talking Point: What One Game Do You Always Come Back To?


Super Smash Bros (the whole series), I mean it looks so simply from the outside but just gets so deceptively complex and each instalment looks basically the same from an outside perspective but has just little difference that changes the feel completely. And then there is just the amount of love Sakurai and the developers he worked with put in for things like trophies and movesets and just everything, I've been playing Melee and 64 (Though not as much) for over a decade and they still have a timeless feel as when I first booted them up.

Re: Whoops, Freedom Wars' Producer Has Left the Franchise 


@Rizcalla MH4U may be worth a 3DS if you really like the series, I'm HR7 after about 2 1/2 weeks of playing and can barely put it down. The only thing I hate is how limited communications are when playing with people online.

Edit: On topic: I'd still like another Freedom Wars, the first was good but needed a bit of refining.