Comments 992

Re: Gamescom 2015: Cities: Skylines Constructing a Path to Consoles


@Tasuki Fair enough BC isn't much of a selling point for me as I just keep my old consoles and games, I've said in the past the Rare collection looks quality and value for money but it would never be a reason for me to buy the console as I look for new experiences when purchasing not just playing the same stuff.

Re: Imagine Buying and Dumping a New PS4 Every Time You Travel - That's What NBA Players Do


I feel like a lot of those commenting only read the title and failed to realise that several players are pooling together to buy a single PS4 effectively making the purchase like nothing for each individual, they're all making tons so I'm not seeing how this small thing would be an indication of why professional athletes go bankrupt I'd say lack of driving skills probably have more of an effect.

Re: Poll: Which Batman: Arkham Game Is the Best?


Asylum although City and Knight have more refined gameplay the atmosphere/feel found in Asylum is just better (really not sure how else to put it) plus Asylum has the best story City's was weak and Knight's was predictable.