Comments 502

Re: Round Up: Yakuza: Like a Dragon PS4 Reviews Justify a New Direction


I really want to like this, but I am so nervous about the gameplay and new characters. I am unsure whether I should buy it straight away or not. I still need to finish Judgment. I got Judgment before the Yakuza Remastered Collection, and only got about 6 chapters in, but I binged the Remastered Collection, so I don't know. Just worried that the new cast won't grab me as easily.

Re: PS5 Comes with an HDMI 2.1 Cable, 120FPS Possible Out of the Box


Heh, wasn't sure if my TV supported it. After double checking, My model of TV supports 120 Hz except for the 49"" model which has a 60 Hz display...

Which is my model of course, it was the only one small enough to fit where I needed it.

Buggered if I am buying a new TV though, my current one I only brought about 2 years ago. Besides, I think 4K 60fps is the target anyway.

Re: There's Growing Concern Over the PS4 Version of Cyberpunk 2077 Following Delay


As people have pointed out before, they are developing for so many different platforms, they are probably stretched a bit thin. It would not surprise me if there were some issues with the base Xbox One and PS4 running the game.

I guess people start wondering why when I believe this is the third (correct me if I a wrong) time they have delayed the game? I find it amusing more than anything as I wasn't planning at getting this at launch anyway, but it would not surprise me if this was delayed to March 2021 at this rate.

I do hope for people looking forward to this though that it does release on December 10th.

Re: PS Plus Subscriber Milestone Closes on 50 Million


"What does the manufacturer need to do to maintain your membership?"

They still haven't convinced me to purchase a subscription, let alone convince me it is worth keeping once I am theoretically subscribed.

50 million active subscribers must mean they are doing something right, but eh...

Re: Notorious Clicker Game My Name Is Mayo Is Getting a Sequel


Yeah, can't say that I have got the platinum in My Name is Mayo. I do have a platinum for the same game twice (P4 Dancing All Night on Vita and PS4), which is sort of easy, but that is because I enjoyed the game rather than the actively aiming for the trophy (although Rayman Legends platinum trophy sucks).

Re: Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Has Multiple Performance Modes on PS5, Including 4K at 60FPS


@710King "I think a lot more people would pay that price than you realize. Most people drop $1000+ a year on new phones and spend lots of money on other electronics and devices. Paying $2000 for something you'll use for nearly a decade is a low price by modern standards. $500 is the cost of an iPad you buy your 8 year old."

I feel like you are overestimating how many people would be wiling to pay that price. Heck, me personally, I am not comfortable buying either the Series X or PS5 (Disc variant of course) for their current prices (£449 each for both in the UK I believe). Spending £1200 for a next gen console I feel would put me off the console entirely. Even at the end of the generation, I would have doubts of it being cheap enough for me to be interested. Not to mention, even if I could stomach the console price, if I wanted 8k, I would have to buy the TV to support it, and I only upgraded to a 4K TV myself 2 years ago. To heck trying to find the money to upgrade to 8K.

Yes, you will get some people interested, but nowhere near enough who will be willing to pay the high-entry fee to justify either Sony or Microsoft making such an expensive console.

Re: The PS5 Appears to Be Extremely Conscious of Spoilers


"Game Help was included as an active benefit for PlayStation Plus members in some PS5 games."

Wut? So PS+ is useful to avoid one Google search? Man, those Google searches must be expensive.

Is it really that great a feature it requires PS+, or am I missing something here?

Re: Spider-Man Creative Director Speaks Out on Peter Parker's New Face Following Backlash


@torne "In this particular case with the face recast, no, it probably does not matter much in the grand scheme of things."

As I said in my previous comment, and quoted above, I can agree that the face thing is blown out of proportion. But that is not the main problem I have (though I prefer the old likeness). As far as I am concerned, it is just another example of the hunt for realism hindering games rather than helping, which is a far bigger problem in my eyes (although perhaps a personal problem, but again, if I have a problem, I should say as no one else will). It is amazing the detail that some games can achieve, but it irks me when that comes at the expense of the overall experience, whether that be framerate, or gameplay.

I am also against the remaster since I give Nintendo crap for this regularly (porting/remastering Wii U titles as opposed to new games), so it is only fair I do the same to Sony (Microsoft have probably done this too, biut I don't follow them enough for specific examples).

Just to note though: If there are those who are threatening/being rude to devs as a result of this, they need to rethink what they are doing, and be more polite. They are being as useful as an ice ashtray.

Re: Spider-Man Creative Director Speaks Out on Peter Parker's New Face Following Backlash


@torne @jmac1686 If people do not voice concerns and disagreements when they have them, the same situation will recur because developers get the idea that people are fine with it. DLC, microtransactions, and exclusive preorder content are all practices which have been normalised over time because not enough people disagree, or at least say as such. Voting with your wallet is not enough, stuff like this needs to be called out so that others can look and judge for themselves.

In this particular case with the face recast, no, it probably does not matter much in the grand scheme of things. Nor does my opinion of the need for a remaster matter by itself (although I would much prefer they made another new game alongside Miles Morales, perhaps another superhero?).I will still say I disagree in the faintest hope that the devs/publishers will be more considerate in the future. If you think that is embarassing and whiny, then that is unfortunate, but no one else is going to say this for me, so I need to say it myself regardless of whether it changes anything. It is not like I am being disrespectful or calling people "whiny bitches", or sending death threats.

Re: Spider-Man Creative Director Speaks Out on Peter Parker's New Face Following Backlash


@get2sammyb Well, was it needed? Again, a 2 year old game. Are people really that desperate for ray tracing? If you want the remaster, cool. But again, I do not feel this was needed.

Regarding Insomniac now doing too much as opposed to not enough, it still feels like they have not done enough, and this recast does not add enough to justify the remaster. If anything, it takes away.

Re: Get a Good Look at Spider-Man's New Face in Remastered PS5 Cutscene


@God_of_Nowt That is well and good for the original, but what about Miles Morales (if Peter does appear) and the sequel? That guy you liked from the first game, nah, **** that guy, here is this other guy instead.

Might not matter to you, and if so, good for you. But people obviously disagree that this was a good decision.

Re: Gamers Will Happily Pay $70 for PS5 Games, Argues Analyst


With the exception of Persona 5 Royal, I don't think I have ever brought a PS4 game at launch price. Heck, there are some Nintendo games I don't buy at launch price although I am most likely to do so with them.

I find it hard to believe that I am the only one who thinks like this. I can't see $70 and equivalent (probably £70 because normally they seemingly just change the symbol) will stay as average price for long.

Re: SEGA's Making a Live Action Yakuza Movie


I would love this to be great, but I would be lying if I said I was expecting greatness. If anything, a meh will probably be a good outcome in regards to my expectations.

Theoretically it could work but I am doubtful.

Re: Rumour: Bloodborne Remaster Is Real, Coming to PS5 and PC


Again, I give Nintendo crap for this with the Wii U remasters. If this is true, what the hell Sony?

Is the industry so close to running out of ideas that they are reduced to spit-shining games from the previous generation? Just make new games for crying out loud.

Re: PS5 Game Install Sizes Revealed, And They're Enormous


@David187 No, the speed isn't my issue, I am aware the SSD is going to be faster (although part of my comment does seem strange with the benefit of hindsight). As I said, I am lazy, I do not particularly want to constantly swap games on the SSD. I can be fairly whimisical about what I want to play, so knowing more button presses will be involved if I want to play a game I haven't played in a while is unappealing. It is more of a personal problem perhaps but... shrug

Re: PS5 Game Install Sizes Revealed, And They're Enormous


Maybe I am lazy, but this sounds like PS5 will have a lot of hard drive management, especially if PS5 games need to be on the SSD, which I can't be bothered with. With other consoles, the games were either so small that reinstalling wasn't a problem, the games didn't need to be installed, or I could always get bigger storage. Not sure I like the idea of being stuck to a small storage space.

Re: Sony Believes in Generations, But Confirmed a Bunch of PS5 Games for PS4


@Baz12345 Hmmm, but Ratchet and Clank came out on PS4 in April 2016. =P

Seriously though, how is my comment "spreading rumours"? All my comment said was that the next thing Jimmy Jim Jam will tell us is that it is not as impossible on PS4 as they first made it out to be. I never said anything about it being confirmed at this moment, just that given the trend of PS5 games being crossgen, it would not surprise me if they confirm the new Ratchet and Clank for PS4 too.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PlayStation at Launch 25 Years Ago?


About 3 months before my time, so no. Sister had one but threw it away for some reason.

Now that I think about it, the only console that I brought on launch day was the Switch, the next closest being my 3DS a day after release, and the Wii U about 2-3 weeks after launch. Otherwise, all the consoles I have brought have been someway into their lifecycle.

Re: Soapbox: Games As a Service Should Be Embraced, Not Misunderstood


@SirAngry From my understanding with FIFA, Ultimate Team does not carry over between games, so as a result, people start over from scratch eveytime. So why would EA make a subscription service when not only are people more than willing to pay $60 a year for the game (you could argue this is a subscription fee), but the players start from scratch everytime with their UT experience? With a subscription service, whilst the revenue would be constant, I doubt it would be as much since no need to start UT from scratch.

@kyleforrester87 it’s rarely discussed because it’s blatantly obvious and a none issue for the majority of people. The vocal minority will get their knickers in a twist over “losing ownership” but most people don’t give a crap and would rather sacrifice certain things to gain others. Again, it comes down to a lack of willingness to accept change by the consumer as much as it is publishers and developers taking the piss with extortionate pricing and dodgy tactics. Somewhere in the middle is progress.

I feel like you are correct that people who care about ownership are in the minority, but that begs the question; what do people like me who disagree with the general direction that gaming is going do short of leaving gaming for good? Do we just shut up and accept it? Publishers would be jumping for joy at the logic. Progress is not a bad thing in of itself, but progress for the sake of progress is stupid. It is the same attitude of indifference which has led to practices like DLC and microtransactions and lootboxes becoming common.

As much as I like seeing others enjoy games, and as selfish as it is for me to say it; I feel like gaming becoming mainstream was the worse thing to happen to it. There are too many people who play games now because of how accessible it is, who do not care for the politics of gaming. Why would developers or companies listen to us, when they have a lot more people, who make up a much larger audience, who see gaming experiences as little more than disposable such as going to the cinema?