Comments 502

Re: Poll: Did You Buy The Last of Us 2?


Ehhh, I think playing Last of Us was a good experience, but I didn't enjoy the gameplay enough to make me care for another game with the same sort of gameplay. Also, I really did not like the ending to the first one (I felt like it made the journey worthless), so the story is not a draw for me. To be fair, I got the game free with my PS4 ages ago, so I guess the problem also is I don't feel like it is worth the launch price.

...Maybe when the game is cheaper I'll have another think about it.

Re: Persona 4 Golden Fans Remain Hopeful of a PS4 Port


I personally would prefer on Switch but that is just me. I would take a PS4 port if for no other reason than the frame-rate and res-bump. In the mean time, my PSVita and PSVita TV remain as "the Persona Machine". The only three games I own for that system are Persona 3 Portable, Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 4: Dancing All Night.

Re: Talking Point: Did the PS5 Games Reveal Event Meet Your Expectations?


I enjoyed it more than I thought, but I still have too many questions such as release date and importantly price. Price makes me especially nervous given the extra stuff they were showing off. Seeing a digital only PS5 is another disturbing reminder of where gaming is going. PS5 design itself looks ugly to me.

The Bethesda games that were shown I believe were announced last year. If Bethesda had shown those ar E3 2019, people might of actually liked the show.

Spider-Man sequel looked good, bugsnack(?), was an interesting idea, Horizon sequel looks pretty but I don't know beyond that.

Overall, cautiously interested, but still not yet convinced of the need to upgrade straight away.

EDIT: Also, Sony, we get it, you can make transitions with the symbols, stop. They feel like padding when they are clearly not needed.

EDIT 2: Stray also looked interesting to me. I feel like the trailer told me in 1 minute, more than what other trailers do in 5.

Re: Yakuza: Like a Dragon Gameplay Is 15 Minutes of Turn-Based Mayhem


Just watched the video. I am still nervous about the combat. It is certainly yakuza style turn-based combat, but I don't know, it just doesn't look as fun to me. The minigames could be interesting based on the commentary, and yakuza normally has a good story but I don't think I'll know if I like it until I play it which is a shame.

Re: Feature: The PS4 Games We Keep Coming Back To


Ehh, I have too much **** to play without repeating games. Only ones on PS4 that I can think of that I return to are Persona 5 (got platinum for Royal, but not base game hence the return) and MGSV (which is extremely rare for me to return to.).

Only real games I tend to replay constantly are the Zelda games, primarily OOT and Majora's Mask.

Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Delays Season Four in Support of Black Lives Matter Protests


This seems strange; I know that Blizzard and Activision are supposedly treated as separate entities but given they are merged, where was this during the Hong Kong protests when Blitzchung was punished for speaking out in support during a hearthstone tournament? This feels like an empty statement for internet points rather than a meaningful gesture of support for BLM. Or is attention only given here due to it being primarily US where this is happening?

Re: Talking Point: Will You Be Buying The Last of Us 2?


@Ralizah I actually get what you mean in regards to dogs. Unless it is the dog from Duck Hunt (he can go die anyday), I really feel uncomfortable with seeing a dog hurt or being killed.I can play games where that happens but I totally understand why that would put you off. Admittedly I have not watched TLOU2 gameplay so I am unsure how violent it is but heck, I get put off killing a dog in Skyrim. Ninja Gaiden 3 was probably the worst one for me when it came to dogs.

It is funny, I don't mind dismemberment of the human characters but do it to a dog and I'm out.

Re: Site News: Yes, We're Playing The Last of Us 2


@get2sammyb That's fair. Admittedly I don't follow either PushSquare or Nintendo Life on social media... don't shoot me, please, NO, AAAAAAAAARGH!

..Anyway as I was saying, since I don't follow the social media, I didn't realise you were being pestered there so whilst annoying, it does make sense to do the article.

Re: Site News: Yes, We're Playing The Last of Us 2


@Crimson_Ridley Ehhh, I mean to be fair, they announced when the review will be available. I mean that is something to get hyped about right? Seriously though, why say something if you can't expand on it?

"I have this really cool story but I am not allowed to tell you until arbitrary time has come. Please enjoy being tortured with that knowledge that I know something cool and you don't until then."

It is as bad as an announcement for an annoucement.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V Has Now Shipped an Incredible 130 Million Copies


@Col_McCafferty Again, not what I meant. I may be phrasing it poorly, but I am not trying to "follow the herd" or not wanting to or whichever, I just wanted to understand.

In terms of games that I am interested in, by genre's I suppose platformers, action adventures, RPGs (Persona, Xenoblade Chronicles, Dragon Quest, Mario and Luigi, Chrono Trigger so more turn-based I guess than anything), rhythm, text-based/visual novel (or whatever you want to call Danganronpa, Ace Attorney and Zero Escape). I have played games from other genre's as well, although I wouldn't consider them to be my main type such as Doom, Borderlands, Warriors (Orochi 3 Ultimate, Hyrule, Fire Emblem)', simulation games like Stardew Valley and Two-Point Hospital. The only real genre which I never touch is sports-based games. I do have a heavy Nintendo bias which explains some of my likes, but I try to branch out to try new things.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V Has Now Shipped an Incredible 130 Million Copies


@Col_McCafferty Trust me I know. It is more along the lines of it annoys me, because I want to be able to understand. I am not worried about scenarios such as "Oh man, what a scrub! Doesn't even like GTA! Do you even play games?" or anything like that. It is just not understanding is maddening for me, as ultimately, I am left with a question which I am doomed to never get an answer for. Nothing wrong with that of course. Still irks me though.

Edit: It is kind of the reason I buy certain games which I normally wouldn't be interested in otherwise. For example, I brought the Last of Us on PS4 because I didn't originally understand why that game was popular. Having played through it, although I really hated the ending and thought the gameplay was okay, I can at least see the appeal of it. Animal Crossing is another one; brought New Horizon's recently despite not playing Animal Crossing and again, I now see the appeal, even if it is ultimately something that I can't see myself playing long-term.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V Has Now Shipped an Incredible 130 Million Copies


@Neolit I can sort of see that; not something I have ever had a particular interest in so that might be part of the reason I don't see the appeal.

@KratosMD Probably the best explaination I have seen so far. I do remember seeing trailers via youtube ads over the years that promote new stuff in GTA online. I also remember one of those being a casino where you could spend real-money, but only get got in-game currency as a reward.

@Col_McCafferty "You don't have to 'get' it either, maybe it's just not for you."

You are correct. Not everyone has to like everything; I guess for me it is more the fact that apparently a sizable amount of people think it is a decent enough game that I feel like the odd one out for not liking it. That is on me rather than everyone else though.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V Has Now Shipped an Incredible 130 Million Copies


@Col_McCafferty "You can steal a car, ride a bike, visit a strip club, shoot some cops and all to a rocking soundtrack.

Oh and there are planes, boats and helicopters which you can use to create all kinds of mischief!"

Admittedly, I have not played any other GTA, but could you not do any of these things in the other games? Or has it been done better in this one? I am just so confused.

It has been a while since I tried this game so I might give it another try soon to try and understand, but I would be lying if I expected to "get" it now.

Re: PS5 Unreal Engine 5 Gameplay Demo Finally Shows Us What Next-Gen Games Look Like


@eumenes That's not what I am disputing. I am saying that I doubt every developer is gonna spend as much time polishing their games to look as pretty as that tech demo. Not to mention, the tech demo is clearly not the whole game (if it were, then cool, I'm interested), so it stands to reason that you can make a very pretty scene when there are limits to where you can go. The demo was showing a character walking along a linear path. That big shot of everything in the distance is a great set piece, as well as the cliffs on the sides with the homes built into the cliffs, but we can;t see them, so it is difficult to judge if the engine will look that great for full-blown games. The other example I can think of the top of my head is the Zelda tech demo for the Wii U; very pretty, but I don't think there was a single game on the Wii U which looked that detailed.

@get2sammyb Pretty much what I just said above. I know that the demo can be interacted with but at the same time, it is still through a controlled environment (this video) unless there is something extra that I haven't seen yet. As I said in my original comment, it looks very pretty (especially in 4K on my tv), but I want to see some actual games looking that pretty first.

Re: PS4 Console Sales Surpass 110 Million with 41.5 Million PS Plus Subscribers


"What supports that is the ratio of digital game sales compared to physical increasing to 51%. During the current coronavirus pandemic, that statistic rose to a whopping 66% between the months of January and March 2020."

As long as that statistic reverts when the pandemic ends, that will make me feel better, but it is very disheartening seeing all the companies saying that digital sales are getting stronger in comparison to physical sales. I think I explained in the forums that I only really buy digital if it is cheap, and it is a game that I might be interested in, but I am unsure about. I still buy physical for anything that I care about, so whilst I may be overreacting, anything that signals the end of physical media horrifies me. Also not a big fan of subscriptions (don't have psplus, netflix, any of those things), but power to Sony for doing well with Ps Plus.

Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla DLC Mission Will Feature the Famous Beowulf Legend


@FullbringIchigo I have heard about that, but I was always a bit sceptical of whether that was true or not purely because Capcom, and that prior to that, they had the horrible practices with Street Fighter x Tekken that I previously mentioned. If that is true, then fair enough, since my understanding is the game didn't sell particularly well. I would be all over a sequel should they finally do one (based on my avatar alone). The epilogue in the final DLC was a darn tease.

One last little thing since we are on the topic of Asura's Wrath. I remember playing UMvC3 and thinking that Asura would be fantastic in a MvC4... then Infinite came out and that never happened so it looks extremely unlikely we will ever see Asura again much to my sadness.

Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla DLC Mission Will Feature the Famous Beowulf Legend


@RBMango You're not wrong about this being common in the games industry. It's just astounding how much this has been pushed over the years.

I remember the first time where I thought companies were really getting greedy was Street Fighter X Tekken with its Disc-Locked-Content (all DLC characters available on a disc but behind a paywall). Capcom then took it one step further with Asura's Wrath where you had to pay for the ending. I remember thinking that the backlash at the time would convince companies to stop this rubbish but ever since, practices have only gotten worse (microtransactions, lootboxes). Hell, horse armour in Oblivion (2006) was scandalous yet Horse gear DLC was in Metal Gear Solid V was perfectly fine (2015).

You show gamers in 2000 gaming today in 2020, and I don't know whether they would be amazed by the technical advances, or horrified at the terrible consumer practices and other requirements needed to actually play a game.

Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla DLC Mission Will Feature the Famous Beowulf Legend


@carlos82 To be fair, in hindsight, I don't own many Ubisoft titles. The only game I can think of that I own that was made during this generation is Rayman Legends. So I guess that says a lot. Edit: A quick look though my backlog has shown that I apparently own Watch Dogs 1 and Child of Light. Otherwise, that is it for Ubisoft for this gen. Everything else is older like Rayman 3 etc.

@BearsEatBeets Not saying you are wrong, but are you seriously telling me that writers and concept artists work exclusively on one game at a time? Do they really not have other projects that they are involved with which require attention? Not to mention that surely they would of have this same problem pre-DLC if this is truly the explanation?

Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla DLC Mission Will Feature the Famous Beowulf Legend



Okay, I will confess, I have never played Assassin's Creed. Whenever I see gameplay and settings, I struggle to be interested. But that aside, this game was annouced only a couple of weeks ago right? And already they are talking about Season Passes and the contents... what the hell? I am not saying this is necessarily new, but come on! Why are we finding out about the DLC before we even have the game in our hands?

Maybe I am missing something here...

Re: The Elder Scrolls 6 News and Details Are Still Years Away


@jdv95 I think you're remembering E3 2019. That year was plenty of mobile stuff from Bethesda at the conference.

Regarding Elder Scrolls VI... don't announce a game if you have nothing to show. If they truly only announced this to appease those who didn't like what they were currently making, it only goes to show how out of touch they are with their own fans.

Edit: Scratch that, upon looking, Commander Keen was announced for mobile, and Blades was announced for Switch, with an update ES Legends. Beyond that, it was mainly updates on stuff we already knew about and streaming tech (Orion).

Re: PS5's User Interface Could Help You to Plan Your Game Sessions


Eww, no. I would hope that this feature is optional. Whilst I do use how long to beat, I normally use it before I start a game to get a rough idea of how long I will need to play the game. I would not like the idea of being told how to play the game whilst playing the game. Hooray for backseat gaming!