Comments 60

Re: Review: Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto (PS4)


Some of as on hear have played FF1-12 and in comparison, this game is far from the brilliance the series once was. This game might no be a bad game, but it is a massive disappointment to a lot off us and paves the way for future letdowns. They have stated that the FF7 remake is based off the gameplay of FF15 and that just makes my hole body feel ill.

Re: China's Making a Dark Souls Knock-Off for PS4


What video are you all watching? This game looks balls. As @SoulsBourne128 said the animations look clunky, the weapons look like cheap plastic toys you would find on knock off G.I joes, and the environments look like upscaled ps2 assets. It may turn out to be a good game but looking at this I highly doubt it will come close to being as refined as a souls like game.

Re: Review: Pyre (PS4)


@get2sammyb @kyleforrester87
Although Bastion was over rated, I loved the voice over. Never played transistor so will have to have a look at that now. As for this game, it looks right up my ally.

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