I’m a white Australian male and I like big butts. I also think Cage is pushing us in the right direction highlighting real issues. It’s about time people get out of their bubbles and start noticing what’s actually going on around them.
Was going to grab this on the switch but seems to have been delayed. Hopefully not to long as XC2 hits on the 1st of December and if it's as good as the first, that will strip me of 200hr of my life.
I'm happy for the indurstry being on a high and hope it stays that way. Now they just need to fucus on making more creative experiences. I'm sick of the yearly COD, assassins creed, etc. give me more hellblade, mario+rabbids and steamworld dig.
This is not the place to discuss this, if you have a problem with the way I mod use the contact from below. You don't need to be a wiseguy about it-Tasuki-
@RedMageLanakyn Yep. I'm on mobile and I'm getting 4 normal, a featured video, a recommended for you, a trending and then another recommended for you. It's also the same on Nintendo Life for me.
@kyleforrester87 I think my view is jaded by the way previously mentioned people talk about the game. I also don't enjoy online multi as much as a good single player experience and the online seems to be where destiny really shines.
@kyleforrester87 I'll stop picking on destiny now. I've had my say and your probably sick of my garbage and having to defend the game your obviously enjoying.
@Tasuki I was edited the first time to change the meaning of my whole comment. I edited it back to its original state without the profanity as to still have my opinion. Not being dumb, just confused about the rules that seem to be enforced on some but let slide for others.
Haven't got to play hellblade yet but I'm super pumped to. Am waiting to get a good set of headphones because I can't use my PX5s on my PS4 slim. Thanks Sony. Glad to see it doing well and hope to see more of this type of game in the future.
I'm glad you love the game I just can't see the appeal. I have friends that play it religiously and then tell me not to bother with it because it's pretty bad. Confuses the hell out of me.
Anything but Destiny 2 because it's bad. May try to play though tales from the borderlands which I started yesterday. Other than that Doom and anything I feel like playing on the switch.
Non of this matters anyway. Millions of people played the first steaming pile of turd they churned out. Why would they even bother trying to make the second outing any better when people will just take them at there word that this will be superior. Wake me when the next boarderlands drops. It's a far better game.
Faces have no expression. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. I played though the others last year and still loved them. As long as they keep to the charm those games have, I'm a happy man.
Looks like it's a single player experience and these are the types of game I love to play co-op. If they add that in I'll buy it. If not people will have to rave how great the experience is for me to jump on board.
@FullbringIchigo Some of as on hear have played FF1-12 and in comparison, this game is far from the brilliance the series once was. This game might no be a bad game, but it is a massive disappointment to a lot off us and paves the way for future letdowns. They have stated that the FF7 remake is based off the gameplay of FF15 and that just makes my hole body feel ill.
Although I loved the rest of the uncharted series, I really don't like these characters. I think I may give this a miss because the reason I love the rest of the series, was because the cast was so great. This may just leave a sour taste in my mouth.😩
@kyleforrester87 Not the streets I grew up on bro. I would more likely get punched in the head for said platinum trophy. That being said, I'm one of those weird people who couldn't give two $h!ts about any of the trophies. They don't give me any enjoyment and that's why a play.
been hanging out for this game. Will be getting it for the switch though which means you will all be playing it before I get to.😢 You'll have fun now, you hear.
What video are you all watching? This game looks balls. As @SoulsBourne128 said the animations look clunky, the weapons look like cheap plastic toys you would find on knock off G.I joes, and the environments look like upscaled ps2 assets. It may turn out to be a good game but looking at this I highly doubt it will come close to being as refined as a souls like game.
@get2sammyb @kyleforrester87 Although Bastion was over rated, I loved the voice over. Never played transistor so will have to have a look at that now. As for this game, it looks right up my ally.
@ShogunRok I would go as far as to say sexualisation is the whole reason from ESPN's point of view. As a company, they would just be concerned about the backlash they may receive if they did nothing. You know how some people get.
They're the ones broadcasting so it's their rules. There would be reason behind it but they don't have to explain themselves to everyone all the time. At the end of the day who gives a toss.
Not a fan of his fighting style but as a character I love the whacky style. @ShogunRok Gym, maybe. Roids, hell yes. On that note, he seem to flexible for someone taking steroids.
All of you having a big old sook about the difficulty grow a set of testies, learn the new physics, then enjoy the game. Your exception is Road to Nowhere, you can complain about that.
Comments 60
Re: David Cage Defends Detroit: Become Human's Domestic Violence
I’m a white Australian male and I like big butts. I also think Cage is pushing us in the right direction highlighting real issues. It’s about time people get out of their bubbles and start noticing what’s actually going on around them.
Re: Hellboy Hits Hard in Injustice 2 DLC Reveal Trailer
Am I missing something? Why does his right hand of doom keep changeing to his left? Seems really bazaar.
Re: Poll: Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament Round 1 - Matches 1-4
If Sully was matched against any other character on this list he'd still win.
Re: Review: Battle Chasers: Nightwar (PS4)
Was going to grab this on the switch but seems to have been delayed. Hopefully not to long as XC2 hits on the 1st of December and if it's as good as the first, that will strip me of 200hr of my life.
Re: Nintendo Switch Not Affecting PS4's Sales, Says Sony
I'm happy for the indurstry being on a high and hope it stays that way. Now they just need to fucus on making more creative experiences. I'm sick of the yearly COD, assassins creed, etc. give me more hellblade, mario+rabbids and steamworld dig.
Re: Feature: 12 PS4 Predictions for Sony's TGS 2017 Press Conference
Don't have a prediction, but that roumered Spyro trilogy is what I'm hopeing for.
Re: Weirdness: Sony Just Announced Some Speakers for Your Shoulders
This is not the place to discuss this, if you have a problem with the way I mod use the contact from below. You don't need to be a wiseguy about it-Tasuki-
Re: Several Sweet Square Enix PS4 Games Go on Sale in Europe
Nope. The ones I buy of these Will be physical copies.
Re: Weirdness: Fake Kaz Hirai Announces His Retirement from Twitter
Yep. I'm on mobile and I'm getting 4 normal, a featured video, a recommended for you, a trending and then another recommended for you. It's also the same on Nintendo Life for me.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 185
I don't have a problem, I have a voice and an opinion. I already told you I'll watch my language. No need to get upset that I reply to you.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 185
Playing it dumb I see. I'm sure what you meant to say is try to treat everyone equal. Keep it up, you may get there one day.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 185
I think my view is jaded by the way previously mentioned people talk about the game. I also don't enjoy online multi as much as a good single player experience and the online seems to be where destiny really shines.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 185
I'll stop picking on destiny now. I've had my say and your probably sick of my garbage and having to defend the game your obviously enjoying.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 185
I was edited the first time to change the meaning of my whole comment. I edited it back to its original state without the profanity as to still have my opinion. Not being dumb, just confused about the rules that seem to be enforced on some but let slide for others.
Re: Hellblade, Madden NFL 18 Are PlayStation Store's Big Winners in August
Haven't got to play hellblade yet but I'm super pumped to. Am waiting to get a good set of headphones because I can't use my PX5s on my PS4 slim. Thanks Sony. Glad to see it doing well and hope to see more of this type of game in the future.
Re: Destiny 2 Is Looking Like the Sales Smash Hit We All Expected
Come on everybody. You can be cool to. Just join the herd.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 185
Not sure what your talking about but ok.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 185
I'm glad you love the game I just can't see the appeal. I have friends that play it religiously and then tell me not to bother with it because it's pretty bad. Confuses the hell out of me.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 185
Didn't need to play it at all. Watched some gameplay and it looks like Destiny 1.01.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 185
Anything but Destiny 2 because it's bad. May try to play though tales from the borderlands which I started yesterday. Other than that Doom and anything I feel like playing on the switch.
Re: Poll: Are You Enjoying Destiny 2?
Not playing it because I've been told it's just like the first one.
Re: Gearbox Basically Admits Borderlands 3 Is in Full Production
Well, I'm awake and listening. Destiny 2 can now officially go jump in a lake.
Re: Rumour: Destiny 2 Has Fewer Main Story Missions than the First Game
Non of this matters anyway. Millions of people played the first steaming pile of turd they churned out. Why would they even bother trying to make the second outing any better when people will just take them at there word that this will be superior. Wake me when the next boarderlands drops. It's a far better game.
Re: Gamescom 2017: Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back Reaches Retail on 31st October
Any one of those three would have been a better idea than this. My personal preference in this case is Gex.
Re: Gamescom 2017: Here's Our First Look at Open World RPG BioMutant Gameplay
Was so excited when this got leaked. After watching that, not so much. What happened to the Kung-fu rpg I was promised? ☹️
Re: Gamescom 2017: Here's Your First Look at Shenmue III on PS4
Faces have no expression. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. I played though the others last year and still loved them. As long as they keep to the charm those games have, I'm a happy man.
Re: Strategy RPG Shadows: Awakening Announced for PS4
Looks like it's a single player experience and these are the types of game I love to play co-op. If they add that in I'll buy it. If not people will have to rave how great the experience is for me to jump on board.
Re: Shooty Fruity Brings Combat to Convenience Stores on PS4 This Year
FPS developed for VR. Now that's something different.😴
Re: Review: Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto (PS4)
Some of as on hear have played FF1-12 and in comparison, this game is far from the brilliance the series once was. This game might no be a bad game, but it is a massive disappointment to a lot off us and paves the way for future letdowns. They have stated that the FF7 remake is based off the gameplay of FF15 and that just makes my hole body feel ill.
Re: Agents of Mayhem's Launch Trailer Reminds Us That It Isn't Saints Row
Full cast of obnoxious folks. No thanks.
Language -Tasuki-
Re: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Lands a 30 Second Hype Trailer
Although I loved the rest of the uncharted series, I really don't like these characters. I think I may give this a miss because the reason I love the rest of the series, was because the cast was so great. This may just leave a sour taste in my mouth.😩
Re: Sonic Mania Doesn't Have a Platinum Trophy for Some Reason
Not the streets I grew up on bro. I would more likely get punched in the head for said platinum trophy. That being said, I'm one of those weird people who couldn't give two $h!ts about any of the trophies. They don't give me any enjoyment and that's why a play.
Re: Poll: 1 Year Later, What Are Your Thoughts on No Man's Sky?
If I buy this. How massive of a patch are we talking?
Re: Upcoming PS4 RPG Battle Chasers: Nightwar Gets a Cool Opening Animation
been hanging out for this game. Will be getting it for the switch though which means you will all be playing it before I get to.😢 You'll have fun now, you hear.
Re: You Won't Be Able to Edit Your Imported Guardians in Destiny 2
Looks like they have their fans best interests in mind. Just as always.
Re: Is Rockstar About to Bring Midnight Club Back?
I would love this to be true. I think the series has been a solid bunch of fun games. And the bully 2 please.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Crash Bandicoot Can't Be Stopped At This Point
Looks like we will finally see a brand new crash soon. If not what the hell are they thinking?
Re: China's Making a Dark Souls Knock-Off for PS4
I've work with China's plastics and metal so going by there track record, they love to make dodgie $h!t.
Re: China's Making a Dark Souls Knock-Off for PS4
What video are you all watching? This game looks balls. As @SoulsBourne128 said the animations look clunky, the weapons look like cheap plastic toys you would find on knock off G.I joes, and the environments look like upscaled ps2 assets. It may turn out to be a good game but looking at this I highly doubt it will come close to being as refined as a souls like game.
Re: Review: Pyre (PS4)
Sweet, sounds like I'll have to get it then.
Re: Review: Pyre (PS4)
@get2sammyb @kyleforrester87
Although Bastion was over rated, I loved the voice over. Never played transistor so will have to have a look at that now. As for this game, it looks right up my ally.
Re: First Taste of Dying Light's Year of Free DLC Drops Soon on PS4
Thanks. Thought that would be the case but just checking.
Re: First Taste of Dying Light's Year of Free DLC Drops Soon on PS4
Havnt played this game yet so it looks like I'm going out to buy it today. Do I need the original, or does the enhanced edition have everything on it?
Re: Talking Point: What Free August 2017 PlayStation Plus Games Do You Want?
No longer a plus member because the last two months haven't interested me so they will need to pull something out to get me to rejoin.
Re: Poll: Are You Playing the Destiny 2 Beta This Weekend?
Sorry destiny, I hear Spatoon calling.
Re: Street Fighter V Costume Deemed Unfit for TV, ESPN Tells Evo Finalist to Change It
By the way. You can't make me put my paints on. I'm a rebel like that.
Re: Street Fighter V Costume Deemed Unfit for TV, ESPN Tells Evo Finalist to Change It
I would go as far as to say sexualisation is the whole reason from ESPN's point of view. As a company, they would just be concerned about the backlash they may receive if they did nothing. You know how some people get.
Re: Street Fighter V Costume Deemed Unfit for TV, ESPN Tells Evo Finalist to Change It
They're the ones broadcasting so it's their rules. There would be reason behind it but they don't have to explain themselves to everyone all the time. At the end of the day who gives a toss.
Re: Here's How Gigantic Newcomer Abigail Actually Plays in Street Fighter V
Not a fan of his fighting style but as a character I love the whacky style.
@ShogunRok Gym, maybe. Roids, hell yes. On that note, he seem to flexible for someone taking steroids.
Re: Crash Bandicoot PS4 Is Indeed Harder than the Original, Says Dev
All of you having a big old sook about the difficulty grow a set of testies, learn the new physics, then enjoy the game. Your exception is Road to Nowhere, you can complain about that.