Comments 341

Re: The Godfall PS5 Trophy List Is the Stuff of Nightmares


@djlard you've pretty much listed them all for me. Dmc5 was stressful. I had to redo so many hell and hell missions. I don't even get the purpose for speed run trophies. I hate games like Yakuza that require you to suffer thru all the stupid mini games and whatnot, but to this day metal gear rising is still the worst set of trophies I've seen for a game. The requirements are absolutely insane. I doubt the devs themselves can do it

Re: The Godfall PS5 Trophy List Is the Stuff of Nightmares


Meh. I've platted a few games with similar requirements. Its only tedious when you're counting and keeping track heavily. Kill 2000 enemies. Perform 200 techniques. After your first playthru you probably already killed over half of that and only have to do a technique 30 more times or less. If you want tedium try platting a yakuza game. Or maybe bloodstained. There are much worse trophies out there lol

Re: Soapbox: The Week After PS5's Showcase, Sony Told Us Nothing About Its Next-Gen Console


I'm not worried but also I am (lol). I'm pretty sure the ps5 will have the features I need: youtube, twitch, trophies, screenshots, themes, etc. but having no confirmation about anything is bugging me a bit. Starting to make me think it'll launch with very little features and well have to wait for all the updates. Lack of communication can get very worrying in the game industry

Re: Gamers Will Happily Pay $70 for PS5 Games, Argues Analyst


If one had 60 bucks to fork over for a new game 10 more bucks really shouldn't be that much of an issue. You also must have a bit of money to spare if you're always buying a game new. Just wait for a price drop. Buy a few other cheaper titles to hold you off until that price drop. The increase is lame but its not THAT big a deal

Re: Guide: Best Free PS4 Themes


I dont think the ps4 had many great themes compared to ps3. A lot of the dynamic themes sucked and a lot of the good ones were locked behind some kinda special promo or a game or something. Hope the ps5 will be better

Re: Guide: Best Free PS4 Themes


@Anti-Matter I've had that as my theme since I bought my ps4 back in 2014. Love everything about it. It's simple (and clean), the soothing music, the sound effects. It's really one of the best ones

Re: It's All Over: The X Button Is Officially Pronounced 'Cross'


I kinda knew it wasnt officially the "ex" button but Its still weird to have it confirmed. Like I've never met a single soul who actually called it cross. And I'm pretty sure I've pplayed a few games where the tutorial voice over would tell me "press the ex button to jump. You can also press it to interact with objects and talk to people" or something along those lines

Re: Marvel's Avengers: We'll Always Be on Someone's Sh*t List


The character models aren't even the problem for me. The gameplay just looked...basic. It looks very good graphically, but the gameplay itself just didnt click with me. And yea its what I was hoping it would be: a third person action adventure but idk man. Maybe I'm just burnt out from all the movies or something. But hey cant maybe I'll actually end up loving it when I eventually play it

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Has Settings for Players Who Aren't Comfortable with First-Person Shooters


NGL I was bummed when they announced it to be first person. I was expecting a cyber punk witcher type game. For me personally the first person camera just seems restricting and it just makes it seem like another first person shooter among so many others. With third person I can enjoy things like my characters appearance, attacks and other animations, etc. I can enjoy the view of the world I'm in like the buildings, and streets and all that. But it is what it is. Hopefully itll be a great game

Re: River City Girls Flips the Script on PS4 This September


@tomassi Depends on the game and how fleshed out it is imo. Games like DMC and bayonetta are great cuz there a bunch of unlockables and replayability like multiple difficulties, a very big moveset and whatnot, while the yakuza series, including Judgement, has a buncha mini games, side quests, and very good stories. Then theres scott pilgrim in which I really love but would play for a few hours for fun and then switch games.

Re: Kratos Almost Axed from God of War PS4 in Favour of a Brand New Protagonist


The new game was great but it was so different from the previous games that it shouldve been a new IP altogether. Or at least a spinoff. It already had a new cast, gameplay, world, etc.Heck kratos even had a new VA. Might as well have just reskinned him and call him sotark or something. Maybe during the end they couldve revealed it to take place in the gow verse by showing a hieroglyph of "a warrior said to have killed the gods themselves" or whatever. The fact that it was a direct sequel to the previous hectic games did put me off at times but I still did enjoy it

Re: PS5 Is 'Hard to Get Excited About', Says Platinum Boss


@clvr platiunm is my favorite dev. I can hardly compare their games to other devs games cuz theyre just so different and stand out one way or another. They arent perfect ofc but theyve made some awesome gaming experiences for me. Its like people just refuse to give em credit. but instead they always bring up starfox, that ninja turtles game and korra and ignore wonderful 101, bayonetta, or metal gear rising

Re: PS5 Is 'Hard to Get Excited About', Says Platinum Boss


@TheArt this. this right here. I could care less about how realistic a game can look or crap like that. How about destrcutive environments that stay destroyed? Or like what you said adding damage to a characters clothes or something. But no. Theyre too worried about the pores on a characters face