Comments 44

Re: Walmart Upgrades Some PS5 Digital Edition Orders to Blu-ray Model


If you're literally never going to use the disc drive (myself, and others in these comments) then why would you want an uglier console?

I'm allergic to fish, but the argument here seems to be that if someone dumps a load of salmon in amongst my other food in my online shopping I should be happy because it's free and I can ignore it.

Re: Poll: Did E3 2021 Suck?


@lacerz Did Sony have a worse E3 than MS? Since they didn't even bother to show up, it's a pretty conclusive yes.

I'm a PS5 owner and don't have an Xbox of any generation, but I'm objective enough to say it as it is.

Re: Poll: Did E3 2021 Suck?


It only sucked for devoted Sony fans. Xbox Series X owners (well even last gen MS too) are laughing all the way to games heaven.

Love how this site didn't give an option for Sony as the company who had the worst E3. The fact Sony weren't there was their choice.

Re: Reaction: Xbox Game Pass Is the Thorn in PS5's Side


I was fortunate enough to have a PS5 and a Series X pre-order on Amazon last November. I've been PS since PS1, but very nearly switched this time for the crazy value that GP offers...that three years of GPU for the cost of Xbox live gold converted into it for a dollar is hard to argue with.

In the end, I gave up the Series X pre-order and stuck with Sony but I now wish I had gone the other way. I mostly buy indie games and games on sale, but even with that I'd probably have saved money since last year as nearly all of my purchase are on game pass. That's without considering stuff like Forza and the rest.

To date, my PS5 is used purely for my PS4 backlog and PS+, some admittedly patched to run better. Haven't bought a single PS5 exclusive game yet due to the pricing.

I was swayed by being so deep in the PS ecosystem really, but I should have just kept the PS4 Pro for my backlog and PS+ and the Series X for game pass and the access to all their first party stuff day one.

Re: When Will PS5 Exclusives Drop in Price on PS Store?


I wouldn't ever pay £70, although even with PSN you can get them for £60 via discounted credit from the likes of cdkeys and the other usual suspects.

I wait for sales, and coupled with 15% off those prices together with the plus games, it's not expensive to build a great library.

If you feel you must pay £70 or near that just to get your buggy, feature-incomplete day one game then so be it I guess.

Re: PS5 Redesign to Manufacture in 2022, Will Likely Only Alter Internals


Coil whine is a thing. There's loads out there who think they haven't got it, but they're just unaware either because they use headphones, the TV or sound system is drowning it out, the console is far enough away that their hearing just isn't good enough to pick it up, they don't play games where it's present (doesn't occur on PS4 games, and not at all or only occasionally on some PS5 games) or they simply don't notice it.

For my digital console, I sit far enough away that I don't hear it so not an issue for me, and for whatever reason people don't discern it, that's great, but although I hate to burst some bubbles, it's not like Sony made some consoles with special PSU's and some without.

Hopefully the 2022 revision will eliminate it, or they'll use dampening compound on the components in question, which is the solution microsoft employed on the Series X.