@thefourfoldroot 'Still, I’d happily say it in every relevant article across the internet if I had time, eventually the pressure of many voices can prevail'
It'll just mean there are more eye rolls, more like.
If you're literally never going to use the disc drive (myself, and others in these comments) then why would you want an uglier console?
I'm allergic to fish, but the argument here seems to be that if someone dumps a load of salmon in amongst my other food in my online shopping I should be happy because it's free and I can ignore it.
@Casco yeah if there's a cheap upgrade path then I'll be in. Otherwise, will stick to back compat on my PS5 with the PS4 version (although the existence of this directors cut pretty much rules out getting a 60fps patch now!)
I was fortunate enough to have a PS5 and a Series X pre-order on Amazon last November. I've been PS since PS1, but very nearly switched this time for the crazy value that GP offers...that three years of GPU for the cost of Xbox live gold converted into it for a dollar is hard to argue with.
In the end, I gave up the Series X pre-order and stuck with Sony but I now wish I had gone the other way. I mostly buy indie games and games on sale, but even with that I'd probably have saved money since last year as nearly all of my purchase are on game pass. That's without considering stuff like Forza and the rest.
To date, my PS5 is used purely for my PS4 backlog and PS+, some admittedly patched to run better. Haven't bought a single PS5 exclusive game yet due to the pricing.
I was swayed by being so deep in the PS ecosystem really, but I should have just kept the PS4 Pro for my backlog and PS+ and the Series X for game pass and the access to all their first party stuff day one.
@Boucho11 yeah definitely. that's why I'm holding off on my previous suggestion of Jurassic World Evolution. Real bargain but has soon-to-be plus game written over it.
Did get Toki Toki 2 for a quid though. Feel on safe ground with that one 😀
Put Control Ultimate Edition on, spin the camera around in a room on 30 and 60fps.
If you still claim you 'cant notice any difference' despite the very obvious judder and blur at 30fps then there's something wrong with the perception of your brain, not your eyes. See a doctor in that case because you have an issue.
Got the platinum on this few years back when it was less.....complicated. the amount of overlapping systems nowadays, and the game is just way more busywork to do. NO.
Too cartoony and syrupy for me. Not a criticism per se; I've always felt that way about these games. Makes me feel ike I'm watching an ott 'family friendly' TV show, complete with funny-not-funny quips and moralising.
At least no fomo or waiting for sales for me though.
Coil whine is a thing. There's loads out there who think they haven't got it, but they're just unaware either because they use headphones, the TV or sound system is drowning it out, the console is far enough away that their hearing just isn't good enough to pick it up, they don't play games where it's present (doesn't occur on PS4 games, and not at all or only occasionally on some PS5 games) or they simply don't notice it.
For my digital console, I sit far enough away that I don't hear it so not an issue for me, and for whatever reason people don't discern it, that's great, but although I hate to burst some bubbles, it's not like Sony made some consoles with special PSU's and some without.
Hopefully the 2022 revision will eliminate it, or they'll use dampening compound on the components in question, which is the solution microsoft employed on the Series X.
@PossibLeigh I think he's avoiding spoilers, mostly. He discusses checkpointing in a purposely obtuse way.
I tend to trust Eurogamer; admittedly they're only confiming my own view on this game so there's selective choice there. Still, I'll stick to all the other Housemarque games I have and love!
Comments 44
Re: Promising PS4 Horror Chernobylite Secures Physical Release
Re: Latest PS Store Sale Offers Nearly 600 PS5, PS4 Mid-Year Deals
@thefourfoldroot 'Still, I’d happily say it in every relevant article across the internet if I had time, eventually the pressure of many voices can prevail'
It'll just mean there are more eye rolls, more like.
Re: Walmart Upgrades Some PS5 Digital Edition Orders to Blu-ray Model
If you're literally never going to use the disc drive (myself, and others in these comments) then why would you want an uglier console?
I'm allergic to fish, but the argument here seems to be that if someone dumps a load of salmon in amongst my other food in my online shopping I should be happy because it's free and I can ignore it.
Re: Death Stranding Director's Cut Rating Specifically Mentions Stealth Takedowns
@Casco yeah if there's a cheap upgrade path then I'll be in. Otherwise, will stick to back compat on my PS5 with the PS4 version (although the existence of this directors cut pretty much rules out getting a 60fps patch now!)
Re: Deal: Physical PS5 Games Get Significant Price Cuts
Cdkeys are about the only place that beats shopto for easy discount on PSN credit - until recently you could save 15% off their £100 code.
There are places where you can get 20%+ off but you need to be monitoring them regularly.
Re: Poll: Did E3 2021 Suck?
@lacerz Did Sony have a worse E3 than MS? Since they didn't even bother to show up, it's a pretty conclusive yes.
I'm a PS5 owner and don't have an Xbox of any generation, but I'm objective enough to say it as it is.
Re: Poll: Did E3 2021 Suck?
It only sucked for devoted Sony fans. Xbox Series X owners (well even last gen MS too) are laughing all the way to games heaven.
Love how this site didn't give an option for Sony as the company who had the worst E3. The fact Sony weren't there was their choice.
Re: Reaction: Xbox Game Pass Is the Thorn in PS5's Side
I was fortunate enough to have a PS5 and a Series X pre-order on Amazon last November. I've been PS since PS1, but very nearly switched this time for the crazy value that GP offers...that three years of GPU for the cost of Xbox live gold converted into it for a dollar is hard to argue with.
In the end, I gave up the Series X pre-order and stuck with Sony but I now wish I had gone the other way. I mostly buy indie games and games on sale, but even with that I'd probably have saved money since last year as nearly all of my purchase are on game pass. That's without considering stuff like Forza and the rest.
To date, my PS5 is used purely for my PS4 backlog and PS+, some admittedly patched to run better. Haven't bought a single PS5 exclusive game yet due to the pricing.
I was swayed by being so deep in the PS ecosystem really, but I should have just kept the PS4 Pro for my backlog and PS+ and the Series X for game pass and the access to all their first party stuff day one.
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update 1.2.2 Gigantic Patch Notes Revealed
You get all this now, for a brand new price of around £35. And yet people still buy day one software lol.
Re: Acclaimed Rogue-Like Hades Finally Comes to PS5, PS4 This August
@J2theEzzo I succumbed to Curse of the Dead Gods recently. Wish I hadn't tbh, because despite the visual copying, it sure as heck ain't Hades either!
Re: The Crew 2 Keeps on Rolling with Ongoing Support
30fps on this type of game is nothing short of treasonous.
To then fail to provide 60fps patches for the new consoles is stupidity on stilts.
Re: Returnal PS5 Patch 1.4.0 to Fix Trophy Issues, Tweak Balancing, and Much More
Again, day one buying is for mugs. Look at the state of the game now with all the patches compared to launch.
Re: F1 2021 Laps Predecessors with 4K, 60fps and 1440p, 120fps Options on PS5
@sanderson72 I wouldn't even consider 30fps on a racing game whatever the resolution
Re: PS Store Double Discounts Sale Has Over 400 PS5, PS4 Deals
@Boucho11 yeah definitely. that's why I'm holding off on my previous suggestion of Jurassic World Evolution. Real bargain but has soon-to-be plus game written over it.
Did get Toki Toki 2 for a quid though. Feel on safe ground with that one 😀
Re: New PS5 Firmware Update Available to Download Now
@AgentGuapo Yeah I love updates. People today don't know they're born etc!
Re: PS Store Double Discounts Sale Has Over 400 PS5, PS4 Deals
Another bargain I've seen is Jurassic World Evolution Deluxe Edition with 80% off, down to £9.59.
Re: PS Store Double Discounts Sale Has Over 400 PS5, PS4 Deals
Toki Toki 2+ for £1.19 is a giveaway
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: Fidelity, Performance, Performance RT - Which Graphics Mode Is Best?
Put Control Ultimate Edition on, spin the camera around in a room on 30 and 60fps.
If you still claim you 'cant notice any difference' despite the very obvious judder and blur at 30fps then there's something wrong with the perception of your brain, not your eyes. See a doctor in that case because you have an issue.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5) - Intergalactic Stunner Puts PS5's Power on Display
@Profondo Crying because it didn't get a 10? Weird.
Have some cheese with your whine and keep telling yourself that it's 10/10.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5) - Intergalactic Stunner Puts PS5's Power on Display
Ratchet and Bland.
Re: Over 1,200 PS5, PS4 Deals Added to Indie Games Sale on PS Store
@djdizzy both brilliant games, and great value
Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?
At least Sony aren't like the filth over at Nintendo.
Re: PlayStation Studios Boss Suggests God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7 Are Also Coming to PS4
PS5 only titles coming in 2025 (maybe)
Re: No Man's Sky Gets Visual Overhaul in New Prisms Update
Got the platinum on this few years back when it was less.....complicated. the amount of overlapping systems nowadays, and the game is just way more busywork to do. NO.
Re: PS Store Days of Play Sale Discounts 60 PS5 Games, 500 PS4 Games
13 Sentinels good price, sub £20 with PSN discounted credit is a good deal.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart PS5 Size Is Smaller Than We Thought
@Martijn87 do people really still think using a disc takes up less internal drive space than digital?
Re: New PS Store Sale Discounts 250 PS5, PS4 Retro Games and Remasters
@Jayofmaya awww don't cry. I hear CDs are very cheap now too.
Re: New PS Store Sale Discounts 250 PS5, PS4 Retro Games and Remasters
@Xenomorph_79 then you have to mess about with discs like a peasant from twenty years ago. no ta.
Re: Sony Discounting Demon's Souls, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, and More PS5 Games in Days of Play Sale
I wouldn't ever mess about with discs like a peasant again for any price.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Miles Morales Comes Back Swinging While Mass Effect Launches to the Top
Returnal will be half price by end of summer. (still wouldn't buy it though)
Re: When Will PS5 Exclusives Drop in Price on PS Store?
I wouldn't ever pay £70, although even with PSN you can get them for £60 via discounted credit from the likes of cdkeys and the other usual suspects.
I wait for sales, and coupled with 15% off those prices together with the plus games, it's not expensive to build a great library.
If you feel you must pay £70 or near that just to get your buggy, feature-incomplete day one game then so be it I guess.
Re: First Impressions: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Is an Eye-Popping Demonstration of PS5's Power
Too cartoony and syrupy for me. Not a criticism per se; I've always felt that way about these games. Makes me feel ike I'm watching an ott 'family friendly' TV show, complete with funny-not-funny quips and moralising.
At least no fomo or waiting for sales for me though.
Re: Subnautica: Below Zero (PS5) - Aquatic Open World Is Cooler Than Cool
Meh. I'll be more interested to check out the original with the PS5 patch tbh.
Re: Sony Reiterates PS5 Stock Shortages Won't Go Away Anytime Soon
@CrushALL Indeed! As if Sony can somehow magic millions of processors out of thin air.
Even the likes of Samsung, who make most of their own chips, are struggling with the current supply/demand situation.
Re: PS5 Redesign to Manufacture in 2022, Will Likely Only Alter Internals
Coil whine is a thing. There's loads out there who think they haven't got it, but they're just unaware either because they use headphones, the TV or sound system is drowning it out, the console is far enough away that their hearing just isn't good enough to pick it up, they don't play games where it's present (doesn't occur on PS4 games, and not at all or only occasionally on some PS5 games) or they simply don't notice it.
For my digital console, I sit far enough away that I don't hear it so not an issue for me, and for whatever reason people don't discern it, that's great, but although I hate to burst some bubbles, it's not like Sony made some consoles with special PSU's and some without.
Hopefully the 2022 revision will eliminate it, or they'll use dampening compound on the components in question, which is the solution microsoft employed on the Series X.
Re: Soapbox: 69% of PlayStation's Revenue Is Driven by PS Store, But the Shopping Experience Sucks
I spend my time on psprices.com and only ever use the store when I already know what I'm buying. So it's really not a big deal.
Re: May 2021 PS Plus Games Are Available to Download Now
Downloaded Wreckfest, it's trash. My PS5 thanked me for deleting it off the internal drive half an hour later.
Re: UK Sales Charts: PS5 Roguelike Returnal Off to Slower Start Than Other Sony Exclusives
@Darten nearly as insane as you apparently not understanding economies of scale or logistics.
Re: Returnal Crashes May Be Sony's Problem, Other Bugs Being Investigated
So this is what £70 gets you, huh?! What a f***ing joke.
Re: Housemarque Acknowledges Request for Mid-Run Saves in Returnal
They must be dumb as rocks if it needed the community to point out the urgent need for this in the first place.
Re: Returnal (PS5) - Housemarque's Deep, Dark Shooter Is a PS5 Must Have
@PossibLeigh I think he's avoiding spoilers, mostly. He discusses checkpointing in a purposely obtuse way.
I tend to trust Eurogamer; admittedly they're only confiming my own view on this game so there's selective choice there. Still, I'll stick to all the other Housemarque games I have and love!
Re: Returnal (PS5) - Housemarque's Deep, Dark Shooter Is a PS5 Must Have
@Kirbyboy92 when there's not much food to eat, anything tastes nice
Re: Returnal (PS5) - Housemarque's Deep, Dark Shooter Is a PS5 Must Have
Sounds more frustrating than fun. Eurogamer's review is very enlightening in that aspect.
Pre-ordering stuff, especially at this price, makes zero sense. Reap the whirlwind when you rage quit or give up on this in a few days time. smh.
Re: Returnal (PS5) - Housemarque's Deep, Dark Shooter Is a PS5 Must Have
That is all.