Comments 780

Re: Rumour: Sony's Building a Supercharged PS4 Console


No i don't want this what would happen is developers will make games that will only work on the ps4.5 therefore abandoning the older one or they will make games for both but only focus on the 4.5 and the version of the game for the original PlayStation will be a bad port

Re: Review: Heavy Rain (PS4)


I loved Beyond Two Souls so I might have a stab at this
EDIT: so I just watched digital foundry's video on it and it appears its got quite a few bugs so I would wait for it to get patched first

Re: Star Ocean 5 Promises to Be a Silky Smooth 60fps RPG on PS4


@kyleforrester87 @Grawlog yep i agree i think 30fps is fine and all just make sure it doesn't go below that but if i was a developer id Rather lower the graphics to make the game 60 thou the thing about 120hz is that 4k is growing and most people would move to 4k over 120hz and if they move to 4k they wont be able to push there rigs to 120fps