

Someone who chose the way of gaming

Comments 188

Re: God of War PS4 Director Says Accessibility Will Never Compromise His Vision


Easy mode makes me being spoiled without realizing it.

this could affect behavior for future influence the way people enjoying things (not happened to everyone, of course)

i did that with example: Tales of Berseria, to fight the endgame boss early.
I turned to easy difficulty "BECAUSE IT WAS THERE".
i ignored battle mechanics and rely on spamming attack button.
i won, but it feels meaningless, not enjoyable.

i was planning to do it with hardest difficulty "later" on new game plus.

1 year passed...
or was it 2?
still havent done it.
because the enthusiasm is gone already.

But my personal thought is...

"It's ok for any games to have difficulty settings, BUT NOT SOULS GAME OK!, why? because souls game never have difficulty setting at the first place and the audience loved the game because of it. if they happened to make it easy, i guess the long time fans will avoid it. and there they goes, From software losing their audience".

Re: Hands On: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Is a Harsh and Fascinating New World to Conquer


Things that i feel annoyed about this game is when i fight in narrow place: lock-on target lost while they jumping off screen, leave me vulnerable while rotating camera trying to locate the enemy.

and also if i got cornered at the wall, camera zoomed in as in first person mode, again leave me vulnerable because i cant see my character whether its staggered or still on blocking stance.

they really need to fix this camera problem.
some deaths are unfair because of it.

Re: PS4 Firmware Update 6.50 Released, Adds Remote Play for iOS Devices


@Quintumply Then i realized its actually, only let players change O to X, not the other way around.
So it seems only asian region PS4 system will have that option.

Well its quite disappointing for me, because i personally get used with O as Enter, since i live in asian region and my PS3+Vita are all O oriented button.

I want to change it to O, lol

But nevermind, it doesnt matter anymore

Re: Site News: Push Square Is Now Ten Years Old (We Think)


Happy birthday Push Square. You always my favourite site, because i enjoy most of articles in here (of course there are some that i disagree about oponions, but its normal).

But more like, this site is feels like 'Home' to me, since im quite a playstation fan (but not fanatic) and being here much less toxic than any other general gaming community.
So yeah, just chill and push that square button.

Well, happy birthday and glad to have you, always~

Re: PlayStation's Japanese Monster Hunter: World Ad Is Predictably Brilliant


Hahahahahah Takayuki Yamada is really funny guy, its nice to see him as Playstation mascot in ad.
in some previous ad he also looks cool holding a sword against giant enemy.
He also starring a Dragon Quest parody "purposedly limited budget" series from Square Enix, and he just perfect for main character.

that aside.
The ad indeed a brilliant one.
MH series was meant to be played "With Friends", yes, an actual friends or friends we know in real life, our online best friends also counts.
That's the real value of this game.
The ad shows Yamada excitement to give those money so they use it to buy monster hunter, because those are his friends.
When in PSP era me and friends used to ad-hoc multiplayer this game at work or in random cafe, the team work, the laugh, the desperation and the winning are real. and we always compare the loot we got after every fight, its just exciting if we got the rarest materials to create specific armor or weapons. if we are more than 4 people we divide the team and helping each other beat quests to reach higher rank.

Now we will have it on PS4.
Along wit voice chat, its easier for us to play this game at home anytime and along with great evolution of the game itself.
feels like dream come true.

I played some beta, include the 3ds version and this PS4 latest one.
I set my mind into a thought of new players.
The beta and demo dont actually give the true Monster Hunter series have to offer, unfortunately its like only 10% what it have to offer.
As new players, its so hard getting the game due of many tutorials, especially in whole 1 star rank. most people will be turned off when doing that egg delivery mission or some herb gathering.
the actual play will start in late of star 2 missions. usually at that time people will understand how the game works, to push away our stupid ego expectation of "how a game movement and attack should be", some will realize this is how Monster Hunter is, dont ever change this brilliant gameplay.
just like how people getting addicted to souls series after they "get into it".

Monster Hunter and Dark Souls is a series which inspired dozen of other games, even can be said as genre prodigy of Hunting. and Souls-Like.
If you like their inspired games, for example: God Eater, Toukiden, Soul Sacrifice, Freedom Wars. etc etc etc
Then Monster Hunter has the core of them all, the root of all fruits in our era of cooperative multiplayer games.

Re: Game of the Year 2017: #6 - Resident Evil 7


@FullbringIchigo In other perspective, if this game name (RE 7) was not resident evil, it will appear as First Person Shooter who highly inspired by Resident Evil and reminds people of Resident Evil.

Other generic first person shooter doesn't feels like this.

And anyway, since it was capcom who made it, i dont think its valid to state that "this is not resi games etc etc"
its just individual taste and opinion, nothing more than that.

Re: Review: Final Fantasy XV: Comrades (PS4)


i personally think this one has high potential. this 1.00 just still not fully developed yet (also bugs occured often).
in future they can add new interface, exploring mission.

Basicly the loading times is the same as if you load a savegame in main game, so, like, they loads the whole world.
while in-game mission itself actually an open world, but the game limits the area you can explore.

as for other thing, if you a fan of Monster Hunter game, for now this expansion very similiar to it, but with different weapon upgrade system.
the stats, skills and magic implementationin weapon upgrades for me quite good.
with more slots available , it will be highly customizable than any FF game ever, which is nice.

Yes, I agree about this one thing that wore me off.
loading times.

so, i do grind and farm materials while reading books, watching some movie, eating, etc.

hope they will improvise things to be more seamless.
and of course, adds dungeon missions, exploration, random generated area and even link attack like in the main game.
judging by so many gameplay inside one disc (or digital download), it's not imposiible to add more and more things in FFXV.

Its a beautiful world.
but not everyone like it.
just like real world.

FFXV lovers should give more chance and help it grow.
for haters, there's still lots of new game for you guys to play, please go away, your harsh opinion meaninglessly not needed since you guys not play this game anyway

oh, well, i go back farm some behemoth horn or something for now...