

Someone who chose the way of gaming

Comments 188

Re: Unlike Atlus, Square Enix Sees the Value in Streams


Atlus: "If you decide to stream past 7/7 (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND NOT DOING THIS, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED), you do so at the risk of being issued a content ID claim or worse, a channel strike/account suspension.''

The meaning just obvious: "They dont want their game being streamed, do it and prepare to be punished"
And those warning even suits the game theme

It's great decision.
More like, awesome, actually~

Re: Unlike Atlus, Square Enix Sees the Value in Streams


@Octane in case for Persona 5, I believe they dont need to worry about bad press or anything, nor they need promotion from the streams.
And people like me who truly appreciate the game as the way it is, feels so honored with this Atlus decision.

It's just awesome game to the fullest.

Re: Unlike Atlus, Square Enix Sees the Value in Streams


@Octane Streams let the people who doesnt play the game saw the story and freely posting/uploading pics (maybe pics from google) with "TEXT CONTAINS SPOILER" through the internet, because they know.
*Pic of a persona character
Text: "Damn, this person is the one who killed that character!"
Few of my friends done that.

There are people who value streams for their popularity and views.
But there are also people who value the experience of the game itself, atlus seems on this side, and i genuinely understand this.

Re: Unlike Atlus, Square Enix Sees the Value in Streams


I'm not agree.

For a game like Persona, it's too risky for spoilers.

I was once a victim.

I was enjoying the game, I mean, SO ENJOYING THE GAME of Persona 4 (in PS2 era).
You know that kind of excitement, like a little kid who just got a new toy, the feeling of everyday is like a new day.
i played day by day with curiousity in my face (since the game is about mystery and all)

But suddenly i got struck by spoiler, by irresponsible person, who just love share spoiler, for attention.
He let me know the true villain behind it all, which is day by day in-game investigation are for nothing.

All those excitement, are gone, curiosity are lost.
Scale from 100% enjoying the game, to just 5%.
It simply ruins everything.

So i stopped playing.
Because the most important thing from the game to deliver is no longer there.

It's like when hearing a comedian in stand up comedy, the comedian take 30 hours to build a super funny punchline, but I already know the punchline, so i didnt laugh, the comedian works are in-vain,

Yes, it okay to be able to stream and screenshots cool things.
But it commonly happening in this days, those parts of the video and screenshots which are contain spoilers RANDOMLY APPEAR in newsfeed on facebook, twitter, line, instagram, blackberry messnger (as profile picture etc), and we just shocked, helplessly inevitable not able to stop them.
Because, well they easily have access to post them, they have privillege, they're innocent, they just love to post, THEY LOVE ATTENTION JUST LIKE THE SHADOW OF THEIR TRUE SELF NEED TO BE ACCEPTED BY SOCIETY.

So, Atlus think: "How to stop all these shadows?"
"Ah, let just lock the door, dont give them access to unleash and bring ruins of those valuable feeling of what human cherish to the world, muahahaha"

these locked stream and sharing may a bad move at some perception, but it's for a good cause.
In my agreement, I just hope after time passed, they will lift the restriction until most of the major of players finished the game, I think they can surveyed by online in-game daily activity, most of progress record always uploaded to the server right? you know, press touchpad to see what other players do.

Re: Review: Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (PS4)


Ah, its that castlevania symphonia of the night feeling.
Was about to get it actually, but yeah just like you said, too crowd of games at this week and month.
But I will get it eventually.
is it just me or that scary looking girl in the cover actually looks funny, not scary, lol
And this will be great on Vita too....

Re: Here's 27 Uninterrupted Minutes of NieR: Automata PS4 Gameplay


I'm playing asia version, and just finished today (not true ending)
Played it over 60hours (Addiitionally few hours idle, like drinking coffee or listening some music at camp)

This game escalating like crazy.

I suggest avoid youtube/media sharing with possible spoilers.
The game contains many surprises and even break the fourth wall.

play it blindly, enjoy throughly.
I suggest that strongly.

This game is directed brilliantly.

Re: Talking Point: Are 'Live Games' Really What You Want on PS4?


When will human start stop using this cheap human's "psychologically competitive" business?
Bloodily they even use gacha for it.

If you asked what "I WANT" i simply being honest.
I want a game that fully created as "Art"
which has value by itself, not being awfully competitive to rise the value.
No need as "Live Game" to exist.
I agree with your article, we move from game to game, because thats what life is.
More games we play, more experience of gaming we had.

A Game of itself.

Re: Review: Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization (PS4)


So far its really okay for me..

well, i hate to admit, im sick of cheesy dialogue and undependable AI.

If only we actually play as New Player and meet Kirito and his friends, I guess it will be better plot.

I dont want to be Kirito, its forcefully harem and too OP.

can we just be normal players and face the challenge as our own self?

Other than that, the game is awesome.

Re: Review: Resident Evil 6 (PS4)


I put aside what other opinions about this game, mostly bias.

As for me, this is one of the best RE i've ever played.
The gameplay really fun actually.
We can have so many set of moves compared to other RE.
We can do rider kick, we can slide and shoot, rolling, shoryuken uppercut, wrestling move, german suplex, all depends on each characters though, so bloody fun.

The stories are more emotion oriented than hard plot. I personally never cared about stories in classic RE, have you?

For me, things that annoying is those swarming of armed zombies, they kinda ruined the balance and Jake/Sherry level designs are hard to enjoy.
Other than that, this game is BLOODY AWESOME.

they should change the name of the game.
From Resident Evil 6 to ZOMBIE MAY CRY.
