Comments 1,032

Re: Review: Soul Sacrifice (PlayStation Vita)


@get2sammyb Email notifications for replies on Push Square?! Rock on!

I actually did really enjoy Ragnarok Odyssey. It had its faults, but I felt that it did a lot of things right, especially on the social front (online). Soul Sacrifice's aesthetics are simply too over the top for my personal taste. I'm a big fan of Japanese styled games, but I can only handle so much twisted stuff - eyes covering the entire side of an enemy and flesh covered, well... everything. It's just all a bit too much for me.

I am still rockin' the Guacamelee! though - love me some DrinkBox Studios!

Re: Opinion: Next Xbox Development Woes Could Spell Trouble for the PS4


Microsoft buying out Respawn's upcoming title will indeed pull a lot of sales for the upcoming console if it turns out to be as good as most anyone would expect it to be. This will be a huge plus for Microsoft in the West, but . I won't budge the console in other regions too much, most likely.

Sony needs the PS4 to hit the ground running with Vita still struggling so severely. If Microsoft plays this card, which is genius on its part, it will indeed have a high probability of dampening the PS4's sales in the West. Sony better put every major third party developer on stage at E3!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Four


I reviewed WRC: FIA World Championship a few month's back and after I figured out that disabling all of the assist and modifying the game's difficulty settings a bit turned it into an actual "rally racing" title that worthy of playing, I still haven't put the flipping game down. Haha

Okay, I lied. I played through BioShock Infinite and a whole bunch of other stuff too, but yeah... still playing WRC 3... and Pandora's Tower on Wii... Guacamelee!, and Fire Emblem Awakening.

Re: Talking Point: Do We Pay Too Much Attention to Review Scores?


I like review scores - they give biased fanboys something to whine about.

In all seriousness, people need to realise that objective reviews with a score slapped on them would make for a boring read. Sure, the game being reviewed might be a great game, but if it's the seventh entry in the series in half a decade, an objective review can't reflect this; people tire of things, too much of a good thing is actually a reality within the gaming industry.

Re: Talking Point: Why Gaikai Is Paramount to PlayStation's Future


@nathanuc1988 I understand where you're coming from completely, I really do. But, the dedicated gaming industry is moving in such a way that they've got to become profitable to continue growing in a forward direction - whether that's digital downloads or digital streaming - it's the future of gaming, at some point in time.

I think this is a great 'first step' on Sony's end. This upcoming generation will most likely stay relevant for another 6-8 years - giving Internet providers more time to improve their services. But, in my opinion, the following generation thereafter, you will most likely have to have a high-end Internet connection. If you don't, then well... sorry. At some point this industry will have to move forward, even if that alienates a certain demographic.

As for bandwidth issues with Gaikai. I'm not sure, as I haven't used the service, but I'd like to think that for gaming purposes it would buffer far more than your typical Internet movie service.

Re: Rumour: PlayStation 4 Will Retail for $399.99


@Sammy Oh, I think they will make it easy to upgrade the HDD. It's another way that they can use to keep the price down, because this go around - Sony has to get this thing as cheap as they possibly can.

I also think there will be a "cheaper" model too - one that will offer a discounted entry price, with a mandatory subscription plan that includes (but not limited to) PS+. First, and most importantly, they gain the impulse buyers instantly. Those who see the (est.) $200 price tag up front and just go for it. But, this also brings in a new form of revenue for Sony: late fees + interest. Not only that, but this pricing model would most likely actually cost more than buying flat out too. Sony tested this model with the Vita in Australia and I'm betting on us seeing is used globally with the PS4. It's a win/win for Sony if they do it.

Gaikai is what will make the PS4 backwards compatible (yes, it will probably cost extra to use the service); I'm calling it right here and right now.

Re: Review: Dokuro (PlayStation Network - Vita)


Great review Greg!

This review code came across my desk months ago and I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into once I booted it up. Boy am I glad that I did though, as this is indeed yet another hidden gem buried within Vita's catalogue.

Re: PlayStation Store Patch Makes Browsing Snappier


I don't care how much "better" it looks - it's cluttered, unintuitive and well, frustrating. I actually don't even check the store any more for weekly updates, instead I check the updates on my PC and if there is something I want, I go directly into it to download it.

It might look like a Lamborghini, but it sure as heck doesn't run like one.

In fact, I recently went into the store to make a few purchases. After all the fuss of trying to get my games into my cart, the 2-3 minute wait to get into my cart and another 2-3 minutes of waiting to purchase the games... it froze. Do you think I spent the time to go back in and try again? **** no!

Re: Review: Super Crate Box (PlayStation Mobile)


Great review Mike!

Good night this game is indeed highly (read: ridiculously) addictive. I snagged this the day the Mobile service launched and I've picked this up for a quick play that's lasted until my battery died far too many times since then. Great game!

Re: Talking Point: Could 2013 Be the PlayStation 3's Biggest Year Yet?


Journey and Papo and Yo made this year one of the best on the PS3 for me.

I absolutely can't wait to get back into the world of BioShock next year and The Last of Us and Tomb Raider are both day one purchases as well. I'll grab God of War: Ascension at some point, but it's not a game I'm even excited to play at the moment - the gameplay is fun, but it's started to wear on me over the years. .