Comments 1,032

Re: Bethesda Refreshes DOOM 3 for PlayStation 3


@symon12345 Considering these game's run on old hardware, I'd think it entirely possible to port them to Vita. That'd definitely be icing on the cake. Heck, then you could play it while on the toilet and it wouldn't be so bad when it literally scared the ......

Re: Sony Patent Details Advert Delivery Mechanism for Games


There's a good bit of talk that they want to run full commercial advertisements, just like what we see on TV. If it does happen, and I hope it doesn't, I think it'll only involve their Free to Play game's. We've seen what implementing in-game advertisements can cause with PC gamers before, and I don't think Sony wants that kind of fuss on their hands.

Re: Tomba! Leaps onto PSN This Summer


@James It's one of the best 2D platforming titles that's ever been developed! But yes, it is very expensive these days and my copies of the game(s) have not fared well over the years.

@UNSOLUTEDSALT Hey now, watch the 30 remarks, I've only got two full days of my 20's left.

Re: Bungie Bursts onto PlayStation in 2014


@ShogunRok Bungie has been looking for PS3 veteran developers, so I'm sure if there's a delay, it'll be for quality. Bungie is a fantastic developer that only releases quality game's. I'd rather wait a bit and get a version that's fully intact. But, that's just me.

Re: Talking Point: Why 2012 is PS3's Most Mainstream Year Yet


Yep, I'm Vita all the way for E3 too!

I think you're indeed correct Sammy. I think Sony is creating a setup that will pull in a lot of casual/younger gamers to the PS3 with a lower price-point. It's a brilliant thing to do, as it will boost system and software sales and earn the company some much needed capital. Of course, Vita will help keep us core gamers happy.

Re: Interview: SideQuest Studios - Rainbow Moon


Yep, Vita is in dire need of a great new RPG title and this looks to fit the bill perfectly. I really hope that Vita support is taken into careful consideration, because for me, not only do I prefer my RPG's on handheld consoles, but I'm very interested in Rainbow Moon and if it releases on Vita, it's without a doubt and instant purchase.

Re: Jack Tretton Against Anti-Used Games Technology


@James That's actually a brilliant idea. PS+ subscriptions covering all first party online passes is genius.

I have no qualms with online passes either. I think it's a great way for the developers to get a little bit back for all their hard work.

Re: Talking Point: Why Vita Criticisms Are Premature


@isnchz The PlayStation brand profited over $400m in the 2010-2011 fiscal year. That's a massive increase from the 2009-2010 loss of 1.1 billion, proving that they've turned the brand around.

On the subject of indie gaming, I'm really curious to see how Republique turns out. If you don't know, it's an indie title that was funded on Kickstarter by Camouflaj, and its goal is to bring a true home console worthy cinematic action title to iOS devices. Late in the funding process, it did garner PC support, with resulted in the project being funded, but if anyone can pull it off, it'll be these guys. They've got some big names in the company. I'm betting it will land on Vita and Wii U too!

Re: Talking Point: Why Vita Criticisms Are Premature


@isnchz You're obviously going to justify and argue you're points by picking and choosing bits and pieces of what i previously stated, because yet again, I can show you where you're wrong, as I obviously quickly summarized the above comments. So, I'm going to respectfully agree to disagree with you and leave it at that. I'm an avid Apple fan, with multiple iPhone's and iPad's in my home (actually just pulled another iPad 2 out of the box/shrink wrapping mere minutes ago), but I've also owned every single major console and handheld system that's released in the last 15 years, as well as being a big indie supporter via PC. You're trying to prove your points to the wrong person mate. There's a reason I write for the site here.

@LittleBigVita Nintendo's first party game's can single handed support their consoles. Sony has great game's, but they don't have anything that is solely capable of supporting an entire console, with the exception of possibly Gran Turismo. Sony relies on a large amount of varied first and third party titles to make their consoles profitable, and for me, that's the reason I've found so much enjoyment from them... variety.

Re: Talking Point: Why Vita Criticisms Are Premature


@isnchz I don't want to come off as being a bit off, but the majority of your facts, well, I hate to break it to you, but you've been fooled by the negative slam journalism that plagues the industry today, and most of what you're claiming as facts... aren't.

The facts are this:

  • Sony is extremely loyal to the indie developers, so much so that they will even fund their projects, and publish their games — without claiming ownership to their IP's. This program even allows them to turn around and sell their games on other platforms if they so desire to do so. This is called their Pubfund which you can read about here. Major PSN Indie titles: Joe Danger, Journey, Papo and Yo and PixelJunk Sidescroller have all taken advantage of this amazing program. One of these, Joe Danger, is even now available on the Xbox 360's XBLA Marketplace, and guess what? Sony funded the game.
  • Uncharted: Golden Abyss is not even remotely possible of running in its current state on the PSP!
  • Team Meat sold their rights to Super Meat Boy to Microsoft (with an agreement to bring it to Nintendo's WiiWare service, but that didn't work out). Microsoft is well known to have strict limitations that restrain developers and Team Meat learned this the hard way with SMB. Because of the contract, the game will never land on a Sony platform... ever.
  • The PS Suite is yet another example of Sony allowing the indie market to cheaply and efficiently develop and publish games to their marketplace. Yes, it's there to lure in new developers, but this is nothing new from Sony. They've nearly always treated indie developers very well, with a few exceptions (e.g. Team Meat). This is why you've got indie titles like Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack, The Pinball Arcade, Sumioni: Demon Arts and Super Stardust Delta already on Vita in the first few months after the system's release.
  • The race-to-the-bottom smartphone idustry is going to bust. You're already starting to see the realization of it if you dig around the internet (here). The average game on the iOS/Android market get <1000 downloads a year, which in turn brings in about $700 yearly. The game's cost well over that to develop, and that's why you see the same games, and their sequels shuffling around the App Market Charts daily. For the mass majority of developers, the App Markets are not profitable.
  • Sony's PSN, Microsoft's XBLA, Nintendo's eShop and PC Services like Steam, GOG, etc. are where the mass majority of indie developers are profitable. That is a fact.

Lastly, I can't for the life of me fathom how any Vita owner could call the system a failure, but that's just me.

Re: Talking Point: Why Vita Criticisms Are Premature


@Sakura_Moonlight2421 Yep, sadly they didn't even have enough preorders to warrant a midnight release for the 3DS. We do have 10 GameStop locations in my area, but only — if I recall correctly — two stores had enough to do a midnight launch.

Re: Talking Point: Why Vita Criticisms Are Premature


@Yogsoggoth Actually, 3DS sales we're quite abysmal in the first few months. Heck, I was one of four people who preordered a 3DS at my local GameStop, and I live in a major city. Regardless of sales, the PSP had a disaster of a launch. The game's were terrible, and I had three complete system failures in a week!

PSone Classics would go a long way to tide over some, as well as the PS+ issues being fixed with Minis. But, 1.8 million units shifted in three months at this time of year isn't bad at all. Sony has always been a slow and steady seller, and Vita will be no different.

I've only turned my 3DS on a handful of times since Super Mario 3D Land, but I'm not going out and selling it and claiming its demise. To be truthful, the upcoming 3DS release list that's isn't TBD is quite barren as well. Heroes of Ruin and a few first party Nintendo titles are all that I'm currently interested in for the next year or so (maybe 4 games), but that's perfectly OK with me. It's just the way things are.

Re: Worldwide Vita Sales Reach 1.8 Million


Considering the time of year that Vita launched in, I'd say the numbers aren't too bad, and their goal is very attainable. I'd expect them to shift around 2-6 million units alone during the holiday season.